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AA flight attendant arrested at ORD checkpoint on Friday with gun

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what it says is that law-abiding citizens do not need guns to protect themselves which is what several people including you have tried to repeatedly push on this thread and others.
In your world, or USA for that matter, every school would have armed guards.

But then, the crazy's would move onto churches. http://usnews.nbcnew...ith-police?lite
As a result, in your USA, every church would have armed guards in it.

Then, a shooting would happen inside a mall. http://www.nj.com/in...gon_focuse.html
As a result, in your USA, every mall would have a bunch of armed guards in it.

You decide to go to McDonalds, but get stopped by an armed guard because of this: http://www.findingdu...s-Massacre.html

Then, a mass shooting would happen at work. http://www.cbsnews.c...ets-police-say/
As a result, in your USA, at work they would have a bunch of armed guards in it, since I'm guessing that your employer would not want you to carry your own gun.

So, basically you want a police state.

I looks like this guy just #### slaped you braniaks something fierce.
In your world, or USA for that matter, every school would have armed guards.

But then, the crazy's would move onto churches. http://usnews.nbcnew...ith-police?lite
As a result, in your USA, every church would have armed guards in it.

Then, a shooting would happen inside a mall. http://www.nj.com/in...gon_focuse.html
As a result, in your USA, every mall would have a bunch of armed guards in it.

You decide to go to McDonalds, but get stopped by an armed guard because of this: http://www.findingdu...s-Massacre.html

Then, a mass shooting would happen at work. http://www.cbsnews.c...ets-police-say/
As a result, in your USA, at work they would have a bunch of armed guards in it, since I'm guessing that your employer would not want you to carry your own gun.

So, basically you want a police state.

To paraphrase Elvis:

You ain't nothin' but a troll, justa cryin all the time.

You ain't nothin but a troll ,justa lyin all the time,

You can't tell the truth, and you ain't no friend of mine!

Rave on, Troll boy!
In your world, or USA for that matter, every school would have armed guards.

But then, the crazy's would move onto churches. http://usnews.nbcnew...ith-police?lite
As a result, in your USA, every church would have armed guards in it.

Then, a shooting would happen inside a mall. http://www.nj.com/in...gon_focuse.html
As a result, in your USA, every mall would have a bunch of armed guards in it.

You decide to go to McDonalds, but get stopped by an armed guard because of this: http://www.findingdu...s-Massacre.html

Then, a mass shooting would happen at work. http://www.cbsnews.c...ets-police-say/
As a result, in your USA, at work they would have a bunch of armed guards in it, since I'm guessing that your employer would not want you to carry your own gun.

So, basically you want a police state.

No just schools,... very silly arguement,...School is unique in that you are,....everyday,....basically turning over gaurdianship to a non-family member to entrust the safety of your child for hours on end. They are entrusted to their welfare and safety. If that means any yahoo can come in and take control and randomely shoot kids for a half hour to an hour before the SWAT team shows up,....well that aint cutting it. It's sad that we have come to this in this day and age but arming and training a few select teachers is a must along with a police officer assigned to the school,..to do otherwise is to put your child at risk...No need for a police state as you call it,...I can protect my child until she is of legal age to protect herself.
You truly miss the point that it's not a school-shooting problem, but rather an epidemic of mass shootings. Very near-sighted. You refuse to see it as it is.
Mass shootings,....and mass killings of any ilk have been going on since the beginning of man kind,...so whats your point then?

(As a matter of fact mass shootings are down in recent times..)

If not by gun, then by bomb.....if not by bomb then by fire,...its endless in the criminal/sadistic mind of a few ,.... how many freedoms and libertys do you wish to impose upon the masses to create this Utopian world were we are all safe from the boogey man? I trust the good people of this country,and fear more a government that would impose upon it.
You truly miss the point that it's not a school-shooting problem, but rather an epidemic of mass shootings. Very near-sighted. You refuse to see it as it is.

You truly miss the point that you are a troll.

(that's troll spelled with a small "t')
Just curious, what does this have to do with the f/a caught with the gun (apparently placed by her husband-another issue). Any update on her status?
Just curious, what does this have to do with the f/a caught with the gun (apparently placed by her husband-another issue). Any update on her status?

Absoloutely nothing.

This thread was hijacked quite a while back by a troll.
what it says is that law-abiding citizens do not need guns to protect themselves which is what several people including you have tried to repeatedly push on this thread and others.

No, what it says is the likelihood of being shot is extremely low if you're law abiding, and high if you're not.

What exactly do you call protecting, Tim? Drawing a weapon on someone else? That's the extreme view.

I sleep well enough knowing that if someone does enter my house when we're home, I can actually protect my kids. The unknown of whether or not someone is armed appears to be enough of a deterrent in itself.

The proof of that comes in the 20% vs. 50% statistic you're seeing for home invasions vs. the UK, and also seems to be playing out that all the mass shootings seem to be taking place in areas in which the likelihood of someone being armed is low.

The movie theater in Aurora was one of the few which were gun-free zones. Schools. Malls. All places where you have feel-gooders putting up gun-free zone signs which may as well be target symbols for lunatics...
You're so trailer trash!

Where is the block feature?

Why complain? You are the one that took this thread off topic. Admit you are the problem and the complainer and the world goes on. You only have yourself to blame for the responses to your crazy talk on here.
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