So his co-workers want to get him reinstated but the TWU won't fight to get Archie Bunker his job back? Sounds like some of his colleagues agree that it's time he stay home all day.
He claimed that he was unaware that the term was derogatory (but he realizes it now). If he's being honest (and I don't doubt him), then it sounds to me like he's a victim of his own advancing age - years ago, he probably did know that the term was derogatory but has since forgotten, like plenty of 82 year olds I know.
Was this guy a mechanic or fleet?
The guy was Fleet and the other guy in the Video speaking in behalf was Jack Sullivan, Treasurer of TWU Local 501. So I'd say the Union is doing what they can, but a grieveance could take a long time, going public is probably a more effective means to pressure the company than the grievance process.
I'd say that in his day the term was descriptive, an accepted definition at the time learned in the schoolyard (or at home), probably knew the word "faggott" before he ever heard the term "homosexual", like the rest of us. Back then "Gay" simply meant "Happy", although its the preferred term now. From what I heard it was not directed at anybody, just a statement about how homosexuals were always in the military, that they were beside him "in the foxholes" during WWII. That it didnt matter to him. If he had gone after a coworker who was homosexual then it would be a different story but from what I heard that wasnt what happened.
The point is there are other forms of discipline other than termination, the use of a word, not even directed at anybody, is certainly not grounds for immediate dismissal. Crandall wouldnt last a week. What was the harm to the company?
Years ago the company was sued, because a worker complained of harassment that went on and on unaddressed and won a sum of money, now the company uses that as an excuse to have a Zero tolerance policy on the use of certain "words"? Its rediculous, they've gone overboard.