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A320 training reductions


Aug 19, 2002
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It looks as though the company is being penny wise and pound foolish again. Two A320 simulators are up for sale as well as a 737-300 simulator. I don''t know what the fleet size is going to be, but even with after midnight training it looks like it will be quite a trick to keep everyone current. They could lease time elswhere, and probably will lease time on the sims that they sell. They already did that with one 737 they sold to a company in Miami, the company that bought the sim leased it back to USAIR and got their money back. Free simulator. We are giving them away! Bet someone got a nice bonus for that decision. I don''t think it is prudent for the company to depend on another entity for the training of pilots, who are crucial for the operation of the company. Of course when sims go they get rid of some of us simulator engineers too. It took them two years to find three people that could pass the test when we were hiring in 1999. As of now we have lost 30% of our department, looks like more to come. Though we feel completely unappreciated by management, and realize that most of our fellow employees don''t know that we exist, let alone what we do, I would like to thank the pilots, especially the check airmen that have shown appreciation of our work and treated us with dignity and respect. Good luck with your pensions (they took ours in 92) and thanks for being a part of the airline that we can be proud of. CWAers, you have always amazed me when I''ve seen you handling canceled flights and irate customers or going the extra mile to help the clueless, thank you for keeping it all together and flowing, without you we would be lost. F/A''s, you do it all, thanks, same to Res, and fleet service. And as you all know our mechanics are the best in the industry. Thank you all. I am proud to have been associated with all of you. I wish I could say the same about management but I can''t. It has come to the point where it would almost be a relief to be furloughed. It''s not the cuts as much as the way we are treated that ruins morale, why can''t they understand that simple human fact?
On 1/17/2003 7:41:02 PM simfixer wrote:

It looks as though the company is being penny wise and pound foolish again. Two A320 simulators are up for sale as well as a 737-300 simulator. I don't know what the fleet size is going to be, but even with after midnight training it looks like it will be quite a trick to keep everyone current. They could lease time elswhere, and probably will lease time on the sims that they sell. They already did that with one 737 they sold to a company in Miami, the company that bought the sim leased it back to USAIR and got their money back. Free simulator. We are giving them away! Bet someone got a nice bonus for that decision. I don't think it is prudent for the company to depend on another entity for the training of pilots, who are crucial for the operation of the company. Of course when sims go they get rid of some of us simulator engineers too. It took them two years to find three people that could pass the test when we were hiring in 1999. As of now we have lost 30% of our department, looks like more to come. Though we feel completely unappreciated by management, and realize that most of our fellow employees don't know that we exist, let alone what we do, I would like to thank the pilots, especially the check airmen that have shown appreciation of our work and treated us with dignity and respect. Good luck with your pensions (they took ours in 92) and thanks for being a part of the airline that we can be proud of. CWAers, you have always amazed me when I've seen you handling canceled flights and irate customers or going the extra mile to help the clueless, thank you for keeping it all together and flowing, without you we would be lost. F/A's, you do it all, thanks, same to Res, and fleet service. And as you all know our mechanics are the best in the industry. Thank you all. I am proud to have been associated with all of you. I wish I could say the same about management but I can't. It has come to the point where it would almost be a relief to be furloughed. It's not the cuts as much as the way we are treated that ruins morale, why can't they understand that simple human fact?
From all of us, we thank you for making our crews the best in the industry....fight the good fight!