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A million miles and all I got was a stupid piece of paper.

I like what you've had to say.

I'd like to speculate a little bit and then see what you think.

I've wondered what HQ has been trying to do with the FFs, it seems they have been talking out of both sides of their mouth.

I think that they see more money through the "buying" of status method vs. the actual "butt in seat" method. The pool is expanded greatly (much to the detriment of FFs like you and PB) with an additional revenue stream. Just a guess and not to be insulting but they may see current FF benefits as too costly.

I know that each group lobby's for their particular position (which is only to be expected) however I would wager that the current idea of FF benefits will/has become a thing of the past. If this sticks at LCC it may become more common (see second bag fee) in the future.

What do you think?
your logic is really solid, be careful. good observations!

america west has a long history of lowering service standards, and watching the rest of the industry "comply". buy on board is a good example. if assaulting fflyers is the next chapter in the america west management play book, i doubt you will see other legacies follow. perhaps it is just my academic background, but the there is a large psychological component to business loyalty programs--the airline industry is perhaps the best example of such. so, in my crystal ball i see real airlines continuing to compete aggressively and innovatively for fflyer business...and parker and kirby will continue to frolic in the love of cheap.
No Sir you see the US Constitution. I get to have ANY opinion I choose whether you like it or not.

Was it people before you that gave you the US Constitution?

When did I say you went in entitled to your opinion and yes I know I can like whatever I want but it doesn't have anything to do with you giving your permission to me thank you very much.
The FFers of ANY carrier, should be treated with some EXTRA respect, for obvious reasons.

I POSITIVE , if FFers like Piney, realistically had a choice to CHANGE carriers he WOULD.
I sure others are "chained" to the same boat, due to where they reside.

For ALL of you dissatisfied LCC FFers, I only wish that AA realistically could fill you're "VOIDS"(Obviously PHL, with it's restricted PHL schedule doesn't fit).


I percieve Piney Bob as a contrarian. That's not a bad thing, but that is how I view him. I can also be a contrarian, so I understand the mindset.

He has admitted that he could fly out of EWR but, correct me if I am wrong, it is an additional 60-90 minutes for him to do so. However, based on a cumulative overview of his posts he chooses to continue to mostly fly LCC, despite what he percieves (right or wrong) as bad service and a failure of the company to appreciate him and other FF'ers. I have often chided him for not jumping ship and enforcing his view of the company on the company and depriving the company of his revenue premium. The problem with all of this, again from my point of view, is that Piney has voiced his opinions so much that the company has tuned him out. I'm not saying that is right or wrong, but just how I percieve the situation.

I personally don't believe that Piney's mission to basically force the company to love him and the other FF'ers will succeed, at least not with present management in place. I also continue to think that the most effective message he could send would be to fly elsewhere and let the company figure out from his mileage statements that he has taken his travel money elsewhere.
I percieve Piney Bob as a contrarian. That's not a bad thing, but that is how I view him. I can also be a contrarian, so I understand the mindset.
Not to turn this into an "analyze PB" thing but he represents his interests seemingly very effectively.

His interests seem to be hitched to LCC for whatever reasons so to try and improve his situation is a smart thing to do.

His style, I think, has wit ,flair and shows his tenaciousness. Also posting here might be just as much a hobby as it is to the rest of us.

If you look at it as a bar, you've every sort in/on here. PB just happens to be the one at the bar who is willing to speak up and defend his position-maybe even with a G&T in his hand.
Before I answer your question what makes you think I have all the answers?

You haven't been short of answers so far. So, inquiring minds are waiting to know your thoughts on my previous contents. For some reason I think you're really smarter than an airline executive (that new gameshow brought to you from the "Smarter than a Fifth Grader" folks). For that matter, many of us who hang out here are definitely smarter than such. :up:

So, have at it, PayParity.
I'm not a fan of buy on board neither. I think it looks cheap, America West used to serve really good food in first class, but that was a long time ago. If the company wants to snag an extra five bucks from every passenger what they should do is price the food into the base fare of the ticket, then give everyone on board a meal just like Continental does during meal times. That way the passenger doesn't feel like there at the ball park.
I'm not a fan of buy on board neither. I think it looks cheap, America West used to serve really good food in first class, but that was a long time ago. If the company wants to snag an extra five bucks from every passenger what they should do is price the food into the base fare of the ticket, then give everyone on board a meal just like Continental does during meal times. That way the passenger doesn't feel like there at the ball park.

Not "our" money....not "our" product....it belongs to LSG Skychefs, we are just the gimps selling someone else's product which in turn reflects back on US. If I might had, makes US look really bad to begin with...but makes the bean counters in Tempe happy because it's not money out of the company's pocket to supply it onboard!
i agree with 700. go fly someone else.


So this post isn't about what airline I fly on or where I choose to take my business. I was only making an observation - yes true - one we already know - but an observation none the less that Tempe just doesn't get the value of the high volume - high fare frequent flyer. I have already taken by business else where for over a year. Unless there is absolutely no other way to get there than on US. Other companies get it - and are doing something about it.

United seems to get it more than many - take for instance the new International First/Global Services private check in area in Chicago. Now there you go - what a concept - pamper the people who spend the most money on the airline and make them feel appreciated - what a novel concept.

My point also was/is that it isn't only the airlines where there are companies the recognize that loyalty means profits. I used Marriott as an example, but there are many others as well. Think rental car companies - do you think Avis provides Preferred Service because they just think it is a nice thing to do? And it is free I might add!

You may be right - US will never get it - but telling customers - the most profitable customers - to take there business somewhere else certainly isn't doing anything to help improve and solve the problem.

Maybe you don't care anymore - and that is fine - but then I say to you the same thing you said to me - go work somewhere else and quit complaining.
I POSITIVE , if FFers like Piney, realistically had a choice to CHANGE carriers he WOULD.
I sure others are "chained" to the same boat, due to where they reside.

For ALL of you dissatisfied LCC FFers, I only wish that AA realistically could fill you're "VOIDS"(Obviously PHL, with it's restricted PHL schedule doesn't fit).

According to Google Maps, the drive from Mystic Island, NJ to EWR is precisely 10 minutes longer than the drive to PHL.

EWR is, of course, a mega CO hub, with frequent nonstop flights to all over the world and perhaps the best on-board service of any U.S. carrier.

Someone from Mystic Island, NJ has plenty of options if they don't like the choices available out of PHL.
You haven't been short of answers so far.

I have now posted 6 times in this topic and very shorts posts at that. I fail to see how how I gave the impression I have all the answers. I admit I do not have all the answers and if fact I have less answers then I do questions.

Wow this thread went in the wrong direction in a hurry. The OP stated his displeasure with with a computer generated certificate recognizing his 1,000,000 miles w/US. Now its about pay parity, buy on board and Pineys commute times!!! Geeze folks............
Flying someone else is exactly what the FFs are starting to do.

Why do defected US Airways Frequent Fliers care what America West is doing? I would sit back and laugh if I hated America West so much.

I agree with UW700 and Etops1.

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