Additional F/a Duties

USflyboi....any comments on the WSJ Article? What's your take? Do You agree with our VP from Inflight??? Do you have an extra F/A in first class to rely upon in an emergency? Do You make Over $50,000 a year? No offense....just wondering> :huh:
Of course usfliboy is on A scale and insulated from the "beatings" the JR people are taking....why would you even have to ask?

You are right on target with the statement about the former Sr. Director of In-flight. We never had this many grievances or issues before Ms. Groff came. No one ever sees her except in the A321 1st class cabin going to LAX. The department ran really well when we had 3000 more F/A's and no VP! The whole department is pretty much out of touch with what's happening on the aircraft.
She should be ashmed!...if I am working 1st class I won't leave the cockpit door area unless the aircraft is on fire! She thinks we can be 20 places at once.
USAirboyA330. Well, I too am on "A" scale and have been for quite some time. Yet count me in as a Junior. I see usflyboi has not responded. And I quite agree with Pitbull on this. It is amazing. Inflight is now reducing themselves to calling on Inv. days and harassing us. Just got this straight from a F/A mouth who is being called on the carpet for a funeral. He has 15 years and no infractions. :blink:

That f/as shouldn't be called on any carpet. He needs to call his union rep asap.

They'll handle it.
Pitbull. I am sure I do not need to tell you that just about everyone on line right now knows that the Company is doing everything within their power to fire us even for the least little thing. I do believe he has contacted the Union, but please don't take offense but there are only so many Union Reps to go around. From what I have heard, our Union is being bombarded daily with calls. I frankly cannot fathom how our Union is handling all of the calls as well as grievances. It is mind boggling. Between the Company, Inflight and Scheduling it appears to me that the force is on to debilitate us all. We Have one person that I know of who is willing to fight and sacrifice on behalf of the USAirways Flight Attendants and although I am not a spokesperson, I have developed a tremendous amount of respect and trust that I am taking with me to my fellow co-workers. It is about time that all of realize what is at stake here and WHO IS REPRENTING US. :)
USAirBoyA330 said:
Of course usfliboy is on A scale and insulated from the "beatings" the JR people are taking....why would you even have to ask?

You are right on target with the statement about the former Sr. Director of In-flight. We never had this many grievances or issues before Ms. Groff came. No one ever sees her except in the A321 1st class cabin going to LAX. The department ran really well when we had 3000 more F/A's and no VP! The whole department is pretty much out of touch with what's happening on the aircraft.
She should be ashmed!...if I am working 1st class I won't leave the cockpit door area unless the aircraft is on fire! She thinks we can be 20 places at once.
The fact i may or may not agree with some one doesnt make THEM stupid. I know she could be out of touch but please stupid?
AIR BOI!!! My friend the only difference between you and I is that I have alot more experience at dealing with the cuts layoffs dis placements. You will never be in a position to judge where i come from nor will I YOU ! Ive been here dude and done it alot more more than hopefully you will have to ! I have more to lose than you dictated by that "A" scale and the time in vested. I will not debate your maturity nor your inexp. Please dont judge mine! I personally do not have a problem with the staffin we have on most flights. Our job is simple, at for the most part not complicated when it comes to long haul service. (WOW COMING FROM AN "A" scale boi) I do my job and do it really well. My life is not bound by complaining and whining.
ktflyhome said:
USAirboyA330. Well, I too am on "A" scale and have been for quite some time. Yet count me in as a Junior. I see usflyboi has not responded. And I quite agree with Pitbull on this. It is amazing. Inflight is now reducing themselves to calling on Inv. days and harassing us. Just got this straight from a F/A mouth who is being called on the carpet for a funeral. He has 15 years and no infractions. :blink:
Theres nothing new here. Sced has always called on off days and IV days. They have done it since the merger in 1989 and not to mention at piedmont " WE HAD NO CHOICE" lol ! It is what it is sorry for the long delay , I dont stay on here 24 ?7 By the way Ive never seen the day that we werent harrassed! Coming from an "a" who spent most of his 16 yrs ON RESERVE! :)

If you are talking about PHL, yes their union office is bombarded with calls. And their In-flight dept are radicals with their new policies. More so than the other bases.

If this f/a is from PHL, have them call the PIT office ASAP. The local officers there will help anyone in any base. Our officers are not base specific. Tell him to call the PIT local tomorrow. Number is on the website.

Also, sched. may call you on your INVOL days BUT THEY CANNOT MAKE YOU FLY.

If they call you on your OFF days, DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE. Period
Don't lecture me about layoffs and displacements. I am not wet behind the ears and before USAir I came from a charter airline (that will remain nameless) and got furloughed 3 freaking times! Who said I was not on A scale? Almost everyone is at this point. Maybe I should have said "PRIMARY LINEHOLDER."
I find it amusing that someone claiming such maturity uses the term "boi"... did you pick that up from XY Magazine or what? :lol:
USAirBoyA330 said:
Don't lecture me about layoffs and displacements. I am not wet behind the ears and before USAir I came from a charter airline (that will remain nameless) and got furloughed 3 freaking times! Who said I was not on A scale? Almost everyone is at this point. Maybe I should have said "PRIMARY LINEHOLDER."
Hey Just making the record straight. Plain Simple. You fired not me!

He's not in our group. Trust me on this. Everyone knows there is no B scale or A scale at U except those who are not in our group. To refer to himself as "A" scale is an employee who is NOT in our group. Try more like a cubicle.
PITbull said:

He's not in our group. Trust me on this. Everyone knows there is no B scale or A scale at U except those who are not in our group. To refer to himself as "A" scale is a employee who is NOT in our group. Try more like a cubicle.
Pitbull ! Once again you do not know me! You also didnt read the thread. I didnt say in the beginning i was A scale, he did. Bless your little heart you still cant understand how one has a different opinion than you and does the same job!

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