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Acceptable or just plain tacky? Please choose!!!

It is not envy that drives people to be concerned that one of their fellow employees is stealing from the very company that provides their living. What about the the deadly sin of greed!!! I for one are frustrated when I have to work short because someone is taking advantage of the system, I end up doing their work while they sit on their a** in front of the TV.

Well then add one more sin 🙂

Your handle describes it very well...so welcome to the REAL WORLD of people and their imperfections, flaws, we are all, fallen man.

Peace Brother...Cavalier
On 1/12/2003 4:14:20 PM cavalier wrote:

The part that sticks in my craw is someone SHOWING UP at work on the last day(did this other days also for children being sick, came into office on fmla unpaid days with kids in tow looking healthier than brocolli spears and getting paid for not working,while the rest of us did.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately if one is on FMLA they or a family member has medical problems. Doctors are not going to put their A** in a sling to give some free time to a patient who just wants time off. MOST doctors that is. I personally know all about FMLA and even with big medical problems FMLA does not just get handed out on a whim. Just be glad we have our health remembering for but the grace of God go I. The 7 deadly sins include envy.
It is not envy that drives people to be concerned that one of their fellow employees is stealing from the very company that provides their living. What about the the deadly sin of greed!!! I for one are frustrated when I have to work short because someone is taking advantage of the system, I end up doing their work while they sit on their a** in front of the TV.
On 1/12/2003 4:14:20 PM cavalier wrote:

The part that sticks in my craw is someone SHOWING UP at work on the last day(did this other days also for children being sick, came into office on fmla unpaid days with kids in tow looking healthier than brocolli spears and getting paid for not working,while the rest of us did.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately if one is on FMLA they or a family member has medical problems. Doctors are not going to put their A** in a sling to give some free time to a patient who just wants time off. MOST doctors that is. I personally know all about FMLA and even with big medical problems FMLA does not just get handed out on a whim. Just be glad we have our health remembering for but the grace of God go I. The 7 deadly sins include envy.

That is all fine and dandy, but IMO you do not show up at work on more than one instance on a paid or unpaid FMLA day,period. Most especially if you're not in a cast, or a sling, or bandaged and waltzing around healthy(as in my example).That to me is tacky and unacceptable. ..You keep your derriere out of sight and preferably/legally at home or at the doctor's office.
keep your derriere out of sight and preferably/legally at home or at the doctor's office.
I agree 100% brazen is the term. I wouldn't let that sort of thing get to me. Like the little book says: Don't Sweat The Small Stuff....and it's all small stuff.
Hey comeon who really calls in when they are sick????
Most come to work and infect everyone else and start an epidemic.
Thank the Lord for those pilots that don't use their sick time, why they must work 10-12 days a month. Getting to work at 4am 5 days a week rain,snow,coold and lets see how little you all call in.
Lets see sick time is an entiltlement and non-rev flying is a privelege right.
Get it straight they are job benefits that we can lose just as easy as we get them. I recall several years ago when I had to save 1 week of vacation for sick leave. And now am earning 7 less days due to concessions.
To all of you holier than thou's wake up and smell the coffee, no wait here comes a upgrade for your pass privelages.
On 1/12/2003 1:15:47 PM pitguy wrote:

It is very difficult to get FMLA in maintenance and some say the company does not follow the rules (laws). I used to feel one should have some integrity about them including honest use of sick/FMLA time. Any more in seeing how the company deals with the employees like the TPA maintenance closing (and many other examples) I have to now think it is 'dog eat dog' and I agree with PineyBob. Take what you can while the getting is good. Use all resources to your advantage. Woof! Woof! Be an honorable employee and be a chump.
if you have a legitimate medical or personal family problem and have it verified by a physician the company is bound by law to give it.if you want to take suzy to skating lessons or basketball practise forget it.don't laugh,people have tried these types for FMLA before.
in another life,i worked for one of the big steel corporations and we DIDN'T have sick time.they had sickness and accident insurance which had a waiting week and also had to have physician verification for any week after the waiting wek.you only used this when LEGITIMATELY sick.
also they had a policy where if you came to work they paid you,if you were sick and stayed home...you didn't get paid.
seemed they never had too many problems like they do at U.
On 1/12/2003 1:10:43 PM ual06 wrote:

Yes, and what about a little old "Work Ethic" ? Grandparents are rolling over in their graves.
If the following applies - sing.

Sung to the tune of "Old McDonald Had A Farm":

Me MeMe Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me
With a Me Me Here and a Me Me there
Here a Me there a Me
Everywhere A Me Me
Me MeMe Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me

Yes, it applies to all three legs of the stool. Labor - Management - Capital


UAL06 - that was one of the funniest pieces of writing that I have ever seen. Great job!

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