As a customer, I sincerely hope there isn't a strike since I have between 4-5 trips booked with AA right now. But you guys don't get paid what your worth so I would understand the rational for going out on the picket lines.
As for the fleet planning... A big order for the Bombardier CJets, you heard it hear first. They would offer between a 40-50% fuel savings over the current MD80 fleet and a substantial savings over the 737-700 that Southwest uses. Instant competitive advantage.
"EXACTLY" ...ual777fan !!!!!!!!!!!
The Customers..."LOVE" these new EJets(Embraer), and a bit later on, the CJets(Bombardier)
They NEED to give APA a LOT of what they want, in Exchange for language for the EJets.
(They could give the EJet flying to Junior AA pilots, with an IRON CLAD "flow through(UP)agreement")
Some of these different models have 10/12 F-Class seats, and 80+ Y seats in the rear. GREAT fuel savings,.
AA has a CRAP load of Embraer micro Jets, that I'm sure Embraer would take back, for a Large Order of EJets, to keep AA from buying the CJets from Bombardier(Best to throw both a "bone")
There are a LOT of AA stations, that could become A/E stations, using the EJets.
BDL/PHL/BWI are perfect examples. It's NOT like the TWU is'nt aware of that sort of possibility, ...because AA did it in upstate NY, when they "wacked out" ALB/SYR/ROC/BUF !
The WEAK, SPINELESS TWU would "take it in the seat" while AA "tweaked" the Contract language that would INCREASE the number of flights needed to force AA to staff a station with "AA" employees.
AA hasn't really been able to do that, BEFORE the EJet, but I'm puzzled as to why they haven't ACTED YET !
CRANDALL said back in the early 90's, that "AA" would concentrate on LONG haul, and International flying ONLY.
BUT, he knew that the HUBS need to be FED, he just didn't "specifically" say that most of the Domestic would be flown by A/E.
Another Reason...EAGLE will "NEVER get spun off" !!