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AA shoots themselves in the foot! Again!

Is this the local 530 rumor mill or do you have a signed paper?
And dont think that it can't be moved as soon as TULE hanger space is finished.........
Its gonna screw the high time guys with the openings at DFW and AFW, junior guys will fill the open slots on a RIF, and next summer if they decide to close MCIE high time guys have to bump the juinorty list......... :lol:
<_< ------ Run, No rumor! It was announced yesterday by Dan Tetters, Acting Director of MCIE, and our Local 530 President. It was released to the Local press also at that time! They'll have work here, at least, through 2010! And yes, I realize it could be changed with one phone call, but that's a two edged sword, cuts two ways! I know you would rather through exTWAers in front of the Bus! And have been the last few years, but face it! Your running out of them! So "Maybe" this time it's your turn!!!! :shock:
I am not trying to get you or MCIE guys under the bus, yall have enough tire tracks already. My point was why do they say one week that after Jan. you have a few CIPs and after that who knows , and so a lot of guys over 50 say well if I am getting laid off might as well take the VBR, if they knew yall were getting the MAUI/Winglet mod maybe these guys would have stayed............senior guys screwed.....

Another point if they close MCIE latter next year the senior guys miss the open slots in DFW and AFW now.....
and would have to bump junior guys in less perfered locations............senior guys screwed...........................

Happy Turkey day and go COWBOYS from Texas.................................................................
....................... <_<
<_< ----- What blows my mind is the fact that the AA bean counters are breaking up a winning team! Ever hear the statement: "Penny wise, but Dollar foolish?" The people going out the door are AMT's that were just recalled earlier in the year. They gave up good jobs to come back to work for AA! Now AA is cutting them loose "again"! These are AMT's that just produced a "C" check for North American Airlines a day early!! Knowing all too well that they would soon be back on the street!------- Well, the up side to all this is that now "some" of them will be staying a little longer!!! But of those that are not as fortunate, how many do you think will be back next time AA calls? ------ I guess what I'm trying to say is it's a damn shame to waste such talent!!!! :unsure:
That's just sad the way AA is going about this. <_< :angry: Yes it is wasted talent just think what will AA do when TULE or AFWE can't do something that MCIE could have done??? Yea guess there in trouble AA......
That's just sad the way AA is going about this. <_< :angry: Yes it is wasted talent just think what will AA do when TULE or AFWE can't do something that MCIE could have done??? Yea guess there in trouble AA......


There is such a thing in "big business" as being too good at what you do. If you work in an office, you know what I'm talking about.

There is such a thing in "big business" as being too good at what you do. If you work in an office, you know what I'm talking about.
<_< ------ Goose, I know exactly what you mean!------- But if what I hear is true, they'll need that talent! Now this falls under what some call the "Rumor Mill", so take it for what it's worth which may be nothing. I heard that AA has got the contract to do the 767 winglets for Hawaiian Airlines, and possibly Air New Zealand. AA wants to get us up to speed so the first four winglets will be AA's. Along with TUL doing the rest of the fleet. There is also the possibility of MCI getting the Israeli 767 Cargo door mod. This definitely would require experienced metal people! Exactly like those going out the door now!-------- So at this point, I guess we'll have to see what pan's out!
<_< ----- In the mean time, our local management continues to pull AMT's off working Aircraft to help move tooling from one end of the base to another! This is crazy!
<_< ----- In the mean time, our local management continues to pull AMT's off working Aircraft to help move tooling from one end of the base to another! This is crazy!
Tooling? Is that not a plant maintenance job? Why would AMTs be be doing that??????????????
Tooling? Is that not a plant maintenance job? Why would AMTs be be doing that??????????????
<_< ------ Run, they are doing just that! We simply don't have the people to do both. Volunteer first, if no volunteers, conscript from low seniority up! They have to move tooling, including heavy machinery, out of the areas going back to the City by the end of the month, or loose it!
<_< ------ Goose, I know exactly what you mean!------- But if what I hear is true, they'll need that talent! Now this falls under what some call the "Rumor Mill", so take it for what it's worth which may be nothing. I heard that AA has got the contract to do the 767 winglets for Hawaiian Airlines, and possibly Air New Zealand. AA wants to get us up to speed so the first four winglets will be AA's. Along with TUL doing the rest of the fleet. There is also the possibility of MCI getting the Israeli 767 Cargo door mod. This definitely would require experienced metal people! Exactly like those going out the door now!-------- So at this point, I guess we'll have to see what pan's out!

Hang tight - you may end up with those after all, that is, if AMR wants any more work for their so-called FBO operations.

During the 737 winglet mod at TULE, the mekaniks in hanger 2 managed to mis-drill 50-100 holes per week over the life of the work, all requiring plugs and redrilling. The hell of it - not a word was said to anyone over that little detail as far as we can find out.
Hang tight - you may end up with those after all, that is, if AMR wants any more work for their so-called FBO operations.

During the 737 winglet mod at TULE, the mekaniks in hanger 2 managed to mis-drill 50-100 holes per week over the life of the work, all requiring plugs and redrilling. The hell of it - not a word was said to anyone over that little detail as far as we can find out.
<_< ------ Goose, we heard "rumors" to that effect, but didn't want to say anything because there was no follow up on it, and sometimes rumors tend to get exaggerated! I hope those people at TUL can handel the 767 winglets? They are about twice the work of a 757. And we had to do some engineering right on the floor on the prototype aircraft. Seems parts from the vendor didn't fit and had to go back for rework. I'm hoping they will have all that worked out on the next one. But somehow I know better!-------- As for the Israeli 767 Cargo door mod. This is major structural rework here! The whole side of the fuselage has to be opened up, the whole dabin floor reworked and beefed up, the door and fuselage skin are manufactured as a single unit and grafted to the old aircraft!
<_< ------ Goose, we heard "rumors" to that effect, but didn't want to say anything because there was no follow up on it, and sometimes rumors tend to get exaggerated! I hope those people at TUL can handel the 767 winglets? They are about twice the work of a 757. And we had to do some engineering right on the floor on the prototype aircraft. Seems parts from the vendor didn't fit and had to go back for rework. I'm hoping they will have all that worked out on the next one. But somehow I know better!-------- As for the Israeli 767 Cargo door mod. This is major structural rework here! The whole side of the fuselage has to be opened up, the whole dabin floor reworked and beefed up, the door and fuselage skin are manufactured as a single unit and grafted to the old aircraft!

Not been hearing much from the 757 winglet line - just every so often something gets away from them. Hey - the only way one doesn't screw up is to not do anything but those guys on the 737 winglet mod were a bit over the top.

In their defense, I must add the people that were there were originally doing the EFIS (S80 glass cockpit) mods and were basically a bunch of tweets, not tinbender-type people. Between their "IDGAFF" attitude and the management's total failure to recognize what was happening, the whole lot ought to be hung. Just because there's someone there that can fix the screw-ups doesn't mean one should proceed at "full speed ahead".

Regardless, there are a helluva lot of 73s floating around with a bunch of plugged holes in the wing structure.
Not been hearing much from the 757 winglet line - just every so often something gets away from them. Hey - the only way one doesn't screw up is to not do anything but those guys on the 737 winglet mod were a bit over the top.

In their defense, I must add the people that were there were originally doing the EFIS (S80 glass cockpit) mods and were basically a bunch of tweets, not tinbender-type people. Between their "IDGAFF" attitude and the management's total failure to recognize what was happening, the whole lot ought to be hung. Just because there's someone there that can fix the screw-ups doesn't mean one should proceed at "full speed ahead".

Regardless, there are a helluva lot of 73s floating around with a bunch of plugged holes in the wing structure.
<_< ------ This is one area that AA management hasn't got a clue! Even though a person may have both his A&P license, doesn't necessarily mean he's proficient in "all" aspects of Aircraft maintenance! This is where the "experience" part comes in to play! And "that" is something we "have", or "had", quit a bit of! That's if they don't let them all go! Some people like working with metal, some don't! and it shows!--------- And yes, we've heard about TUL blowing up a wing on, what was it? A 727? They put too much air pressure into a fuel tank to leak check it! I understand AA had to scrap that Aircraft!
<_< ------ This is one area that AA management hasn't got a clue! Even though a person may have both his A&P license, doesn't necessarily mean he's proficient in "all" aspects of Aircraft maintenance! This is where the "experience" part comes in to play! And "that" is something we "have", or "had", quit a bit of! That's if they don't let them all go! Some people like working with metal, some don't! and it shows!--------- And yes, we've heard about TUL blowing up a wing on, what was it? A 727? They put too much air pressure into a fuel tank to leak check it! I understand AA had to scrap that Aircraft!

Nope - you heard wrong. The aircraft is still flying around after being repaired. They said it was rather interesting in the hanger with all the rivet heads zinging around like bullets and bouncing off stuff.

You are correct re: the fact that paperwork (A&P Certs) trumps common sense, knowledge and ability any day at American. We're heading for a disaster eventually - if nothing else, make sure your paperwork is correct as that's all the FAA and company will ever look at afterwards.

The comical part - There were a couple more of the water tower safeties made and a few new air-to-fuel fitting adapters made after the wing over-pressuring. When they arrived in the hanger, it seems that they had the correct tool number on fill adapters but the box had been labeled "Aircraft Inflation Device" by someone in tooling with a wry sense of humor.

It just occured to me - do you think anyone would buy a book with all these business funnies in it?
If you wrote a book, people would quit flying. Knowing half the stuff that goes on behind the scenes at an airline is almost as bad as seeing what goes on in a restaurant kitchen....
<_< ------ Run, No rumor! It was announced yesterday by Dan Tetters, Acting Director of MCIE, and our Local 530 President. It was released to the Local press also at that time! They'll have work here, at least, through 2010! And yes, I realize it could be changed with one phone call, but that's a two edged sword, cuts two ways! I know you would rather through exTWAers in front of the Bus! And have been the last few years, but face it! Your running out of them! So "Maybe" this time it's your turn!!!! :shock:
Hopefully its true but I just hope they arent throwing these things around just to try and get a few more YES votes. "We would like to keep MCI open but,,,," You know the drill.

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