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Afa Kamikaze Attack

PitBull, Jim, & all,

We all agree on this. Have a nice Turkeyday!

PITbull said:
Now this is one of the better posts you have written of late.
I agree that to call in sick when your not is stealing; but, IMHO your comments below qualify as sick.

If I were there I would seek medical attention (physical or mental) as that would be the proper course of action.

michael707767 said:
Legitimate medical reason? Hmm, what is that? If I am exhausted from working to hard and the stress I am dealing with, is that legitimate? My doctor thinks so.
The bottomline is that 2 wrongs do not make a right...calling in sick when not ill is dishonest, period.

That is what I teach my 6 year-old...and even she gets it!

USA320Pilot said:
If people are to tired or have too much stress, or do not like working at US Airways they should resign. Why have your health suffer or be miserable when you can resign and work for a different company?

Sick time should be used when you are "ill" and not for a job action or vacation extension. When is lying o.k?



I do not think 320 is scared of losing his job (I am not). It comes down to making the most intellegent choice, and much of the ranting here does not fit that description...that is really a simple concept, and 100% honest.

Doing things that are motivated by anger, resentment, one-up-manship is short sighted and always not in best interest, if that is the over ridding driver of a given reaction.

usairways_vote_NO said:
Translation: Please don't stay and vote no just because a yes vote will vote you out of a job... because a no vote might vote me out of a job and I only think of myself and I am scared to death of losing my job.

I think that sums it up pretty much.

Oh and how about this question mr. USA320Pilot when is lying o.k. on here?

Your answer should be everyday or would that be everypost?
Seek medical attention, you need it.

Everyone has the right to express a viewpoint here, take it fo what its worth. The pain that most will experience should the shut down of this airline occur would not be equal to what you already display.

Go get some prozac!

Schatzee said:

Well guess what brotha?? The only reason that I do not add you to my Ignore list is because it will be all the sweeter to savor when the doors are shut and the lights turned out to hear you scream in pain. And don't give me the "my wife and I have alternate plans" crap. If the alternative were lucrative, you wouldn't be wasting your time with us on the board. You are pathetic and no matter what you spout, it does not mean a thing. You can't vote for CWA, AFA or IAM contracts if they even make it that far. Your brothers and sisters do get "ill" quite frequently due to the treatment they receive from CCY for being loyal and hard-working but refuse to bend over anymore. You go up and down so fast, you must have a prescription for motion sickness.

And I can only await the response of your protectors, Flyboi and Trans.
Tell your bozo ALPA Leaders (International hacks) to STOP calling AFA International and our negotiating committee and telling them what they need to do.

STop already. Your Alpa reps are sounding plenty desperate when they come in our ####...

Tell them, If they are willing to give up MORE of there pay to perserve a deal...

LET'S TALK. :up:
UseYourHead said:
Seek medical attention, you need it.

Everyone has the right to express a viewpoint here, take it fo what its worth. The pain that most will experience should the shut down of this airline occur would not be equal to what you already display.

Go get some prozac!

Anyone who has a different opinion from you and A320 always needs medical attention. Or so the two of you keep telling us. I stick by my OPINION and I have just as much right to post it as you do. If you don't like it, ignore me. You can be just as entertaining as A320 so I haven't added you to my ignore list yet.

And why do we always need medication for zinging A320? He is a pompous, overbearing company whip and his tactics are getting very, very old. If you notice my membership date vs. number of posts, you will see that I have only recently starting expressing my opinion when it comes to A320. And I will continue to do so.
EyeInTheSky said:
Something for pilots to keep in mind is when you're out interviewing at other carriers and they are looking at your log books and they say "Gee, what happened, why didn't you fly during this period?" Log books don't lie and unfortunately this is one area where if pilots do abuse their sick time it will show up. Food for thought...
Gee, the airline I'm interviewing with knew my schedule and vacation days? Who am I interviewing with, the DHS? No prospective employer can ask about how many sick days you used.

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