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Afa Kamikaze Attack

PineyBob said:
I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do. That is character!
– Theodore Roosevelt

Here is a guy who worked himself up from dirt to the position he has today. All of us who live elsewhere genuflect at the feet of the Mighty PIT and their elitest attitude. It's funny how everyone who posts from PIT was all gung ho until they found out they were losing their hub status and Siegel decided to play hardball.

There but for hard work and the grace of God it could have been any of us who occupy his position. Try not to be envious! Afterall Big Steel is gonna turnaround any day now.

Envy is as evil a thing as arrogance.
– Theodore Roosevelt

So? He said it. It weakened bookings. Your rant, while (as most of them are) denegrating to the millions in western Pennsylvania who also worked themselves up from nothing, is irrelevent to my commentary (and, as I mentioned elsewhere, indicative of a pattern which I shall now call "Steel Envy").

Besides which, once half the suckers from PA who play the slots don't have to drive to Southern Joisy to do so, we'll see who laughs last about the economy (as PIT has shown, it's possible to survive the loss of big steel, whereas I don't think southern Jersey can sustain itself absent gaming revenue).

As a topical aside--Bronner's commentary cost US almost $20k of transatlantic Y and J fares that I otherwise would have flown on US. That revenue went to the BA/AA/Oneworld conglomerate. But hey, Dr. Alabubba (like so many of the rest of us) worked his way up from nothing--thus giving him the moral superiority to both run a pension fund for retirees that he's attempting to fund on the back of other's pensions.
Dr. "Dribble" may know how to MANAGE money, but he has no CLUE how to manage an airline or it's employees. Let him smoke those Cuban stogies till he's blue in the face and stinks like a sewage dump...he still don't know jack about this business.
If people are to tired or have too much stress, or do not like working at US Airways they should resign. Why have your health suffer or be miserable when you can resign and work for a different company?

Sick time should be used when you are "ill" and not for a job action or vacation extension. When is lying o.k?


USA320Pilot said:
When is lying o.k?



I would have to conclude that lying was OK all of the time..if CCY happens to be the standard by which things are judged? 😛

I would also have to conclude that lying was OK when a person cuts and pasts only enough of a given story to suit their particular brand of the truth too. :down:

Don't even begin to talk ethics to us until you yourself and those you seem so eager to defend start being honest 100% of the time too. :unsure:

I'm on record for not advocating being less than honest about using ones earned sick leave...but that's my call and my call alone to make. The sooner you come to grips with what is your call to make for you alone...and leave the rest alone to their own devices and demons to deal with...the better chance we all have of coming out better in the end. :lol:

I swear USAA320Pilot...you do as much harm as CCY ever hoped too...just back away from the keyboard and deal with your circumstances....and the rest will deal with theirs as they see fit to do. Maybe by the grace of God their choices won't trump yours...and then allow your greatest fears to become a stark reality.
I use my sick time for "mental health" days as needed. We all need those days sometime working for this outfit.
PineyBob said:
As for another's comment regrading the effects of PA slot gaming on Atlantic City's economy. I don't gamble so I don't care! Ocean County is one of the fasted growing counties in NJ and the country.

Perhaps, then, you might stop insinuating that then entire fortunes of another area are linked to either steel (which is and has been gone for some time) or US Airways. Many, just like you, don't work in mills and don't work for the airline.

Take it from somebody who spent some time in PIT after steel imploded--economic and population growth based on a single industry is a bad, bad thing (which, as an aside, is why blowing the money on the PIT terminal was dumb, and giving US the sweetheart deal they wanted would have been dumber, even if the folks in CCY were the least bit capable of making a buck).
USA320Pilot said:
If people are to tired or have too much stress, or do not like working at US Airways they should resign. Why have your health suffer or be miserable when you can resign and work for a different company?

Sick time should be used when you are "ill" and not for a job action or vacation extension. When is lying o.k?



Translation: Please don't stay and vote no just because a yes vote will vote you out of a job... because a no vote might vote me out of a job and I only think of myself and I am scared to death of losing my job.

I think that sums it up pretty much.

Oh and how about this question mr. USA320Pilot when is lying o.k. on here?

Your answer should be everyday or would that be everypost?
PineyBob said:
I just find it amusing that all of the negativity started when US Airways finally made a real business decision and closed a hub.

From the employees, I believe it started during the first bankruptcy. From me, it started when it became clear that they wasted that first bankruptcy. Oh, and they stuck my employer with a million and change in claims from the first BK, which resulted in a onetime earnings hit, which in turn impacts my stock price, which in turn reduces my income (and, like most, that makes me slightly unhappy). That's perhaps the one thing this time around that the folks in CCY can't screw up (my employer made US go to Net-0/Cash and Carry payment terms several months ago).

Note that subsequent to closing PIT, US has fallen apart in ontime performance and lost bag claims, and fallen into bankruptcy again. The wisdom of the move is still in the eye of the beholder but the evidence certainly indicates that those who made the decision could not operate a toaster without instruction (much less an airline). Bear in mind that the guy who drove that decision (Little Dave) subsequently left, went to Gate Gourmet, tried to shaft Delta, and had his ### handed to him again. I know that I regularly shaft people in the course of my job, but I'll tell them straight up--unlike Little Dave, I see no need to sneak around.

That said, I relocated across the pond right before US cut and ran at the 11th hour of bankruptcy. I suspect if you asked most of the people impacted in PIT, the ACAA, or Fast Eddie (Rendell) that it's not so much that US left, it's that they left after providing public and private written and verbal confirmation of their intentions not to do so. Had The Short Guy been upfront with the ACAA and the state, it would have potentially given enough notice to either get a deal that was mutually agreeable to all, or at least allow the ACAA to try to move on with more notice. As it is, US won't get another dime from the ACAA or the state--and that will bite US if it survives and wants anything in PHL, for instance. That the PIT terminal (and the associated debt) only exists because US demanded it is secondary.

To get back on topic, I really do think Bronner is at least as much to blame for "bookings away" as the AFA. Further, I think it's wishfull propoganda to suggest that a judge would consider the public posturing from either camp when deciding on contract issues. If he were to do so, he'd conclude that the right thing to do is to save the creditors and liquidate the joint, since the current crop of executives (and Bronner) has shown they lack the ability to profitably run the enterprise (and have proven so by opening their mouths, among other things).
USA320Pilot said:
A320 SAID:If people are to tired or have too much stress, or do not like working at US Airways they should resign. Why have your health suffer or be miserable when you can resign and work for a different company?

Sick time should be used when you are "ill" and not for a job action or vacation extension. When is lying o.k?



Well guess what brotha?? The only reason that I do not add you to my Ignore list is because it will be all the sweeter to savor when the doors are shut and the lights turned out to hear you scream in pain. And don't give me the "my wife and I have alternate plans" crap. If the alternative were lucrative, you wouldn't be wasting your time with us on the board. You are pathetic and no matter what you spout, it does not mean a thing. You can't vote for CWA, AFA or IAM contracts if they even make it that far. Your brothers and sisters do get "ill" quite frequently due to the treatment they receive from CCY for being loyal and hard-working but refuse to bend over anymore. You go up and down so fast, you must have a prescription for motion sickness.

And I can only await the response of your protectors, Flyboi and Trans.
To all:

A happy turkey day. Best to you and yours.

I find the rants on this board to be rather funny. USA320 cannot refrain from telling everyone here who is unhappy to leave. Others cannot refrain from telling 320 what a dolt he is.

Opinions are like rear ends. Everyone has one. Some agree, some do not.

As for the AFA drawing a line in the sand, this is what it will take to make the dolts in Washington take heed that the carnage in the industry cannot continue unabated without serious consequences down the road. Face facts, the AFA is being asked to work for a wage that is not up to a standard that it would take to raise a family. ALPA still has the benefit of being able to raise a family. Am I suggesting that the company take from ALPA to give to the AFA and others? No. However this is what will occur because the AFA is willing to go to the mattresses on these and other issues and ALPA will not.

I don't begrudge the AFA or the IAM a thing. If they kill the company, they kill the company. IMO, they will not because the weenies at CCY like their perks and paychecks as much as 320 likes his 4th stripe and they will certainly do what it takes to see this thing fly. If they don't they may find it increasingly more difficult to sell their wares to other companies when the door hits them in the butt. Glass et all may find homes at other companies that need strong arm tactics, but they will never work for a company that values their employees because they have shown that they do not value their employees.

I find the AFA veil of solidarity ironic. No LUV F/A with a cell of brain matter will walk off a plane if the AFA contract at U is abrogated. This may be a kamikaze move. But kamikaze moves are the trademark of desperation. It may work, it may not, but the alternatives (losing ones home/finances/etc) is the same.


Jim and Boomer,

So well said, gentlemen, that I have nothing to add. Many thanks for your understanding and support.


The day is coming when the company's integtrity is going to be lovingly documented for all to see. This company is unwilling to go by the policies it has created, let alone the contracts it signed.

The average employee has more integrity in 5 minutes than the Palace will have in 5 years.

Of course, there are those who drag the averages down! 😛

Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
CaptianBoomer said:
To all:

A happy turkey day. Best to you and yours.

PITMTC comment:
Happy turkey day to you as well

I find the rants on this board to be rather funny. USA320 cannot refrain from telling everyone here who is unhappy to leave. Others cannot refrain from telling 320 what a dolt he is.

Opinions are like rear ends. Everyone has one. Some agree, some do not.

As for the AFA drawing a line in the sand, this is what it will take to make the dolts in Washington take heed that the carnage in the industry cannot continue unabated without serious consequences down the road. Face facts, the AFA is being asked to work for a wage that is not up to a standard that it would take to raise a family. ALPA still has the benefit of being able to raise a family. Am I suggesting that the company take from ALPA to give to the AFA and others? No. However this is what will occur because the AFA is willing to go to the mattresses on these and other issues and ALPA will not.

PIT MTC comments:
The serious consequences will untimately fall on us, not the people in Washington. You are correct about the AFA wages, but can not compare them with ALPA's deal. They cut theirs separately. If the AFA want's to fight that is their move, again not to be tied in with ALPA's workings.

I don't begrudge the AFA or the IAM a thing. If they kill the company, they kill the company. IMO, they will not because the weenies at CCY like their perks and paychecks as much as 320 likes his 4th stripe and they will certainly do what it takes to see this thing fly. If they don't they may find it increasingly more difficult to sell their wares to other companies when the door hits them in the butt. Glass et all may find homes at other companies that need strong arm tactics, but they will never work for a company that values their employees because they have shown that they do not value their employees.

PITMTC comments:
The "weenies" at CCY who need and want to keep a paycheck coming in are not the ones running this show. The top dogs do not need a paycheck from this place and do not stand to lose. I have argued this point before, they WILL get jobs. Glass will be just fine with a company like you stated. I do not think he will be approaching SW or JB for his help. He knows they do not need him. There is work out there for his type.

I find the AFA veil of solidarity ironic. No LUV F/A with a cell of brain matter will walk off a plane if the AFA contract at U is abrogated. This may be a kamikaze move. But kamikaze moves are the trademark of desperation. It may work, it may not, but the alternatives (losing ones home/finances/etc) is the same.


CaptianBoomer said:
To all:

Glass et all may find homes at other companies that need strong arm tactics, but they will never work for a company that values their employees because they have shown that they do not value their employees.


Glass and his group leaches off the poorly ran, mismanaged companies that can not manage themselves. There will always be room for the "bottom feeders" like him in companies that have inept, low talent, self serving exec's like this place is infected with. It's gonna take more than the Orkin Man to clean out the infestation in CCY. Like the Roach Motel, they check in, but don't check out until they get the truck loaded with cash.
USA320Pilot said:
If people are to tired or have too much stress, or do not like working at US Airways they should resign. Why have your health suffer or be miserable when you can resign and work for a different company?

Sick time should be used when you are "ill" and not for a job action or vacation extension. When is lying o.k?



Full sick bank aye? I've seen the pilot roster so what's your excuse? Just asking an honest question. Me, I haven't called off sick in 18 years, call me a lucky guy. Something for pilots to keep in mind is when you're out interviewing at other carriers and they are looking at your log books and they say "Gee, what happened, why didn't you fly during this period?" Log books don't lie and unfortunately this is one area where if pilots do abuse their sick time it will show up. Food for thought...
WestCoastGuy said:
I use my sick time for "mental health" days as needed. We all need those days sometime working for this outfit.

AMAN!! 🙄 USA320Pilot, please don't preach to us about lies OR ethics. US Airways wrote the book on lies and has no ethics. And if you want to talk about abuse...well, don't EVEN get me started. <_<

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