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AA Management Bonuses - Despite More Losses

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Whether you are pro-company or pro-union, execs taking a huge bonus while the workers are under concessions is just wrong. And sure it may be in the contract but where are the ethics in this? Don't those count for something? I understand the "corproate greed", it's everywhere, but justifying it by saying that these bonuses aren't near what some of the others get is just plain stupid. Just because the greed is more or less, does that make it right??

If the company was making huge amounts of money I would not have a problem with the bonuses. I don't think anyone here would but the company IS NOT making big amounts of money so there should be no big amounts of bonuses. Damn, it's not rocket science.

Just my 2 cents. It should be interesting to see what happens. My guess, bonuses either decreased and/or the big ones not accepted. A guy can hope can't he??

Well thats about the best post you have ever made.

Now how do you feel about union leaders who give themselves raises while getting their members concessions?

Thats right,after the 2003 contract Jim Little got himself an 8% increase while the members took a 25% decrease, where is Jim Littles "shared sacrifice"?

How do you feel about the fact that while the contract was gutted the TWU preserved their illegal kickbacks from the company?
Well, I guess there's no point bothering to try and justify anything management does, since it's automatically evil, corrupt, and a slap in the face to the working man.
A final anoying snarky post, before the Feds start coming after me 😀

"and a slap in the face to the WORKING ?? man" where have you seen him lately, you are what you accuse others of being, a shot at all those line kings of maintenance, may they bring us lots of fields trips this year as always 🙂 🙂 🙂
, a shot at all those line kings of maintenance, may they bring us lots of fields trips this year as always 🙂 🙂 🙂

12 on 8 off, max pay time & a half and away from the family days on end, you can have it.
Hey Bill, How come ECLAT didn't catch these bonuses BACK IN 2003? The TWU said they(ECLAT) looked at all the books when they gave us this wonderfull concessions deal. What else did ECLAT miss?
Hey Bill, How come ECLAT didn't catch these bonuses BACK IN 2003? The TWU said they(ECLAT) looked at all the books when they gave us this wonderfull concessions deal. What else did ECLAT miss?
ECLAT is run by Randy Babbitt, who just happens to be AA Sr. VP and bonus recipient Jeffrey Brundage's old buddy from ALPA Intl. So now we use ECLAT to sell concessions to union members and then use them to sell BS about the Wright Amendment to Congress.
I don't think you're going to find any of the mainstream consultancies like ECLAT, SH&E, Velocity, Boyd Group or Bob Mann who don't have some form of ties to upper management at any particular airline. It's a fairly small group of people who do that type of work, and it's a necessary evil to keep those ties in order to keep getting contracts for work. But I do believe there's a limit to how far they allow themselves to be pimped out. Their reputation and ability to get future business depends on it.
I don't think you're going to find any of the mainstream consultancies like ECLAT, SH&E, Velocity, Boyd Group or Bob Mann who don't have some form of ties to upper management at any particular airline. It's a fairly small group of people who do that type of work, and it's a necessary evil to keep those ties in order to keep getting contracts for work. But I do believe there's a limit to how far they allow themselves to be pimped out. Their reputation and ability to get future business depends on it.
I'd agree with that as Michael Boyd is former AA also. The thing about Eclat is the constant cross-over of working for AA and then the twu on a few occassions, not just the previous ones mentioned. The reputation part you can forget with ECLAT, they lowered themselves to showing up an AMFA informational meeting in Tulsa to act as hecklers. I still not sure who sent Captain Randy, AA or the twu.
I don't think you're going to find any of the mainstream consultancies like ECLAT, SH&E, Velocity, Boyd Group or Bob Mann who don't have some form of ties to upper management at any particular airline. It's a fairly small group of people who do that type of work, and it's a necessary evil to keep those ties in order to keep getting contracts for work. But I do believe there's a limit to how far they allow themselves to be pimped out. Their reputation and ability to get future business depends on it.

Sad, but true. Connections and personal politics make the world go around.
I don't think you're going to find any of the mainstream consultancies like ECLAT, SH&E, Velocity, Boyd Group or Bob Mann who don't have some form of ties to upper management at any particular airline. It's a fairly small group of people who do that type of work, and it's a necessary evil to keep those ties in order to keep getting contracts for work. But I do believe there's a limit to how far they allow themselves to be pimped out. Their reputation and ability to get future business depends on it.

Fine but if Eclat had just did a presentation for AA selling you on the need for concessions wouldnt common sense dictate that you would hire Boyd, Mann, Velocity, SH&E or anyone other than Eclat to review the company's books for yourself?
For those of you who are crying about how bad the TWU has performed in all of this just take a look at what BK will get you. Amfa stuck it to 'em this time!!!! color] :shock:

United's Tilton could get stock, options worth $15 million

Associated PressCHICAGO - United Airlines CEO Glenn Tilton could receive stock and options worth $15 million, base pay of more than $600,000 and a bonus that could double his salary when the carrier emerges from Chapter 11 bankruptcy next month, company documents and court papers show.
Tilton would get 545,000 restricted shares and 822,000 options, or just more than 1 percent of the $1.9 billion in equity United intends to issue, if a bankruptcy judge approves.
Overall, United plans to set aside 8 percent of the equity it plans to issue - at a value of around $152 million - for about 400 salaried and management employees.
The proposed incentive plan for senior managers and directors of the nation's No. 2 airline will be a touchy issue as a Chicago bankruptcy court starts hearings Jan. 18. about United's plan for exiting bankruptcy.
Unions representing workers at United, a unit of Elk Grove Village, Ill.-based UAL Corp., blasted the potentially lucrative equity programs Wednesday, noting that United workers have agreed to millions of dollars of pay cuts to help restore the airline to financial health.
"Such compensation for executives is outrageous considering the sacrifices other employees have made," said Joseph Tiberi, a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. "Our members alone will have sacrificed more than $4.6 billion" in wages, benefits and pensions.
United spokeswoman Jean Medina strongly defended the incentive plan.
"Such equity programs are standard practice," she said. "We believe this program aligns the interests of management and shareholders. And if we are going to attract the best talent, we believe this is essential."
A compensation expert hired by United estimated the company's restricted stock would be worth $13.75 per share, with the options valued at $9.12 - though the final value of the equity grants will depend on how the reorganized company's stock does on the market.
Three executive vice presidents at United would pocket restricted stock and options worth $6 million each, and four senior vice presidents would each receive equity grants worth $3 million. Thirty-one other company officers would each get $750,000 in grants, and 366 other managers would receive $100,000 in equity.
For those of you who are crying about how bad the TWU has performed in all of this just take a look at what BK will get you. Amfa stuck it to 'em this time!!!! color] :shock:
United's Tilton could get stock, options worth $15 million

They got stock options instead of Cash like AA is giving out. The AFL-CIOs IAM got stock for its members that they were not able to sell when it was $100/share but was sold without their consent when it was around $1/share. Despite that the IAM UAL mechanics were better paid, topped out quicker and had more vacation than the TWU. They were better paid for over 20 out of the last 25 years than TWU members.

What is starting pay for a TWU represented mechanic at AA, now what was it in 1984?

The fact is that 20 years of TWU negotiated concessions at AA, UALs biggest competitor, is what did in UAL and the workers of this industry. The final nail in the coffin was when AA management got one of their own, Jim Little into the International.
Yea, CEO's and executives are such moral people. They threaten the average worker with bankruptcy while ensuring their own compensation and golden parachutes.

Yea, Bill, I'm sure you're mighty proud of your elitist management.
Well thats about the best post you have ever made.

Now how do you feel about union leaders who give themselves raises while getting their members concessions?

Thats right,after the 2003 contract Jim Little got himself an 8% increase while the members took a 25% decrease, where is Jim Littles "shared sacrifice"?

How do you feel about the fact that while the contract was gutted the TWU preserved their illegal kickbacks from the company?

Did you just give me a compliment Bobby????

Come on now, you've been spouting off about this crap for 2 1/2 yrs now and frankly it's getting old. Regarding Mr. Little's pay increase, the internat'l leadership does not simply give themselves a raise whenever they feel like it. And you know the answer to this, you are just trying to stir some sh** up, Jim's compensation is based on the average increase of the contracts (that you can view on the ATD web site if you so choose) that he represents not based on just the TWU/AA agreement. It is not that hard to figure out.

And about the "kickbacks", you've been screaming about this for years as well and have never posted any proof to back your statements up. Put up or shut up Bobby!! You know good and well that the internat'l positions are paid by the TWU and subsequently reimbursed by the company. But you know this too. You are making more mountians out of molehills (AGAIN!!!). Whatever came of all those threats you were making about "telling" on the TWU. Who was it you were going to, the DOL?? There was someone else but I can't seem to remember. Maybe you can refresh my memory and give me the fruits of your labor, if you have any!!!!
Here we go again, twu/aa suckups bragging that the plan is "only" 25% UNDERFUNDED.

The fact is that they still have not contributed enough to cover the obligations they have made, sure its "legal" for them to underfund the plan but its certainly not something a "union" should cheer about.

You know bob, I was not trying to brag as you suggest. I was only trying to make a point! But if you choose to call it bragging so be it.... :up:

It is obvious that you are trying to capitalize here on this crappy news. How about it bob, do you have anything to brag about?

Didn't think so........... :shock:
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