You know yesterday I came to that realization. The past couple of days - I have seen a person using others as puppets to send out lies to the other side. I have seen people attack the character of another (when it was based on lies). I have seen people attack another person about a drinking problem 13 years ago. (No matter how I feel about her - I think this was wrong.) All this from both slates.
I see nothing but hatred among the flight attendants. Why would I want to be a part of this? What happened to combining our forces against the real issues - that being getting the contract back, getting furloughees back to work, etc.
I bet AA is laughing their heads off - they accomplished what they wanted to destroy the f/a's - and it just keeps getting worse.
Hey, buhbye. Thanks for almost giving me a heart attack. I've been out of town for 3 days and when i saw the topic I thought you had heard something new about the furloughees. It took me a couple of minutes to realize you were talking about the possible recall of JW. Be more specific in your topic title, please.