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New Charlotte-portland Service

WNrforlife said:
Just wait until we start service into Philly. We are going to kick USAir's butt right out of there!!
Echoing what PITbull said, we will either coexist together or we will bury you. US4EVA!
WNrforlife said:
Just wait until we start service into Philly. We are going to kick USAir's butt right out of there!!
"NO", WNforlife, your not going to run US out of PHL.

BUT, WN will have an effect overall on US.

US can't afford to lose another "nickle" $$$$, and WN's low fare's WILL have a negative effect on US's(overall) "bottom line".

How I think WN will "change" US ??

WN will ultimately force US to get it's overall operating costs LOWER, something that should have been done 10 years, and a few CEO's ago.

My guess is that we'll see even more mainline flying given over to the express carriers, for starters.

I've got family employeed at US, so I'm rooting like hel* for US, BUT WN "cannot" be ignored.

Best wishes to all, at US.

PITbull said:
Don't even go there.... Obviously, you are worried, or you wouldn't be on our board. We will either co-exist together, or we will bury you. :angry:
Just checked WN's website for a PHL-MCO fare. It's $169.00 one way walkup. Care to guess how much your "unbelievable" fare is?

<drum roll>

For flight 987 leaving PHL at 8:05 AM, which is about the same departure time as WN's flight....US is charging $509.11!!!!!!

Why is it so expensive? At this rate rate, you should be promoting kind of like "GO FARES - THEIR UNAFFORDABLE!!!".

Ok, now just in case you start whining something like, "But those are the last seats fares you saw, let me try again....

3:30PM flight 1157....a 734, so basically the same seat as WN's.....STILL $509.11!!!!!
Edited by moderator, why should I ride you when I can ride the WN plane for much less? DO you make up for your high fares with service? The ride is only 2 hours and 29 minutes, so not much is expected.....what am I paying you for? Excellent service? WN gives it just the same, maybe even a little bit better....it's nice to ride them and see a pleasant soul in an F/A, rather than a funeral home worker in training like US has. Better drinks? Please. A drink is a drink is a drink, and no sane person is going to pay over $300 for one.

Unless you match their fares, your job is as good as dead.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
"NO", WNforlife, your not going to run US out of PHL.

BUT, WN will have an effect overall on US.

US can't afford to lose another "nickle" $$$$, and WN's low fare's WILL have a negative effect on US's(overall) "bottom line".

How I think WN will "change" US ??

WN will ultimately force US to get it's overall operating costs LOWER, something that should have been done 10 years, and a few CEO's ago.

My guess is that we'll see even more mainline flying given over to the express carriers, for starters.

I've got family employeed at US, so I'm rooting like hel* for US, BUT WN "cannot" be ignored.

Best wishes to all, at US.

It would be nice to see US survive and thrive, but you know what? With a gang of jokers like BoeingBoy, PitBull, 700UW, OldguyinPA and the others on the their side...they don't stand a chance. WN has more spirit, heart and aggression then US has, and it is just a matter of time before US slits it's own throat, courtesy of the unionistas. Maybe a miracle could occur, but most likely not.
Hey I don't think that Southwest is going to by in Philly that long. They were in SFO and DEN but they couldn't deal with the ATC delays and all the other problems they have. I guess WN hasn't figured out who does the ramp control in PHL. They think they are just going to blow in and blow out this is not going to happen. Where are they going to get there employees from Philly? Boy are they in for a rude awakening. I just can't see them sticking around. The ATC, ground delays, ground stops and then there is the ground traffic. Bring it on Southwest you'll be leaving soon after to see how bad it is.
PineyBob said:
El Gato,

Never allow facts to get in the way of your opinion. There was a study done by someone i happen to know that was published by the St Petersburg times that showed that SWA was the cheapest fare exactly 26% of the time. That means that 74% of the time they charged MORE than their competition.

SWA sells the highest percentage of "Full Fare" tickets of ANY AIRLINE. Difference being that their "Full Fare" is never more than $299.00 each way.

You want to sit on a plane through as many as three different flights to save $50.00 on a west coast trip versus a non-stop that saves me 3 to 4 hours that's on you.

See El Gato, some people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. You appear to be one of "Those People"
Bob, Great post ! It's good to see someone cutting thru the B.S. on this board from time to time.. It doesn't happen much.
El Gato said:
It would be nice to see US survive and thrive, but you know what? With a gang of jokers like BoeingBoy, PitBull, 700UW, OldguyinPA and the others on the their side...they don't stand a chance. WN has more spirit, heart and aggression then US has, and it is just a matter of time before US slits it's own throat, courtesy of the unionistas. Maybe a miracle could occur, but most likely not.
El Gato...let me clue you in on a little something.
The employees of UAIR have held this company together under the most dire circumstances imaginable. They've held it together when the leaders of this company abandoned the west coast, the Florida Shuttle and the very point to point flying they are reportedly going to go back to. They told management then it was a mistake to do away with that flying and they were right. They lived through Business Select, a 1.5 billion stock buy back fiasco, the UAL merger fiasco, no plan B, no real plan A, no plan whatsoever. They made it through countless CEO's that bilked this company of millions upon millions of dollars. They lived through Wolfgang, Schofield and Little Dave. They've made it through chapter 11 bankruptcy, personal bankruptcies, salary cuts, salary deferments, benefit cuts not to mention the uncertainty of not knowing if the company they have built together, despite the mismanagement they have endured, will live to see them through to their next paycheck. They have lived and in some cases thrived under all these adverse conditions and they are still here fighting. Then you have the gall to say they don't have spirit, heart and aggression? You sir are out of touch with the real employees of UAIR. While I disagree with several of the people you listed in your post I will tell you this. If you are looking for a group of people that will fight when it looks like all hope is lost you need to look no further than the people of UAIR. They're fine people and damned hard workers. I hope they put it together and make it so they can come back to you and rub your smug nose in their accomplisments. :angry:
PineyBob said:
El Gato,

Never allow facts to get in the way of your opinion. There was a study done by someone i happen to know that was published by the St Petersburg times that showed that SWA was the cheapest fare exactly 26% of the time. That means that 74% of the time they charged MORE than their competition.

SWA sells the highest percentage of "Full Fare" tickets of ANY AIRLINE. Difference being that their "Full Fare" is never more than $299.00 each way.

You want to sit on a plane through as many as three different flights to save $50.00 on a west coast trip versus a non-stop that saves me 3 to 4 hours that's on you.

See El Gato, some people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. You appear to be one of "Those People"

The ONLY REASON that the majors had lower fares than WN is because they have to undercut the LCC's in order to compete. That's right PineyBob, US's (and the other majors) service is so bad they have to charge less.

Come on Piney, I want you to explain how worthwhile it is to pay US a walkup fare of $718 to fly PHL-ISP?

You talk about US's great network...yet they can't even fly to large domestic cities like PDX, SLC or ABQ? They have to put you on a "codeshare" partner.

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