SAME story we've heard when every Union at every Airline is about to exercise it's right to demand a decent living standard. Executive compensation across the board in this country is waayyy out of wack. It has grown exponentially based on Greed and opportunities of Presidential interference on behalf of corporations. This process would NEVER/ has NEVER been tolerated in European aviation (which last I checked is far more profitable than U.S. carriers) I for one long for the days when ALL airline Unions supported each other...and WILD CAT strikes (as they STILL do in Europe,learned from us). As an industry, we should be embarrassed to have allowed Corporate THEIVES to infect this industry and take advantage of us in this manner. None have earned anywhere NEAR the level of compensation they receive. This cock-a-mamie swindle of "rewarding" amature CEOs for failure is nothing less than " a sucker is born everyday" and aviation employees have really been suckered.
So, therefore, it is my estimation that US carriers either pay to play or leave the industry. Which is what should have been demanded of U.S., Ual, Dal, AND NWA (for using it improperly). Healthy carriers whom have attempted to play by the rules have been treated unfairly by GREEDLY CEOs, and the advantage of operating a broken company (then rewarded for it)
So, do not point the finger at Airline employees, for with out them Americans would be back on the trains, buses, and clogged highways. Furthermore the days of Airline Slaves working for sub-par wages to support the thirst for cheap tickets is over. If you can't afford to pay the price STAY HOME. Not every person in the USA is rich or a business person...the pop. needs to RE LEARN that basic aspect of life.
Flying and Cheap tickets is NOT a right, contrary to what 80% of Americans now feel.