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Acceptable or just plain tacky? Please choose!!!

When I saw the subject name for this topic, I thought for sure it was in regards to the new avatars.

Sick time is NOT an entitlement, it's an insurance policy to cover you if you get sick. Where in the world do you folks come up with the logic that the company owes you money for this when you retire, leave or get furloughed?
I don't think, and maybe I am wrong, that most people think it's an entitlement. Since Wolf cracked the whip the departments I have worked in anyway, taking sick time just about requires legitimate FMLA paperwork to keep from getting fired. The company has made taking one sick day a thing of the past, people now take at least three consecutive days off, and some much more time than that. I know a guy who has 38 years, he told me flat out that since they took his vacation in the give backs, he will make it up in sick time, and believe me he does just that. Between cracking the whip on sick time and then the give backs, well you figure it out. The company made the system and they didn’t change it with these give backs other than giving us less earned sick days each year, and people being people will use the system to their full advantage, that is fact. People can cry foul all day long about how other people take their sick time, but as long as it is all on the up and up, that is the way it is. The people looking to see what other people are doing with their personal sick time are dead wrong and should stick to their own business. Worrying about other people abusing the sick time system with everything going on is absurd to say the least. People are getting fired for abusing it, and if they are not it’s no ones business anyway, it’s between the company and that individual only. This whole thing is so absurd that the IAM had to take the company to court over it. This whole thread was started over envy of what another person gets which doesn’t seem right to some individuals, in a system that permits it. But then again, we can also talk about the 1--800 rat on your co-worker thing the company started years ago which went over like a lead balloon.
On 1/12/2003 12:58:54 PM A320 Driver wrote:

Sick time is NOT an entitlement, it's an insurance policy to cover you if you get sick. Where in the world do you folks come up with the logic that the company owes you money for this when you retire, leave or get furloughed??

A320 Driver

Yes, and what about a little old "Work Ethic" ? Grandparents are rolling over in their graves.
If the following applies - sing.

Sung to the tune of "Old McDonald Had A Farm":

Me MeMe Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me
With a Me Me Here and a Me Me there
Here a Me there a Me
Everywhere A Me Me
Me MeMe Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me Me

Yes, it applies to all three legs of the stool. Labor - Management - Capital
If I can retire with my sick bank full, I will consider myself very blessed. They can keep it.

A320 Driver
Sick time is NOT an entitlement, it's an insurance policy to cover you if you get sick. Where in the world do you folks come up with the logic that the company owes you money for this when you retire, leave or get furloughed??

A320 Driver
It is very difficult to get FMLA in maintenance and some say the company does not follow the rules (laws). I used to feel one should have some integrity about them including honest use of sick/FMLA time. Any more in seeing how the company deals with the employees like the TPA maintenance closing (and many other examples) I have to now think it is 'dog eat dog' and I agree with PineyBob. Take what you can while the getting is good. Use all resources to your advantage. Woof! Woof! Be an honorable employee and be a chump.
A number of years ago, some airlines Medical Plans paid 80% for office visits of sick children and 100% of Emergency Room visits. A neighbor across the street from me would put their sick child to bed and wait till "after-hours" to take them to the Emergency Room. Where is that 100% of Emergency Room coverage today? If the system is abused - you will pay.
Who asked you Einstein?

LOL...just kidding Cav, I couldn't resist!

A320 Driver
On 1/12/2003 12:58:54 PM A320 Driver wrote:

Sick time is NOT an entitlement, it's an insurance policy to cover you if you get sick. Where in the world do you folks come up with the logic that the company owes you money for this when you retire, leave or get furloughed??

A320 Driver
you are correct..it is not an entitlement. but on the other hand it would save the company millions in ot if they gave some reason not to use it..ie 50% days towards retiterment.
many corporations allow this and quite a few people save those days to leave early...if someone who has 30 years has used all his sick time..most of which will be covered with ot..it cost 1 1/2 to 2 times to cover that vs 1/2 time to let them leave early..seems like win win for company.

[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/10.gif']
I have to wonder if some people may conclude that the company abuses laws, rules, regulations or just general decency when dealing with it's employees.
Who asked you Einstein?

Did I ever tell you about this great theory I have?
The part that sticks in my craw is someone SHOWING UP at work on the last day(did this other days also for children being sick, came into office on fmla unpaid days with kids in tow looking healthier than brocolli spears and getting paid for not working,while the rest of us did.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately if one is on FMLA they or a family member has medical problems. Doctors are not going to put their A** in a sling to give some free time to a patient who just wants time off. MOST doctors that is. I personally know all about FMLA and even with big medical problems FMLA does not just get handed out on a whim. Just be glad we have our health remembering for but the grace of God go I. The 7 deadly sins include envy.
On 1/12/2003 1:12:43 PM A320 Driver wrote:

If I can retire with my sick bank full, I will consider myself very blessed. They can keep it.

A320 Driver

I second that this entiltement mentality has to stop, we are paid to do a job. When you get your pay check from the company, then you are even, they owe you nothing more. Sick days are a benifit for when you are sick, not extra vaction time.
Good insight and opinion by all. I too did not abuse the system for nearly 2 decades, that is how I saved up so much time. I too took a handful of "sick"days before furlough and still maintained acceptable attendance levels. The part that sticks in my craw is someone SHOWING UP at work on the last day...(did this other days also for children being sick, came into office on fmla unpaid days with kids in tow)..looking healthier than brocolli spears and getting paid for not working,while the rest of us did. Too late now, right?

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