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A shrinking airline!


Aug 20, 2002
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US Airways
A Shrinking Airline
US Airways is a much smaller airline today than it was before the Sept. 11 attacks, and it relies far more on partners and subsidiaries that operate as
US Airways Express, flying smaller airplanes including regional jets and turboprops.
August 2001 January 2003
Employees 46,738 33,236
Mainline jets 417 280
Cities served by mainline (big jets) 106 92
Cities served by Express 161 158
Total daily departures 4606 3412
Daily mainline (big jet) departures 1958 1246
Daily Charlotte mainline departures 350 260
Daily Charlotte Express departures 180 200
source us employee website
You forgot one truly sad comparison.
old daily loads? 130-150,000..
new daily loads? lucky to break 90-100,000.
Where is the marketing/pricing department? People will fly if you sell the product properly.>cough cough< LUV.. JB
WOW! I had no idea that the cuts had been that deep. My heart goes out to everyone who has been part of those cuts.

We fly 1200 less flights per day now. Of course the corresponding number of pax will be lower. Think about it.


Where is the marketing/pricing department? People will fly if you sell the product properly.>cough cough[ LUV.. JB
The marketing department is doing a fine job as usual. The "cockroach" idea is very good. I have noticed several spots on local TV along with a nice article in USA Today. And the best part is its all free advertisement!!!!And you say they are not holding up their end?
I fly from BOS often, and am amazed at what a ghost-town the US terminal seems at times lately. It's a shame and I think it will just get worse as the others take over the FL market from here, which has got to be a big chunk of the volume and repeat business, even if it's not a big chunk of yield.
On 2/5/2003 10:10:38 AM A&P Tech wrote:


Where is the marketing/pricing department? People will fly if you sell the product properly.>cough cough[ LUV.. JB
The marketing department is doing a fine job as usual. The "cockroach" idea is very good. I have noticed several spots on local TV along with a nice article in USA Today. And the best part is its all free advertisement!!!!And you say they are not holding up their end?

I am sorry you believe the cockroach club is benificial advertising for US Airways. It does nothing to help our imagine or help this airline prosper.
On 2/4/2003 8:26:11 AM Severed-N-Happy wrote:

You forgot one truly sad comparison.

old daily loads? 130-150,000..

new daily loads? lucky to break 90-100,000.

Where is the marketing/pricing department? People will fly if you sell the product properly.>cough cough< LUV.. JB

I can remember daily loads higher than the 130-150,000 you state, again people wake-up, passenger loads have fallen for everyone, marketing had little or nothing to do with this, when the business person stops flying we pay the price. What did you expect, continue to fly 442 a/c with daily loads of 100,000 or less ?
On 2/5/2003 10:54:53 AM retiredman wrote:


I can remember daily loads higher than the 130-150,000 you state, again people wake-up, passenger loads have fallen for everyone, marketing had little or nothing to do with this, when the business person stops flying we pay the price. What did you expect, continue to fly 442 a/c with daily loads of 100,000 or less ?

The biz person isn't going to pay 1000 rt lga clt/800rt dc-clt/ or 500 rt phlbos/ or 2200 rt dc-lax,etc etc..not when SW and JB can fly them for much less....the recent reductions in biz fares are too little too late, the damage has been done by poor mkting mgmt...If the fares were reduced per the demand in the proper time frame as is customary for any commodity, I believe we would have more passengers in the air.
It's not just the airlines. Last weekend I needed a rental car at LGA for 2 days. Using my "Avis Preferred" status with them, I get a price of over $150 for a compact, so in frustration I do something I've never done. I use Priceline. In a nanosecond it takes my offer of $80 for a bigger vehicle..and guess what company it is? Avis. When I go to pick the thing up, the shuttle bus can barely make it through the gate for all the empty vehicles on hand, lined up everywhere. It's a terrible time in the travel business, but whoever sets the pricing for tickets, cars, rooms, etc., better wake up. With no bookings, they hang tough on old time pricing, and once that customer migrates eleswhere, you can't sell the stuff at those prices anyway. Maybe because those decision making people travel on special industry deals, they lose touch. I often wonder if senior managment flies the company, or if they are so concerned about confrontation with employees, they use a pass on another carrier. There seems to be a total disconnect in the air, car, lodging sector, and it starts by not doing a reality check.