You do what you want to do.
That's the MeriKan way.
Laws are only for the weak and feeble.
Just don't beat up some worker bee asking you to 'mask up' because it his/her JOB!
Don't make some poor smuck get fired because you think your 'special'.
I am in the industry and have enough a$$ wipes telling 18 yr kids about 'their rights'.
If you can't do this, then go FU&{ yourself.
I don't throw my "rights" in anybody's face. As I said, if a business requires a mask, I will comply. But if they merely request a mask - I don't. But I am growing very tired of the guilt and shame from MY side telling me that I need to take care of everybody else. Again...nobody gave a damn when they'd come to work with the flu. They never asked about MY vulnerable family. They came in because it was "just the flu". Today they wear a mask and tell me that it's MY responsibility to protect the world. It's not. It's my responsibility to protect me and MY family.
And this country has to move on. If you are worried about getting Covid and dying...then stay home. You don't have to go to the grocery store and see me without a mask...Walmart and others will take your order, pick the groceries and a masked, gloved and sanitized employee will bring it to your car. You can minimize all the human contact you want. You can shop online.
If you have a vulnerable family member, then I think it's YOUR responsibility to insure their safety. But we want masks. I wonder how long Americans will do that. Some want the country to stay locked down until there is a cure...but there might not be a cure. I think after a couple of 100 degree days, even the most devoted mask wearer might decide to risk it.
Covid is going to force some people to change. But we don't need EVERYBODY to change. I'd like to take my girlfriend to dinner...not drive up to a nice restaurant and have somebody bring it out to the car. I want to go to a baseball game or a football game. I'd want to explore the speakeasy's we discovered in KC before the lockdown. And it SHOULD come down to this - is it worth the risk. If it is - go for it. If it isn't - stay away.
Rather than wearing a mask, if I'm coughing or sneezing, I'll stay out of the store. Facemasks give us some false sense of security....put that piece of cloth over your face and continue hacking your lungs up because you are "doing your part". And yes...I have seen masked folks wheezing at the grocery store.
My bike group has two retired doctors in it. WE talked about the masks. They just shook their head. They don't wear them and they are quite liberal. It's not just Trump folks that are mask averse. I'm disgusted with this whole Covid thing. Post after post after post about how Trump screwed up in February does nothing to move the country forward in July. If anything, the CDC could have done a better job about telling American's what "flattening the curve" reallmeans. Prior to February it meant spreading the SAME NUMBER of cases over a longer period of time...but the CDC caved to the panic and now it apparently means "stop the virus from spreading" or "wait for a cure". The purpose was to slow...not stop...the spread. Now you've got people looking at people who are *gasp* living life at a pool while others feel that they are signing their own death warrant. If you are that afraid of dying if you get Covid, odds are you will. From what I've heard, it ain't fun. But hiding from the virus may make the next round even WORSE. How many people may have been building an immunity, but instead are camped out in their living room and calling the cops on a jogger running down the street without a mask?
We have had 60 deaths in my county. All but 5 of them were over 70, and most of THOSE were from a long term care facility....not a swimming pool or bar or restaurant. They were VULNERABLE. Those facilities are the ones who need drastic changes...not the rest of the city.