Folks, Sounds to me like this is actually a bit of good news. The original announcement was for 400 F/As recalled by the end of the summer. Now it's up to 510 "expected" by the end of the year. Aren't they just spreading more recalls over a bigger spread of time? We just have fewer recalls up front but a few more over time.
Just for clarififcation:
The E-Line which came out on March 13, 2006 stated the following:
"The Company plans to announce tomorrow that staffing models indicate the need to recall a significant number of Flight Attendants. Management has indicated that
the number of recalls could be as high as 600 to US Airways (East) during 2006.
The recall will be in two phases. Initially, the Company has indicated they will recall between 320 and 370 Flight Attendants to be on line in June and an estimated 50 Flight Attendants to be on line August. The remainder will be recalled during the fourth quarter of 2006."
So as you can see, the latest revised #'s are not an increase from the 400. Those 400 were planned to return for the Summer. That # has now been reduced to 280. Furthermore, just because 230 more are "expected" to be on the property by the end of 2006 certainly does not mean it will happen, and after this latest development, many of us Junior folks have far less faith that it actually will.
Obviously, the company
SHOULD NOT recall more than what is necessary for staffing with the correct percentage of Reserves, as that would be wasteful and not make for a solid Company to return to. That is not what I am calling irresponsible.
The point here is that the company should really put more thought and consideration into these announcements before allowing the information to go public, particularly if the #'s are as uncertain as they now seem.
As Travelpro72 suggested, a more appropriate announcement would certainly have been: "possible 400 to return...more exact numbers to follow before the letters go out". If the news were handled in this manner, I, for one, would
expect fluctuation in the numbers and not be as upset to see them change.