WorldTraveler said:
ok...dawg, let's hold the number with the percentage of outsourcing that AA/US does... I'm not sure why you think maintenance should get a pass (actually I do since you don't want to "contaminate" AA's low level of outsourcing with US') but if you want to hold out the level of outsourcing, then you better prove that the number will decrease.
I don't have to prove anything. Its called being logical. I hold US and AA as separate because they are just that. Till they have a union, much less a JCBA, it is impossible to know what will happen with their outsourcing.
You might be right. They might shut TULE/TAESL and PIT down and and become a line only airline.
They might take Delta+7 and get to keep the AA scope.
Its very hard to know exactly what will happen there.
WorldTraveler said:
Sadly, Parker proved at US that has no respect for keeping maintenance inhouse... if he did, US wouldn't have the highest level of total outsourcing.
Not apples to apples.
Parker has never, to my knowledge operated an airline making the money AA is and will be making. It becomes very hard to get concession when you are making 5 Billion a year
it becomes VERY hard to get those concession when you are doing so already operating the larger of the two airlines at 35% outsourcing level. Its going to be hard for AA or the TWU to get its members to go to 50% outsourcing like US when they already know the airline can operate very profitably at 35%.
WorldTraveler said:
and regardless of what number you come up with, AA doesn't do anywhere near the level of insourcing that DL does.
That doesn't mean a damn thing in what we are talking about here.. Not even a little bit.
American's employees have zero control over that. It is simple up to AA management if they want to operate as a MRO or not. AA has done so in the past and been very good at it. Over time management has pulled that back. TWU or its members can't do anything about that. All they have control over if how much AA work AA does.
*note I have seen people like overspeed say that is all they need to worry about. IMO I find that very foolish. Clearly you need good scope but if I were you and your leaders I would try my hardest to get management to invest in you MX and try to pick up as much extra work as they can. Its a win-win. You have more work, they make more money.
Makes you much more valuable.*
WorldTraveler said:
clearly DL believes in Tech Ops to deliver a product that AA, UA and US do not or they don't bother to pursue that work... and if that is the case, then there has to be a very good explanation as to why they do not.
No there hasn't. Anyone can see how much Delta saved by sending HMVs out. (or better yet how much more they are paying) just have to look. (hint, trying looking over the numbers in Tony's letter)
And of course SEC filings and such.
As it is Delta sending that work out had much more to do with the "We all have to take cuts" idea during BK (only way to get the pilots to buy into taking cuts) and it was and still is the cool thing to do on wall street.
but this is on the AA board and an American thread. If you want to re-hash this discussion start a thread on the Delta side. Be happy to talk about it there.
WorldTraveler said:
DL's level of insourcing amounts to 20-25% of the total amount DL spends to maintain its own fleet which means that DL's NET level of outsourcing is really in the upper teens.
Doesn't work that way sorry.
WorldTraveler said:
but you would never be willing to factor in that level of insourcing into the equation because it doesn't tell a story of you as being taken advantage by big bad DL.
I don't see it that way at all. I find the MRO work great. Awesome. Fantastic.
but it all starts with Delta. Insourcing doesn't cover up for outsourcing. (and nothing pisses me off more than Delta outsourcing work (HMVs, winglets) and yet some how they can do them for airlines like LAN, Hawaiian, UPS, etc. etc. etc. that means that a bunch of executives at other airlines are stupid (fat chance) or that Delta just doesn't want to do that work on the Delta fleet in-house. (and considering I have been told as such by people high up in TechOps, I'll go with that, not what you and outsider has to say.)
but again this is on the AA board and an American thread. If you want to re-hash this discussion start a thread on the Delta side. Be happy to talk about it there.