I think that the WEST MEC President does act on behalf of his membership on the WEST and does a bang-up job. KUDOS to him for keeping the west informed and educating them. If he were on the EAST, he would do the same for the EAST membership. He is that caliber of person. And I do know him. He is a good guy with a good reputation of protecting his folks. I can bet that if he were the EAST MEC president, he would protect fierosously the EAST members of the Association, too.
So, on the real note here...the East MECP finally did correct himself. He's not beyond reproach...just has to be reminded what side he's suppose to be on....and trust me...he got an ear beating with CC's and bcc's via e-mailing the entire planet!!!!! I don't let these issues pass by me no matter what my occupation is! And the issue of trust is THE union issue. The contract has contractual rights regardless of holidays. Sick is sick. There is no time or season for virulent bacteria to infect f/as. And bacteria is mutating faster than the creation of new Antibiotic therapy. With the mutilple exposures to the public, its a wonder that f/as aren't sick q month with respitory/ear/eye infections.
So, look at the e-line that was sent a few days ago by the EAST MEC President. He made the correction, as he should..making contractual language crystal clear...not just for the f/as preview, but for managements review!!!
Regards, my friends....and give them hell when appropriate...