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AA/APFA Negotiations

If 17% is draconian, what is 40%? That's what our household wound up with between my pay cut (never restored) in 2003, and my wife's job being eliminated in December 2002. I think I've more than earned the right to comment on living under paycuts.

If you only want to listen to current employees, have at it. Just remember that those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it, and there's a lot of history here residing with the former employees.
No one is telling you to STFU. I don't want to speak for Bob, but I think I know the point he's making because I feel the same way. There are two groups of people on this website: 1.) those of us who are actual, current employees of AA and members of its respective unions and 2.) those of you who are not our coworkers and are watching from the sidelines. The problem with the latter is you folks are always telling us what's best for us; what our unions should be doing; how we should perform our jobs; how we should be grateful to even have a job.; how we should be able to manage our lives just fine without pay restoration; etc., etc.

No matter how much "in the know" you think you are, or how many friends you have at CentrePork keeping you updated in what's going on at AA, you really cannot fully grasp our situation because you are not walking in our shoes and experiencing first hand the loads of BS tossed our way by AA on a daily basis. We are the ones who have been working under a draconian cut in pay and benefits for the past nine years. Yet you and others on this board seem to think that your opinion alone is equal in weight to our actual experience. Well, it's not. Until you and the others are down in the trenches like the rest of us, I will continue to dismiss your arrogant opinions but in the spirit of democracy I will not attempt to stifle your right to say them.

One of many... Just giving a wakeup call of what COULD happen. Not advocating one way or another. As I stated, you have more to fear from your own. I know because I have seen the questions from quite a few non TWA f/as re: options. You have to understand, I am not the Coalition. I am only one member of many. We rotate leadership and it is still very active.

I have publicly stated that I have never nor will I ever cross a picket line. I cannot speak for others. What the APFA has done and continues to do to its members raises serious concerns.

We found out that our retirees were our worst enemy. A strike presented them with the perfect opportunity to fly "one more time". This retiree has no desire to fly as a junior f/a. I loved the job but I'm too much of a Purser/#1 and would hate flying different positions and being on reserve.

CHAOS will not work at AA and I don't think the f/as will support a full walk out for more than a day or so...next.

Also, things change. The letter served its purpose and it did get the APFAs attention. The coalition received a total of 9 comments from the outraged AA f/as
re: the Coalition letter. They mostly consisted of "we thought you were so nice".
We are (for the most part) all very nice. (lol)

Now back to topic:

Regardless of what you say you will or will not do, you still support a group and are a member of a group that advocate crossing a picket line! I think I am much more in contact with "my own" than you. LIke I said, we had a 98.6% vote in favor of authorizing a strike.

NOW, back to topic!
If 17% is draconian, what is 40%? That's what our household wound up with between my pay cut (never restored) in 2003, and my wife's job being eliminated in December 2002. I think I've more than earned the right to comment on living under paycuts.

If you only want to listen to current employees, have at it. Just remember that those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it, and there's a lot of history here residing with the former employees.

Yeah, I lot of former employees who want to burn the house down.....
APFA President Laura Glading stated, “It can be a juggling act, but as we all know well from our history, nothing worth fighting for can be achieved without a struggle. We’ve proven many times that our hard work and perseverance can and will pay off.”

Oh yes, I forgot about the APFA's historical fight to implement the RPA. Keep on fighting APFA - you guys are Union Trailblazers.
My prediction is that we will hear a hotline from Laura Glading that says something like this.... ."We are disappointed that after 3 days of negotiating, the company refuses to come off their zero sum strategy and we have once again asked the mediator for an impasse. We are awaiting that decision."

Pretty good prediction!
APFA President Laura Glading stated, “It can be a juggling act, but as we all know well from our history, nothing worth fighting for can be achieved without a struggle. We’ve proven many times that our hard work and perseverance can and will pay off.”

Oh yes, I forgot about the APFA's historical fight to implement the RPA. Keep on fighting APFA - you guys are Union Trailblazers.
You and I both know that the RPA was not a contract in which APFA was able to really negotiate. It was a take it or leave it negotiations. The alternative was BK . If we had gone the BK route , we would not know the job as it is today. Do me a favor and look back at all the good APFA did in the past prior to 2003. This union is strong and works for me...... We will get a contract and I fully support my negotiationing team.
You and I both know that the RPA was not a contract in which APFA was able to really negotiate. It was a take it or leave it negotiations. The alternative was BK . If we had gone the BK route , we would not know the job as it is today. Do me a favor and look back at all the good APFA did in the past prior to 2003. This union is strong and works for me...... We will get a contract and I fully support my negotiationing team.


Don't even try to reason with someone who has a screen name as them. They will remain bitter till the day they die and I for one don't consider their opinion worth listening to. Now, go out there and enjoy out bidding them and be proud that you were with an airline and union that retained your seniority!

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