Chill out there, Mr. Center-of-the-Universe. My post/question wasn't even directed at you.
I understand your point of view. (I disagree that ALL FFers, just by virtue of them flying a lot, "pay the bills period." Some FFers who just pay the lowest fares out there probably do not "pay the bills." But that is a different topic, and for purposes of this conversation, I agree that many higher-yielding FFers do pay the bills.)
Not sure what the rest of your ranting post had to do with the topic at hand, but my point is this:
Is someone who racks up a lot of miles and points by doing things other than flying really and necessarily among the most valued customers of an airline? I would posit no, because that customer is not giving the airline a lot of revenue to actually fly. I understand the airline gets some revenue from that customer through the FF program, but I would think the more valued customer would be the one who gives the airline more revenue from actually flying than from using a certain credit card to buy underwear at JC Penney.
Apparently I have struck a nerve though.