Yes it is too early. But imagine 21000 F/A's upset with approx 3000. Even if you guys win the lawsuit I would not want to walk in your shoes. Not that I agree with some of their tactics (individual F/A's not APFA) But the way some of the people who crossed the picket line back in 93 are treated I certainly don't envy. Its sad but true. This seniority thing has gotten ugly and could possibly even get worse. I tend to pick my battles. I'm sure that the TWA'ers have already weighed thier options. In writing this post I know it sounds as though I feel there is a possiblity of APFA lossing the suit. I'm not overly concerned about losing my seniority, but with all the sneeky amendments over the past year and the law suit. I have to wonder when you will start to play with the cards that where dealt to you. With all the other airline workers out there wondering how deep the cuts are going to get, some of the posters here make it sound as though they were doing better before the AA take over. AA might not be in the best of financial shape right now but for many years at TWA you didn't know if your company would survive until the next day or so. If the deal had fallen through we can only speculate where you would be today. Most likely at the bottom of a seniority list at another carrier with starting pay and the next in line to be furloughed. I just think some of you are a bit short sighted. Eventually I think you will find out that APFA is really a strong union and a focused one. We only need to take care of ourselves ( the AA Flight Attendants including the ex-TWA'ers).