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any recalls in 2007 for FA? Happy New Year

Agreed as well. I do think it's a mixture of both as far as call off's. There is a pretty big group that didn't hold off chrismas or new years in their blocks. I'm sure there are also many reserves that hardly fly all month that figure "screw this" when they get called away on the holiday. It is their job but so was the person who called off and the reserve is now covering. I'm just glad it wasn't a mass calloff making the group look bad. How many of those ETB trips for the holiday were covered? I'm curious.
Just curious if you were one of the US East that was recalled back but to the America West side?? Or still awaiting to be called back?

Reason being, many that came back on the recall either have quit and are awaiting to be recalled back again to the East side? Or some how are on a medical. Amazing, those who wanted their job back so badly certainly did not want it bad enough to quit and hope to get called back to the East? or somehow have injured themselves to collect workmans comp because they do not want to work???

I think that if you were offered a recall and took it, to work the position that you want and wait to transfer back out to the East once the certificates merge. Not take it and quit, the company will be the same if you get recalled back to the East as it was when you were given an opportunity for your job at the America West side of things. I think that those who did take it and quit should not be given another chance with the recall rights ..I am sure, there are others who would have loved the oppty to get recalled and didnt because others wasted their recall to quit and await return later on.

Such hostility! I don't get it.

First off, there was a Transition Agreement in place which spelled out, that one could partipate in a recall to the West, resign, and still be able to accept a recall to the East - providing that a 365 day timeframe had elapsed and such recall to the East was offered. Technically, those that accepted a recall to the West would be flying on AWA's certificate. Every furloughed East f/a was made the same offer and only about 70 took them up on the offer. Of those 70, about 45 - 50 actually made the huge investment (financially, professionally and emotionally) to move to PHX and commence new-hire training. Those, that were in the first training class (about 22 East Furloughees) on or about 3/13/06, were told on the first day of orientation (in a room with hundreds of other new hires from various departments) that there was now going to be a recall for f/as to the East and they had until lunchtime to decide if they wished to go back East. Imagine yourself in their shoes. The Company, that they so dearly wanted to work for, springs this on them at the last instant. Most had already moved across country, signed leases, etc. I think that most would have preferred to be back East, but by then it was not really a viable option. They already had too much invested in the move to PHX. I believe that one person, from that group of 22 or so, had the flexibility to leave PHX and accept an East recall.

Once there, their troubles were only beginning.....

1) Training was semi-organized - at best....and, they were in class with new hires off the street. This latter situation was unfair to both the new hires and the recalled East f/as. Additionally, there were many complaints with the IOM. It was part Emergency Manual, part P&P. It was poorly designed, poorly written and researched, lacked continuity and was mistake laden.

2) Benefits that were promised to be in place from day one (The Transition Agreement) were not. Most had nightmare stories of dealing with an unprepared Benefits Dept. that delayed participation in their Plan. Some went without benefits for months as their paperwork was lost, misplaced, only to be told months later that they could now recieve their benefits, but they would have to pay all their premiums from the beginning. Can you imagine paying for three months of health benefits that you were unable to utilize?

3) Others had horror stories of countless failed attempts of trying to get their established Employee Travel Profiles in place out West. It took one f/a 4 months to get his mother on his West Travel Pass. And The Travel Office, it seems, is rife with unaccountable and hostile personnel.

4) Many had serious reservations about how the West's Scheduling Dept. operated. The complaints were so numerous that Mike Finn even meet with his new Reserves to address their concerns. Unfortunately, the meeting did not change any of the West's practices. Most attempts to address contractural discrepancies over the phone with schedulers were met with a kind of bullying aggressiveness and/or a lack of patience. The mantra is seems was "Fly it, then grieve it".

5) Problems with AWA crewmembers were another troubling area. Most were very nice, but others went out of their way to promote the idea that ALL EAST F/As should be happy that they had a job on either coast. And, even some of the nice West f/as were fully invested in the notion and they (AWA) purchased US. Talks of "The Merger" were met with how they "Aquired" US. It grew tiresome and it made work unnecessarily stressful.

In summation: These f/as went through a lot. Some are still there, but others had had enough and called it quits. Bottom line is, you really don't know what they went through and you can't judge their decision to leave PHX and to hope for a recall back East. Additionally, The Transition Agreement allows for it.
Such hostility! I don't get it.

First off, there was a Transition Agreement in place which spelled out, that one could partipate in a recall to the West, resign, and still be able to accept a recall to the East - providing that a 365 day timeframe had elapsed and such recall to the East was offered. Technically, those that accepted a recall to the West would be flying on AWA's certificate. Every furloughed East f/a was made the same offer and only about 70 took them up on the offer. Of those 70, about 45 - 50 actually made the huge investment (financially, professionally and emotionally) to move to PHX and commence new-hire training. Those, that were in the first training class (about 22 East Furloughees) on or about 3/13/06, were told on the first day of orientation (in a room with hundreds of other new hires from various departments) that there was now going to be a recall for f/as to the East and they had until lunchtime to decide if they wished to go back East. Imagine yourself in their shoes. The Company, that they so dearly wanted to work for, springs this on them at the last instant. Most had already moved across country, signed leases, etc. I think that most would have preferred to be back East, but now, it was not really a viable option. They already had too much invested in the move to PHX. I believe that one person, from that group of 22 or so, had the flexibility to leave PHX and accept an East recall.

Once there, their troubles were only beginning.....

1) Training was semi-organized - at best....and, they were in class with new hires off the street. This latter situation was unfair to both the new hires and the recalled East f/as. Additionally, there were many complaints with the IOM. It was part Emergency Manual, part P&P. It was poorly designed, poorly written and researched, lacked continuity and was mistake laden.

2) Benefits that were promised to be in place from day one (The Transition Agreement) were not. Most had nightmare stories of dealing with an unprepared Benefits Dept. that delayed participation in their Plan. Some went without benefits for months as their paperwork was lost, misplaced, only to be told months later that they could now recieve their benefits, but they would have to pay all their premiums from the beginning. Can you imagine paying for three months of health benefits that you were unable to utilize?

3) Others had horror stories of countless failed attempts of trying to get their established Employee Travel Profiles in place out West. It took one f/a 4 months to get his mother on his West Travel Pass. And The Travel Office, it seems, is rife with unaccountable and hostile personnel.

4) Many had serious reservations about how the West's Scheduling Dept. operated. The complaints were so numerous that Mike Finn even meet with his new Reserves to address their concerns. Unfortunately, the meeting did not change any of the West's practices. Most attempts to address contractural discrepancies over the phone with schedulers were met with a kind of bullying aggressiveness and/or a lack of patience. The mantra is seems was "Fly it, then grieve it".

5) Problems with AWA crewmembers were another troubling area. Most were very nice, but others went out of their way to promote the idea that ALL EAST F/As should be happy that they had a job on either coast. And, even some of the nice West f/as were fully invested in the notion and they purchased US. Talks of "The Merger" were met with how they "Aquired" US. It grew tiresome and it made work unnecessarily stressful.

In summation: These f/as went through a lot. Some are still there, but others had had enough and called it quits. Bottom line is, you really don't know what they went through and you can't judge their decision to leave PHX and to hope for a recall back East. Additionally, The Transition Agreement allows for it.

Trust me, I know what hardships they went thru, but they should be thankful they were given an opportunity to be recalled period.

But put your self in the shoes of those Reserves out on the West, who have been flying longer then those who were recalled from the East in their entire career. Some of those recalled East flew one or two trips and got furloughed. Did not endure going thru the hardships many of the West FAs had during the 911 days and those months afterwards. Then to find out that when these so called East FAs got recalled would receive their entire service senority for years they never even flew?? And once the transition of certificates are integrated, they will slot above those West FAs who worked the past 6yrs while those recalled were not even working.

In addition, what about those East recalls that were given NO probationary period while their fellow classmates hired off the street had to wait 90days for a probationary period where they came into work on their scheduled days and those East recalls continually called in sick with no reprecussions?? Is that Fair??

If you have a problem regarding giving those East recalls the situation about finding out at orientation about being recalled to the East..that was Mr Mike Flores mishap. He knew about it on Friday and did nothing to notify those going to PHX to take the job..that should fall on the MEC not the company.

In regards to training, we ALL are learning new procedures and must ALL adapt to change. It will no longer be, We did this on the East, or we do this on the West. We now do things this way...learn it or find a way to adapt to it.

I am all for bringing back employees that were furloughed, but when you are offered the job, it wasnt going to be all rosey. Times have changed and so has the industry in general. The America West FAs put up with alot of crap from scheduling, still are the lowest paid FAs in the industry,even after this merger years 1-10 are still paid lower on the West to those with the same years of service on the East. EX. yr 9 West pay -$26.47hr : East 9yr $32.47hr. So where is the fairness here?? How would you like to be in a West FA shoes knowing that we are doing the same job as those on the East bringing home hundreds of dollars less??

All in all, we love the job, and know that we have to make sacrafices at times, its not always the best, but we have stuck thru it. Hopefully, a merged contract will settle many of the issues that are out there. In the end, we all must stick together to create a unified workforce.
Hopefully, a merged contract will settle many of the issues that are out there. In the end, we all must stick together to create a unified workforce.
A nice start would be for some people to stop insulting their East counterparts.
I am all for bringing back employees that were furloughed, but when you are offered the job, it wasnt going to be all rosey. Times have changed and so has the industry in general. The America West FAs put up with alot of crap from scheduling, still are the lowest paid FAs in the industry,even after this merger years 1-10 are still paid lower on the West to those with the same years of service on the East. EX. yr 9 West pay -$26.47hr : East 9yr $32.47hr. So where is the fairness here?? How would you like to be in a West FA shoes knowing that we are doing the same job as those on the East bringing home hundreds of dollars less??

All in all, we love the job, and know that we have to make sacrafices at times, its not always the best, but we have stuck thru it.

sky high states: Sooooo, what your really saying is, you're complaining about the EAST having better contract/contract language then the WEST.

only stating opinions
Trust me, I know what hardships they went thru, but they should be thankful they were given an opportunity to be recalled period.

You should be thankful that you have a job, with your attitude. The f/a's that accepted recall to West did not take food out of anybody's mouthes. If they quit, then somebody else was given the opportunity to replace them. And pray tell, why should a furloughee be subject to probation?

Jeez, it's people like you that are dragging this airline down.

I'd wish you a Happy New Year, but I doubt you are capable of being happen under any circumstances.
Such hostility! I don't get it.

First off, there was a Transition Agreement in place which spelled out, that one could partipate in a recall to the West, resign, and still be able to accept a recall to the East - providing that a 365 day timeframe had elapsed and such recall to the East was offered. Technically, those that accepted a recall to the West would be flying on AWA's certificate. Every furloughed East f/a was made the same offer and only about 70 took them up on the offer. Of those 70, about 45 - 50 actually made the huge investment (financially, professionally and emotionally) to move to PHX and commence new-hire training. Those, that were in the first training class (about 22 East Furloughees) on or about 3/13/06, were told on the first day of orientation (in a room with hundreds of other new hires from various departments) that there was now going to be a recall for f/as to the East and they had until lunchtime to decide if they wished to go back East. Imagine yourself in their shoes. The Company, that they so dearly wanted to work for, springs this on them at the last instant. Most had already moved across country, signed leases, etc. I think that most would have preferred to be back East, but by then it was not really a viable option. They already had too much invested in the move to PHX. I believe that one person, from that group of 22 or so, had the flexibility to leave PHX and accept an East recall.

Once there, their troubles were only beginning.....

1) Training was semi-organized - at best....and, they were in class with new hires off the street. This latter situation was unfair to both the new hires and the recalled East f/as. Additionally, there were many complaints with the IOM. It was part Emergency Manual, part P&P. It was poorly designed, poorly written and researched, lacked continuity and was mistake laden.

2) Benefits that were promised to be in place from day one (The Transition Agreement) were not. Most had nightmare stories of dealing with an unprepared Benefits Dept. that delayed participation in their Plan. Some went without benefits for months as their paperwork was lost, misplaced, only to be told months later that they could now recieve their benefits, but they would have to pay all their premiums from the beginning. Can you imagine paying for three months of health benefits that you were unable to utilize?

3) Others had horror stories of countless failed attempts of trying to get their established Employee Travel Profiles in place out West. It took one f/a 4 months to get his mother on his West Travel Pass. And The Travel Office, it seems, is rife with unaccountable and hostile personnel.

4) Many had serious reservations about how the West's Scheduling Dept. operated. The complaints were so numerous that Mike Finn even meet with his new Reserves to address their concerns. Unfortunately, the meeting did not change any of the West's practices. Most attempts to address contractural discrepancies over the phone with schedulers were met with a kind of bullying aggressiveness and/or a lack of patience. The mantra is seems was "Fly it, then grieve it".

5) Problems with AWA crewmembers were another troubling area. Most were very nice, but others went out of their way to promote the idea that ALL EAST F/As should be happy that they had a job on either coast. And, even some of the nice West f/as were fully invested in the notion and they (AWA) purchased US. Talks of "The Merger" were met with how they "Aquired" US. It grew tiresome and it made work unnecessarily stressful.

In summation: These f/as went through a lot. Some are still there, but others had had enough and called it quits. Bottom line is, you really don't know what they went through and you can't judge their decision to leave PHX and to hope for a recall back East. Additionally, The Transition Agreement allows for it.Continental starts better pay forF/A , so i've been told. get out the rat race join with CONTINENTAL , best move I ever MADE!!!!! :up:
"Continental starts better pay forF/A , so i've been told. get out the rat race join with CONTINENTAL , best move I ever MADE!!!!!" :up:

This quote was not part of my reply - I believe that it was mistakenly added by baja4U. :huh:
sky high states: Sooooo, what your really saying is, you're complaining about the EAST having better contract/contract language then the WEST.
only stating opinions

No not stating that the East has a better contract...actually the West contract is a bit better. I am stating that even with the transition agreement, there are still many differences with both contracts..and pay was just one example.
No not stating that the East has a better contract...actually the West contract is a bit better.

sky high states: Apparently NOT your "recall rights" in YOUR contract.

and, YOUR sick policy. Explain that one to me......you dont get to claim the trip missed unless your time for the month goes below 70. Who flies near 70?

Only stating opinions.
Just curious if you were one of the US East that was recalled back but to the America West side?? Or still awaiting to be called back?

Reason being, many that came back on the recall either have quit and are awaiting to be recalled back again to the East side? Or some how are on a medical. Amazing, those who wanted their job back so badly certainly did not want it bad enough to quit and hope to get called back to the East? or somehow have injured themselves to collect workmans comp because they do not want to work???

I think that if you were offered a recall and took it, to work the position that you want and wait to transfer back out to the East once the certificates merge. Not take it and quit, the company will be the same if you get recalled back to the East as it was when you were given an opportunity for your job at the America West side of things. I think that those who did take it and quit should not be given another chance with the recall rights ..I am sure, there are others who would have loved the oppty to get recalled and didnt because others wasted their recall to quit and await return later on.
They left because the "West" is not the same as the "East". The word's Arizona Hillbillies have been used a lot! Not saying I agree...just telling you what I was told.
Trust me, I know what hardships they went thru, but they should be thankful they were given an opportunity to be recalled period.

But put your self in the shoes of those Reserves out on the West, who have been flying longer then those who were recalled from the East in their entire career. Some of those recalled East flew one or two trips and got furloughed. Did not endure going thru the hardships many of the West FAs had during the 911 days and those months afterwards. Then to find out that when these so called East FAs got recalled would receive their entire service senority for years they never even flew?? And once the transition of certificates are integrated, they will slot above those West FAs who worked the past 6yrs while those recalled were not even working.

In addition, what about those East recalls that were given NO probationary period while their fellow classmates hired off the street had to wait 90days for a probationary period where they came into work on their scheduled days and those East recalls continually called in sick with no reprecussions?? Is that Fair??

If you have a problem regarding giving those East recalls the situation about finding out at orientation about being recalled to the East..that was Mr Mike Flores mishap. He knew about it on Friday and did nothing to notify those going to PHX to take the job..that should fall on the MEC not the company.

In regards to training, we ALL are learning new procedures and must ALL adapt to change. It will no longer be, We did this on the East, or we do this on the West. We now do things this way...learn it or find a way to adapt to it.

I am all for bringing back employees that were furloughed, but when you are offered the job, it wasnt going to be all rosey. Times have changed and so has the industry in general. The America West FAs put up with alot of crap from scheduling, still are the lowest paid FAs in the industry,even after this merger years 1-10 are still paid lower on the West to those with the same years of service on the East. EX. yr 9 West pay -$26.47hr : East 9yr $32.47hr. So where is the fairness here?? How would you like to be in a West FA shoes knowing that we are doing the same job as those on the East bringing home hundreds of dollars less??

All in all, we love the job, and know that we have to make sacrafices at times, its not always the best, but we have stuck thru it. Hopefully, a merged contract will settle many of the issues that are out there. In the end, we all must stick together to create a unified workforce.
That is false. If they where furloughed from the East, before they where off probation, they would have that much time left on probation when they came to the West. Same thing as if they where recalled to the East.
They left because the "West" is not the same as the "East". The word's Arizona Hillbillies have been used a lot! Not saying I agree...just telling you what I was told.

Yeah two different operating certificates working under one airline name...So each side East and West had different work ethics, polices and procedures.

Most of this is changing with both East and West going to the transisition training classes to bring both sides to one set of policies and procedures. Some of the West policies are to be learned by East FAs, some of the East policies to be learned by the West.

Hopefully this will make the airline more steamlined in regards to service standards and policies. And I hope we wont have to hear anymore about "how on the East or West we did things this way." In addition, our passengers should begin seeing better service standards all around.

For those who feel that they refuse to follow procedures or policies, its time for you to leave. This is going to be a chance for ALL of us to become One Airline.
Yeah two different operating certificates working under one airline name...So each side East and West had different work ethics, polices and procedures.

Most of this is changing with both East and West going to the transisition training classes to bring both sides to one set of policies and procedures. Some of the West policies are to be learned by East FAs, some of the East policies to be learned by the West.

Hopefully this will make the airline more steamlined in regards to service standards and policies. And I hope we wont have to hear anymore about "how on the East or West we did things this way." In addition, our passengers should begin seeing better service standards all around.

For those who feel that they refuse to follow procedures or policies, its time for you to leave. This is going to be a chance for ALL of us to become One Airline.
Like the Non-Dairy creamer Crap you all brought to the party? To all the customers on here...what do you think about our new Award Winning Service Standards? We have always had as good an onboard product as HP. Most of us on the East follow all policies that make sense. Hey Jet have you been on an East 320 yet with the new configuration? If you had then you would know the Standards have been LOWERED on our side of the fence. And they were not lowered by us! Geez Jet you really strick a nerve in me!

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