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About this pandemic

I don't care what I look like, but I typically will only wear a mask if someplace requires it. Otherwise, people can steer clear of me.

I guess for me it's a protest of sorts....Everybody tries to guilt trip those of us who don't wear a mask by telling us that we are selfish and inconsiderate...and that WE could give it to them and they take it home and give it to their grandma. But prior to this, the regular old flu did a pretty good job of killing old people. But back then, people....many of them the very same people who call me selfish for not wearing a mask, thought nothing about dragging their sick ass out of bed, coming into the office and hacking and wheezing (without a mask) for 8 hours. Did they not care that they might give ME the flu and that I might take it back and give it to MY grandma, thus killing her? I loathe Trump and I don't vote Republican...but I have chosen to LIVE my life. If I get it and die, well, I guess you all were right.
Damn!!!...... There is finally something we agree on!
Nope. It's independent thinking. I think every American has a right to healthcare. But it's not every Americans right to protect a small slice of the population by mandating EVERYBODY adapt. If you are susceptible to skin cancer, it's YOUR job to wear sunscreen, long sleeves and a hat, but it's not MY job to dress that way so that you don't feel out of place.
Boy, that sounds pretty "conservative" to me!...... It's liberal's duty to march in unison with what big brother, government, tells them is proper!
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Boy, that sounds pretty "conservative" to me!
That's the problem with trying to generalize. In one post I am both a socialist commie and a conservative. I said at the start - I think healthcare is a right for all Americans. It benefits everyone. Insurance is insurance, whether your "premium" goes to the government or your "tax" goes to a for profit (profit in HEALTH???) insurance company. That means single payor.

In the same post I say that I don't think we all need to make drastic changes to impact a few. Even "my side" said at the start....after we "flatten the curve" and begin going back to normal, the number of cases (and deaths ) would go up. THEY said that. Not Trump. Not the Republicans. Their boys at the CDC. But when the headlines shout (almost gleefully) that "Covid cases spike in states that have reopened", the CDC starts warning us that we all need to stay locked down or face certain death.

Part of the CDC's job is to educate Americans. But they shifted to adapt to the panic in the headlines. Some things they might do - you don't need a facemask when you are driving your car and are the only occupant. There's nobody there to give you the germs PLUS your AC system has a pretty decent filtration system. If you are so afraid of getting someone elses cooties that happened to be brought from your glove to the steering wheel of your car, maybe you are better off not driving. They could tell you that you don't need a mask when you are riding a bicycle down the street (I've seen that here). They could tell you that you really don't need a mask outdoors. And they could reiterate that cases WILL spike and when cases rise in states that reopened..IT WAS EXPECTED.
Nope. It's independent thinking. I think every American has a right to healthcare.
What makes you think you have a RIGHT to someone else's (a doctors) services?

Do you think you have a RIGHT to have electrical work done on your home or a RIGHT to have a mechanic fix your car?

Who are you to tell a doctor, someone who invested over a decade of their life, that you have a RIGHT to their services?

But it's not every Americans right to protect a small slice of the population by mandating EVERYBODY adapt.
You mean like all those "protected groups" the Democrats claim to represent.

Why do you support a party that regulates everyone's speech through political correctness so no one gets "offended"? Basically Democrats are demanding people give up their right to free speech and ignore truths to appease a "small slice of the population".

How about a man that self identifies as a woman? You OK with him using the female's changing rooms and restrooms? Is that not the government subjecting change upon everyone to appease a very small slice of the population?

Why should I be forced to call a transvestite she when he is very obviously male? So I am supposed to ignore reality so THEY don't feel out of place. Isn't that the government imposing thought control upon me for the sake of a small slice of the population?

If you are susceptible to skin cancer, it's YOUR job to wear sunscreen, long sleeves and a hat, but it's not MY job to dress that way so that you don't feel out of place.
So you value personal choice and consequences for your own actions.


Why do you support the government taking what others worked for and "redistributing": it to someone who has not had a job and been on welfare for 30 years.

Take Nadya Suleman,, who already had 6 kids and no job and somehow...... she has the money for in vitro fertilization and gives birth to 8 more kids (that s 14 if you are counting) for the taxpayer's to bear the cost of for the next 18 years. Would you say it is HER job to handle her own finances? Would you say it is fair for the public to bear the cost of her poor decision making? Do you think she has a RIGHT to what others have earned?

You claim you value personal choice and consequences of those choices but those socialist Democrats you vote for certainly do not.

So do you value personal choice and facing the consequences of those choices or do you support the state redistributing wealth to mitigate those consequences.

Do you value free thought as you claim or do you support the state imposing change on the people for the benefit of a small slice of the population?
What makes you think you have a RIGHT to someone else's (a doctors) services?

Do you think you have a RIGHT to have electrical work done on your home or a RIGHT to have a mechanic fix your car?

Who are you to tell a doctor, someone who invested over a decade of their life, that you have a RIGHT to their services?
Because I can LIVE without electricty and I can take public transportation if my car is broken down. It's hart do live when you are dying

Why do you support the government taking what others worked for and "redistributing": it to someone who has not had a job and been on welfare for 30 years.
YOu mean like how a taxpayers money in California or New York goes to Kentucky or Mississippi?

Do you value free thought as you claim or do you support the state imposing change on the people for the benefit of a small slice of the population?
Did you get a Trump check for the Covid stimulus? Did you need it? Did you send it back? If you answered yes didn't send it back, then you're welcome. I didn't get one and we already spent your tax money in the budget that already had a trillion dollar hole in it. Oh...I know...it's just you getting your tax dollar back. Well....I paid $23,000 in taxes last year and I didn't get any of it back. So they in essence took my money and gave it to you. You lazy welfare recipient.
Because I can LIVE without electricty and I can take public transportation if my car is broken down. It's hart do live when you are dying
You sure about that?

People die due to lack of electricity in the summer from heat exhaustion. Not every town has public transportation. Even if they do it is not always affordable.

YOu mean like how a taxpayers money in California or New York goes to Kentucky or Mississippi?
If you are talking about state expenditures for the community (infrastructure) then no as that is necessary for the operation of the United States and benefits the country as a whole. If you are talking about expenditures to individuals (outside of disaster relief) then yes.

Did you get a Trump check for the Covid stimulus? Did you need it? Did you send it back? If you answered yes didn't send it back, then you're welcome. I didn't get one and we already spent your tax money in the budget that already had a trillion dollar hole in it. Oh...I know...it's just you getting your tax dollar back. Well....I paid $23,000 in taxes last year and I didn't get any of it back. So they in essence took my money and gave it to you. You lazy welfare recipient.
Do you guys smell that?

It's the smell of BS and it's coming from KCFlyer's direction.
I notice you did not touch the comments I made about political correctness and protected groups.

Yeah I would avoid that if I were you to.

Just shows what a hypocrite you are.
You sure about that?

People die due to lack of electricity in the summer from heat exhaustion. Not every town has public transportation. Even if they do it is not always affordable.

If you are talking about state expenditures for the community (infrastructure) then no as that is necessary for the operation of the United States and benefits the country as a whole. If you are talking about expenditures to individuals (outside of disaster relief) then yes.

Do you guys smell that?

It's the smell of BS and it's coming from KCFlyer's direction.

NOt really. I retired in 2019. Part of that plan was to pay off debt, Between my IRA distribution, pension and social security, I had an adjusted gross income of $124,000. I did misspeak about taxes...I paid $21,000. So I didn't qualify for a Trump check. And you know more about my income taxes that you do about Trumps.

So again....did you get a Trump check? How much was it? Did you need it? Did you send it back? You're welcome.
Don't forget; we also paid for LaLi to go back to school and learn a new trade. We invested in him, and he in turn is a productive member of society. That's how it works. Not sure why he's gasping for air here...
Uh oh....the recommendations are changing again....this really is a proposal

Don't forget; we also paid for LaLi to go back to school and learn a new trade. We invested in him, and he in turn is a productive member of society. That's how it works. Not sure why he's gasping for air here...
Care to clarify that comment?




Who is thanking you? Not me. Tell you what, when I get back half what I pay in I will thank you. Till then piss off.

A check from the government is still a check from the government - welfare. Go buy a Cadillac you leech.

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