- Aug 19, 2002
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This is copied, with the webmaster's permission, from a private TWA flight attendants' board (some details have been omitted to maintain anonymity):
July 22, 2003
July 23, 2003
September 3, 2003
September 6, 2003
By the webmaster:
July 22, 2003
I've been trying to decide whether or not to post this all day. It's still bothering me so I decided to go for it.
As I've stated on other posts, I've recently started as Asst. Mgr. at the Discovery Channel store in STL. Although it's not my dream job, I'd like to think I'm doing well, and it's going good for me. Anyway, today I had a run in with a nAAtive. Well, if that's what you can call him.
Here's what happened:
I see a man looking at a book we have and walk over to "get the sale" by saying....that's a really powerful book isn't it? He's kind of emotional (it's a huge $50 pictorial book on NYC on 9/11). He says it was a horrible day and that he lost some good friends. I validate his feelings and agree with him. Then he proceeds to say that it's horrible the way the crews were murdered. I ask if he works for an airline and he says yes...AA. I tell him that I'm sorry for his losses on 9/11 and that they are all in a better place now. I try to find some common ground by saying that I lost friends that day as well. He continues to tell me that he's an AA F/A. Then asks me outright if I worked for an airline. Weird huh?! I say that I simple as that (after all, I'm at work and must be professional..not to mention I want to make a sale). He asks if I was TWA. I say yes. He then proceeds to inform me that he "got smart in the 80s and got the h*** outa TWA and went to a real airline called AA b/c he saw the writing on the wall". I just said, well, we all made choices sir. Then he just keeps going on about the 80s and how bad TWA was blah blah blah......I finally tell him that I can't debate the 80s with him as far as the aviation world goes b/c I was in grade school then (no comments please). He keeps going on and I just say that no one ever predicted what would happen to TWA back when it was the premier airline and that unfortunately with the way corporate america is today and how volatile the airline industry is, no airline, regardless how big or what they think of themselves, is safe and not to think that it can NEVER happen to AA or anyone else. He keeps going back to his 80s TWA saga...which makes me think he's trying to convince himself and not me......then I have to help another customer and he leaves the store. Twenty minutes go by and I'm dealing with UPS on a shipment and this character sticks his head in the door to my store and proceeds to tell me in front of the UPS guy and other customers that he didn't like how "poorly I treated him" and that he was going to let Discovery know about it. I replied with..."sir, I didn't treat you poorly. I struck up conversation about a book with you to hopefully make a sale, which is my job, and you took it to the next level. I remained professional the entire time". The fabulous UPS guy said he was my witness if anything ever comes of it, but what the he** is this crap?!
Bottom line...I'd like to know the names of the male F/A's that left TWA for AA during the Icahn era. He's about 5'8" or so.....balding with grey. A little stocky, but not large. He said he was on a "layover" so he may not be a STL replacement. I should not have to tolerate nAAtives coming into my non-airline job and harassing me. I feel like he'll tell them all and they'll all be in there and on my back.
I think he feels threatened and vulnerable. I just hope he stays away from my store from now on.
July 23, 2003
Oh My TWA I love you all. After reading all your comments I feel much better. Thank you. I don't know who this freak is, but I did mention to the UPS guy that I could call AA and report him for harassing ex-TWAers at non-airline jobs. I have thought of all the suggestions and decided for the time being that once again, I will be the BIGGER person and just let it go, but NOT forget.
September 3, 2003
I've waited a couple of weeks, but thought I should update you all. I no longer work for Discovery. On 8/19 I went to work as normal and when the store mgr. arrived at 1 pm he took a phone call from the district mgr and called me into the office. He handed me my final paycheck through 1:30 pm that day and told me they were "letting me go". WHAT!? I asked for reasons and he gave me none stating that he wasn't given any. I left and can't say I miss the place one bit, but I also can't help but wonder if this nAAtive F/A didn't have something to do with it. I'll never know. I'm trying to get my UI reinstated (they are investigating my case). Discovery did however send me Cobra info, which I'm not going to use b/c it's even higher than AA's. I just feel as if Discovery showed me no respect and that bothers me. If the nAAtive is the reason then just know that no matter where you are, they will try and get to you. BTW, no issues were ever brought to my attention in the 1.5 months that I worked there. As far as I knew all was well. Thanks for listening.
September 6, 2003
Thanks a bunch everybody for your kind words and encouragement.
UI called me on 9/4 for the interview concerning my loss of employment with Discovery. The lady was very nice, introduced herself and informed me that the reason they do these interviews is because companies have a bad habit of lying. She asked me questions like how long I worked there, how long was the probationary period (I had a month and 1/2 to go before my 90 days were up), my wage, what type of training I received (none), etc. Then she read Discovery's reasons for letting me go. It was a bunch of BS to say the least. I know that truth and can therefore live with myself. She also stated that they had received a letter from a customer on 8/11 on how horrible I was to him. It appears that this AA**hole followed up on his word. I just really wish that Discovery would have had the decency and respect to bring this to my attention and discuss it with me. Unfortunately it appears that Discovery hires inept people to run their retail business.
I will survive and go onto bigger and better. I will admit that I am in a bit of a panic over money right now. UI still hasn't finished their investigation (they were going to go back to Discovery and re-question them per my responses) so I have ZERO income coming in right now. I am looking for a job and refuse to go back to retail. I'm trusting in the Lord that all will work out and be ok. Again, thank all are a wonderful group and I consider myself very lucky to be a part of it.
By the webmaster:
I just got off the phone with the manager of The Discovery Store.
I am furious. His response to me was that "the person who complained could have been a Drug Dealer for all the difference it would make. The bottom line is that he was a Discovery Store customer." Eeewwww am I fuming. I told him that the fact that no one even spoke to [the employee] about it or asked her for her explanation was bad management and 'shameful' at the VERY least.