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AA widebodies in STL starting tomorrow

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I am correct the intergration agreement passed the BOD with a 100% yes vote.

You think someone on the BOD other than STL/ISL thinks differently now. Name them or drop it.

Yes the union has protected you, and protected me. Just because of the current situation that somehow you were left out or unprotected. Not true. You came under the protections of this union the day you joined it.

Call it a staple job. Call it what ever you like. But like everyone else, you start at the bottom. You earn seniority on the job.

If you think there is a small minority who believes starting occupational seniority from the day you start. Then you haven't spoken with any AAers.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/2/2002 9:08:29 PM FA Mikey wrote:
[P]You think someone on the BOD other than STL/ISL thinks differently now. Name them or drop it.[BR][BR]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P] [SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]Unlike you, I do not out people on public boards such as this one (as you attempted to do, before the moderators edited your message, when you posted the names of the plaintiffs in the seniority law suit). The sources of my information are not the STL APFA officials. Read your own APFA bulletin board. There is a very frequent poster, who is an info rep for the APFA at LAX, whose posts have discussed this unapproved language which was added to the integration agreement. You know exactly who I mean. Stop denying the undeniable.[?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com😱ffice😱ffice /][o😛][/o😛][/SPAN][/P]
[P][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]I know; I’ll have an easier time arguing with a wall.[o😛][/o😛][/SPAN][/P]
On 10/2/2002 9:08:29 PM FA Mikey wrote:

I am correct the intergration agreement passed the BOD with a 100% yes vote.

You think someone on the BOD other than STL/ISL thinks differently now. Name them or drop it.

Yes the union has protected you, and protected me. Just because of the current situation that somehow you were left out or unprotected. Not true. You came under the protections of this union the day you joined it.

Call it a staple job. Call it what ever you like. But like everyone else, you start at the bottom. You earn seniority on the job.

If you think there is a small minority who believes starting occupational seniority from the day you start. Then you haven't spoken with any AAers.

Actually, I have. I have spoken with many NA'S (that's native Americans) line flight attendants on my commuter flights. And I've had lenghty telephone conversations with several of the board members, (not from STL). I just had a NA 2 days ago come up to me in STL and apoligize for all this mess. In her own words I'm digusted with what's been happening in regards to the TWA seniority.

You do no service to the reputation of the APFA for perpetuating the ongoing animositiy between our workforce.
Your meaningless and empty arguments are selfish and fear based. And the more energy you put into them, the more devastation you will feel when the final decision is made.
I assure you , there will be NO seniority given out to former TW people. Like every court case to date. You will remain where you are. Which is a lot better off than you would be had AA not stepped in.

Let those 2 who are so disgusted by whats happening to your so called seniority, take a leave or offer there jobs to you. Did they just say to make casual conversation. Then move on. Or were they going to take up the cause and see to it. That AA people be laid off. To make room for the new TW people.

Why is it a LLCer would never dream of asking another TW person senior to them to step aside, or be furloughed out of seniority. Yet its all to clear. Saying it to a AAer. Is no big deal.

The final decision will be soon. You will find having just started at AA. That making the same as any other AAer doing the same job. What you have, is all you are going to get.

The ongoing animositiy between our workforce will continue as long as these newest members continue to file lawsuit after lawsuit.
Oh boy a LA inforep wants a change. Is that important? You have no idea what the whole inforep program is all about. Anyways, well you got 1. only 20,000 plus more to try to convince. To give up there hard earned built over time on the job seniority, to make sure the new TW people can have the easy life. Good Luck your gonna need it.
Boy..for a bunch of self proclaimed seasoned avaiation PROESSIONALS these TWAers on here talk as if it is their first day at the rodeo..Public forums such as this board and the APFA site are voices of individuals...as a group the AA f/as..speek as one as re the senority intigration..more than fair..Our BOD spoke for all of us as they have done in the past...we know and trust their leadership as a work group, as demonstrated before..ie 11/93..as for inside info-rep dirt...wow..the info rep pin and $1.00 will buy you a cup of coffee..no hot tips on that one....
Aloha Mike,

Mike says,
I assure you , there will be NO seniority given out to former TW people. Like every court case to date. You will remain where you are.

Mike you could be setting yourself up for a fall. If you are so sure then why worry about the lawsuits. What IF the courts award TWA F/As DOH? Id become senior to you, the fences come down & I transfer to MIA. Could you accept it and still share a beer with me. If the courts say staple is fair, I will accept it and still buy the first round.

Let those 2 who are so disgusted by whats happening to your so called seniority, take a leave or offer there jobs to you.

So if AA F/As voice an opinion different then yours then they should leave?

Why is it a LLCer would never dream of asking another TW person senior to them to step aside, or be furloughed out of seniority. Yet its all to clear. Saying it to a AAer. Is no big deal.

LLCers dont have to ask. Many senior TWA F/As took the furlough out of seniority so a junior person could keep their job. I know I am one of them.

The final decision will be soon. You will find having just started at AA. That making the same as any other AAer doing the same job. What you have, is all you are going to get.

Bet you a beer, or beverage of you choice, we will get something more. If we dont we can still get together and celebrate the end of it all.

The ongoing animositiy between our workforce will continue as long as these newest members continue to file lawsuit after lawsuit.

Mike the newest members are not filing the lawsuits so you shouldnt have any animosity torward them. Its the IAM and former IAM leaders that are doing the filing. The newest members are just part of the party. They dont even belong to the IAM. They are fellow Brothers & Sisters of the APFA. Did you forget? Animosity does not belong at the workplace, ever. If you feel the need to show hatred, or animosity, toward your fellow APFA TWA crew members, then maybe it is you that needs to take a leave and get some councelling. Harboring such strong feelings of animosity, or hatred, will just eat you up. Maybe you & bagsmasher can vaca together. You have got to chill, dude.

ALOHA, 007
On 10/2/2002 10:13:51 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Oh boy a LA inforep wants a change. Is that important? You have no idea what the whole inforep program is all about. Anyways, well you got 1. only 20,000 plus more to try to convince. To give up there hard earned built over time on the job seniority, to make sure the new TW people can have the easy life. Good Luck your gonna need it.
Aloha Mike,

Make that 4,000 + 1 APFA members who are convinced. We dont need luck. Just good lawyers and the purchase agreement.

ALOHA, 007
Let those 2 who are so disgusted by whats happening to your so called seniority, take a leave or offer there jobs to you.

So if AA F/As voice an opinion different then yours then they should leave?

Mike anwsers yet again: No I didnt say they should leave. I said let them offer there jobs and seniority. No anyone elses. Big difference.
Mike says,
I assure you , there will be NO seniority given out to former TW people. Like every court case to date. You will remain where you are.

Mike you could be setting yourself up for a fall. If you are so sure then why worry about the lawsuits. What IF the courts award TWA F/As DOH? Id become senior to you, the fences come down & I transfer to MIA. Could you accept it and still share a beer with me. If the courts say staple is fair, I will accept it and still buy the first round.

Mike anwsers yet again: I am not worried about the outcome of any lawsuits. They will be thrown out shortly. I am worried about the cash drain they have brought on with these frivolous lawsuits.
The ongoing animositiy between our workforce will continue as long as these newest members continue to file lawsuit after lawsuit.

Mike the newest members are not filing the lawsuits so you shouldnt have any animosity torward them. Its the IAM and former IAM leaders that are doing the filing. The newest members are just part of the party. They dont even belong to the IAM. They are fellow Brothers & Sisters of the APFA. Did you forget? Animosity does not belong at the workplace, ever. If you feel the need to show hatred, or animosity, toward your fellow APFA TWA crew members, then maybe it is you that needs to take a leave and get some councelling. Harboring such strong feelings of animosity, or hatred, will just eat you up. Maybe you & bagsmasher can vaca together. You have got to chill, dude

Mike anwsers: The LLC people are all named in the lawsuit. They are looking to take what those here earned over there career. They want money and anything the court will offer to them. Just part of the PARTY, nice way to put it. We can not afford your party.

Hard to believe I am not sitting here smiling while a few thousand, try to destroy what I care so much about. You all come in with your demands, and lawsuits. Try to steal seniority. Then say I need to laugh and let things happen as they will. Things will happen. I will be there to fight what is wrong. Stealing my job and seniority, Is wrong. Animosity in the workplace? This a silly BB. This is not the work place.
Actually to all BB posters, go back and reread AA's rule 32 code of conduct. Any hate related speech or material disseminated by an AA employee whether working or not working could result in termination.
What AirLUVer says is absolutely true, folks. And as a manager, I'm obligated to report it if I see it, regardless if it were a breakroom, on the employee bus, at my neighborhood Chili's over a beer, or in a nameless-faceless environment like this.

I'm sure that the USAviation.Com people also don't want that liability, so please leave that sort of crap for Hatemongers.Com instead of here, OK?..
No need to quote this vitriolic sense of right and wrong. I have been sitting on the side trying not to respond, reply or originate a sensible dialog. However a miniscule minority seeems to be driving the thread.
Your original problem comes when Mr. Carty held up his hand in Federal proceeding and said certain things. In addition APFA was to, and has not to this point, met any of the contigencies that was imposed on it. So if it is a deliberate act on the part of AA or APFA or together they have collectively caused this issue, please call them.
Should the findings go to support the incoming TW workforce, not only will there be a snap-back of seniority, but a HUGE monetary award you wouldn't believe.
Do yourself a favor and suggest that the APFA change their thinking, before it costs large sums.
Reading your posts are the best thing that's happened to me today; but it's early yet!
On 10/2/2002 3:25:44 PM TWAnr wrote:


[FONT face=Verdana]Oh, really. The subject of flight staffing, and thus integration training, is covered by the seniority integration agreement between the APFA and American Airlines. In its present form, it does not allow the company to proceed with training St. Louis based flight attendants to work International flights out of St. Louis. Despite some grandstanding, consisting mostly of a letter by John Ward to the company to continue to negotiate the issue after the union blocked the training to enable ISL trips to be flown by St. Louis based personnel, the union continues to stonewall. That letter was written after John Ward announced in an Executive Committee meeting that the subject matter was closed and discussions with the company on that issue were over. It was thought, by many, to be a feeble attempt to defend himself from charges that he breached his duty of fair representation to the St. Louis based members of the APFA.[/FONT]

[FONT face=Verdana]To add insult to injury, both St. Louis base chairs were excluded from negotiations with the company on this matter and even from APFA Board of Directors meetings and a conference call which specifically dealt with the issue of furlough mitigation in St. Louis (such a training proffer would have saved 220 jobs). Don’t tell me that they were excluded because of the pending law suits, those have nothing to do with the issue of integration training.[/FONT]

[FONT face=Verdana]By the way, you don’t have to take my word on this subject. It is my understanding that it has been thoroughly discussed on the APFA’s own bulletin boards.[/FONT]


1st of all you are not even a Flight Attendant. Did you go to our union meeting in person? The reason that the STL chair was excused is because she is only the chair. She wouldn't be included even if she was from another base. And as far as grandstanding, You have yet to tell us how it would benefit the AA side if the TW F/A's are not crossed trained. And if you check your facts flight staffing and integration training are 2 completely different things. APFA could care less if I get trained on certain equip or not. Sometimes the company will actually draft the most junior f/a for training whether they want to be qualified or not. So your arguement re: APFA standing in the way of cross training is of your own thoughts NOT FACT. Since you are not a Flight Attendant maybe you should address your posts as being of your own un-educated opinion on the issue or even possibly gossip.
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