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AA shoots themselves in the foot! Again!

<_< ------ Ken, sounds good! But reality check here! As you said! "Two bays!"! Backbone or not, the boys at AFW, and TUL want this place gone! They have the numbers! -------- So guess what? :shock:
How is AA "shooting themselves in the foot" by not renewing the lease on a 50 year old portion of a delapidated hangar that it has no use for? If anything AA would be "shooting themselves in the foot" if they did sign a new lease. Unfortunately, with AA shrinking it's own fleet and the inability to find contract work (probably due to the economic environment), AA is making a wise financial decision to not incur greater overhead costs by signing a new lease.

If I remember correctly the lease on the MCI narrow body hangar was only for two years while the wide body hangar was for 15 years. It would be cost effective for AA to use the wide body hangar (for AA or contract aircraft; if they can find a contract) for at least 15 years. It does AA no good to pay the lease on a hangar and have it set empty. The only other alternative for AA would be to find someone to take over the lease and then AA can be rid of MCI forever.

As for the typical TWA whining, it is not only MCI that is taking a hit. The possibility that AA may lose it's hangars in LAX and the possibility of not renewing the lease of it's JFK hangar would affect nAAtives. AA is shrinking, and as a consequence, is compelled to lower fixed costs.
If anything AA would be "shooting themselves in the foot" if they did sign a new lease. Unfortunately, with AA shrinking it's own fleet and the inability to find contract work (probably due to the economic environment),

Inability to find contract work lies with the inept management put in charge of the MRO. One of the managers went to one of the airlines we had contracted with, that airline left. AA pretty muched crapped on any others. MRO was just another example of the company not following through with what they had promised. This capability has barely been advertised, no appearences at Paris or Farnborough. Unfortunately it is a missed oppurtunity and like usual the rank and file pay the price for the ineptness of those in the alleged leadership roles.
Ah, a day into the thread, and you're already attacking the poster again instead of the topic... If you want to talk about being spineless, why is it I'm the one posting with my real name while you're all using aliases?...

Again, anyone who thought that there wasn't going to be a base closing has been in a case of serious denial. You've been talking about it here since the acquisition. Seven years of borrowed time is seven years more of pensionable credit than you would have had if TWA'd been sacrificed as it probably should have been.

If it were AFW being shuttered, the silence from the MCI folks would be deafening. You'd be quietly content to be keeping your jobs (and your Kasher seniority would make it next to impossible for anyone to bump in), while people who earned their wings at AA were being put out on the street.

As much as I despise the TWU, it wasn't their fault that MCI has easiest leases to get out of.

It's also not the TWU's fault that MCI's a much older facility than AFW.

If it makes it easier for you to believe it's just favoritism, go for it. But that's just more denial on your part.
<_< ------ Sorry Eric! I don't buy that! I feel the decision to cut back, or close, MCIE, was not totally based on economics as you imply! Yes, we are dealing with a smaller Airline! And yes, it's logical that AA cuts back it's operation to compensate for what's happening in this economical environment! ------If it had been, MCI would not have been the base that was the target of those cuts, and, or, closure! If it were, you'd have to look at the cost, per square foot, for the leases of all three bases! Let me point out that I can assume, on that bases, MCIE would be, if not at the top of that list, ( the least expensive!) but a good second! Let me also point out that MCIE is the second largest base, as far as total square footage! And as far as age, let me also point out that TUL is older!-------- To say nothing about the fact that we are the most productive! ---------- So, no more B.S.!!!!! This decision was not "totally" made based on economics, but it was also based on, what this company, and Union, thrives on "politics"!!!
We'll probably have to agree to disagree, MCI. I spent 15 years preparing and arguing business cases to guys like Garton, Richardi, Ford, Carty, Arpey, and even Crandall...

It almost always boiled down to the economics (especially with RLC...). Right now, stemming cash burn is going to be the priority. In the case of the bases, the ability to jettison leaseholds without a bankruptcy filing is likely to trump the cost per square foot, room for expansion, and age of the facility.

IIRC, both AFW and TUL have long term commitments (including AA being on the hook for bond issues) which make it next to impossible to get out of those leases outside of bankruptcy. MCI obviously wasn't in that situation.

And, while it might seem contrary to conventional wisdom, if the cost per square is indeed as cheap as you claim it is, then leaving it vacant won't be quite as cost prohibitive as it would be to leave portions of TUL or AFW vacant.
We'll probably have to agree to disagree, MCI. I spent 15 years preparing and arguing business cases to guys like Garton, Richardi, Ford, Carty, Arpey, and even Crandall...

It almost always boiled down to the economics (especially with RLC...). Right now, stemming cash burn is going to be the priority. In the case of the bases, the ability to jettison leaseholds without a bankruptcy filing is likely to trump the cost per square foot, room for expansion, and age of the facility.

IIRC, both AFW and TUL have long term commitments (including AA being on the hook for bond issues) which make it next to impossible to get out of those leases outside of bankruptcy. MCI obviously wasn't in that situation.

And, while it might seem contrary to conventional wisdom, if the cost per square is indeed as cheap as you claim it is, then leaving it vacant won't be quite as cost prohibitive as it would be to leave portions of TUL or AFW vacant.
<_< ----- You may be right Eric, but explain that to a 57 year old, with two kids in collage, going out the door!!! :angry:
<_< ----- You may be right Eric, but explain that to a 57 year old, with two kids in collage, going out the door!!! :angry:

MCI, not trying to make fun of a bad situation, but - here's something I ran across from across the pond dealing with the same situation.


FYI - you'll hear a word that sounds like "crack" - it not, but actually "craic", a Gaelic term for what we would refer to as "grabass".
MCI, not trying to make fun of a bad situation, but - here's something I ran across from across the pond dealing with the same situation.


FYI - you'll hear a word that sounds like "crack" - it not, but actually "craic", a Gaelic term for what we would refer to as "grabass".
:unsure: -------- Thank you Goose! Pretty much says it all doesn't it?
:unsure: -------- Thank you Goose! Pretty much says it all doesn't it?

It does say it all - I hope you liked it. The wife and I went to see them last Wednesday in Tulsa; this was a newer piece.

... and I still think you guys got hosed
:up: ------ Santa visits MCI early this year! It was officially announced today, at our VBR party, that AA was going to put two lines of 767 winglets, with the Maui mods at the same time, here at MCIE. This, along with the 762 CIP's would give us work through 2010! --------- Translation! Up to 120 jobs saved!
Good news! If/when AA buys UA or CO, there will be a need for more overhaul space.

Enjoy retirement.
Good news! If/when AA buys UA or CO, there will be a need for more overhaul space.

Enjoy retirement.
<_< -------Interesting thought!----- But if there's anything I'll be bring away from working for AA, it's that things are never that simple. Never just black and white. It seems it's always shades of gray! ------If AA would buy ether UA, or CO, (unlikely!) They would have overhaul space also! Then we would be in another "controversy" as to which "space", or "group", would prevail!!! :down:------- Been there, done that! Not fun!!!!
:up: ------ Santa visits MCI early this year! It was officially announced today, at our VBR party, that AA was going to put two lines of 767 winglets, with the Maui mods at the same time, here at MCIE. This, along with the 762 CIP's would give us work through 2010! --------- Translation! Up to 120 jobs saved!
Congrads to you guys from a Passenger. Glad to see at least some jobs are saved, too bad you guys aren't doing more work though, I have always thought MCI did quality work. BTW here's a idoitic ? what is a MAUI mod? I know Maui is a Island in HI.
Congrads to you guys from a Passenger. Glad to see at least some jobs are saved, too bad you guys aren't doing more work though, I have always thought MCI did quality work. BTW here's a idoitic ? what is a MAUI mod? I know Maui is a Island in HI.

MAUI, Midlife Avionics Upgrade Initiative. It upgrades the avionics on the 757/767 along with adding LCD displays in place of the Captains and FO's Primary and Nav displays. EICAS displays remain the same.

Congrads to you guys from a Passenger. Glad to see at least some jobs are saved, too bad you guys aren't doing more work though, I have always thought MCI did quality work. BTW here's a idoitic ? what is a MAUI mod? I know Maui is a Island in HI.
<_< ----- What blows my mind is the fact that the AA bean counters are breaking up a winning team! Ever hear the statement: "Penny wise, but Dollar foolish?" The people going out the door are AMT's that were just recalled earlier in the year. They gave up good jobs to come back to work for AA! Now AA is cutting them loose "again"! These are AMT's that just produced a "C" check for North American Airlines a day early!! Knowing all too well that they would soon be back on the street!------- Well, the up side to all this is that now "some" of them will be staying a little longer!!! But of those that are not as fortunate, how many do you think will be back next time AA calls? ------ I guess what I'm trying to say is it's a damn shame to waste such talent!!!! :unsure:
<_< ----- What blows my mind is the fact that the AA bean counters are breaking up a winning team! Ever hear the statement: "Penny wise, but Dollar foolish?" The people going out the door are AMT's that were just recalled earlier in the year. They gave up good jobs to come back to work for AA! Now AA is cutting them loose "again"! These are AMT's that just produced a "C" check for North American Airlines a day early!! Knowing all too well that they would soon be back on the street!------- Well, the up side to all this is that now "some" of them will be staying a little longer!!! But of those that are not as fortunate, how many do you think will be back next time AA calls? ------ I guess what I'm trying to say is it's a damn shame to waste such talent!!!! :unsure:
Is this the local 530 rumor mill or do you have a signed paper?
And dont think that it can't be moved as soon as TULE hanger space is finished.........
Its gonna screw the high time guys with the openings at DFW and AFW, junior guys will fill the open slots on a RIF, and next summer if they decide to close MCIE high time guys have to bump the juinorty list......... :lol:

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