Well guess what brotha?? The only reason that I do not add you to my Ignore list is because it will be all the sweeter to savor when the doors are shut and the lights turned out to hear you scream in pain. And don't give me the "my wife and I have alternate plans" crap. If the alternative were lucrative, you wouldn't be wasting your time with us on the board. You are pathetic and no matter what you spout, it does not mean a thing. You can't vote for CWA, AFA or IAM contracts if they even make it that far. Your brothers and sisters do get "ill" quite frequently due to the treatment they receive from CCY for being loyal and hard-working but refuse to bend over anymore. You go up and down so fast, you must have a prescription for motion sickness.
And I can only await the response of your protectors, Flyboi and Trans.