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A million miles and all I got was a stupid piece of paper.

I recently purchased my millionth roll of Charmin. They at the very least could have awarded me a heated toilet seat.
I recently purchased my millionth roll of Charmin. They at the very least could have awarded me a heated toilet seat.

But can you prove that, Marco? At least Tempe (and CCY before them) had the records of all the flights we've taken, thus why we know our mile totals.

When some of us FFOCUS cockroaches visited INT res a few years back, one of the CP angels was more than happy to pull up our accounts (it gave us a better idea of what they had access to for us, and this was before the new res system and the like) and was able to give us our numbers at that time. At that time I was just shy (like 15K short) of 2M DM earned. (I'm well over 2M earned now.) In the CCY system, a DM was a DM, no matter how it was earned... and in most of the other airline systems, that's the way lifetimes are counted. Tempe does it differently. I'm not criticizing the method... since they give jack squat compared to other airlines, what's being picked at is 1. the attitude and lack of respect they give the "new" 1M club and 2. the lack of perspective they give toward the longterm loyal customer in their brand. Tempe chose to keep the US brand, instead of the HP brand, and the East customer has certain perceptions of the US brand which Tempe has tossed aside like bathwater. Tempe also threw the baby out with it, and there in is the problem IMHO (and many other FFers who've left).

Let's just summarize this in the following... The other airlines look at their FFers in a "how longterm loyal have you been and please come back tomorrow" basis, whereas the Tempe mantra is "how much are you giving us TODAY, right now, this very minute... heck with what you did yesterday and don't care about tomorrow". They don't have a clue about customer loyalty (especially on the East side of operations). If you can't understand that (i.e. what Bob, myself and others have tried to say here about this), then you've been in the Koolaid too much again.
Wooha there , take it easy ! Come on now , what do you expect from a company who’s motto is

US Airways “ GO $%^& yourself . “
Mr Whipple will bring him a golden roll of TP.
Last year, I reached the lifetime million miles mark on USAirways. My reward - a computer generated certificate! Gee - thanks so much.

Now had I been flying on United all those years - my reward would have been lifetime Premier Executive status - along with several system wide upgrades every year for the rest of my life. And - on top of that - United has just added rewards for the two and three million lifetime miles levels.

Just another example of how Tempe just doesn't get the value of the frequent high yeild customer. It would cost them nothing to give lifetime status to a person who flew a million miles - yet would do so much to build loyalty and incent people to continue to fly on US for the rest of their life. Go figure!

Even hotel companies are getting in on the act - I was just awarded lifetime Silver Elite status from Marriott. Not really a huge deal, but certainly will make me think about staying at a Marriott hotel for the rest of my life when I travel.

But I digress - this is US - and it is just a pipe dream that the folks in Tempe would be this creative.

That's a helluva lot of CASH, loyalty. How can I say this tactfully (poaching). COME TO NORTHWEST!!!!! (me...shameless TRAMP :up: )

In fact, I think they will give you your same status...PLUS extra perks! I for one believe you should be treated like gold. There is NOTHING better in this industry than a passenger who puts their money where their mouth is vs. NO money and lots of MOUTH!
Serious question, but are you complaining about only counting BIS? I ask because on Flyertalk I have seen plenty of posts (at least in some airlines' forums; not sure about LCC) where FFers complain about getting certain recognition based on non-BIS miles. A lot of FTers seem to think only "real" FFers should get some of these perks, and it is somehow "cheating" to treat non-BIS miles the same as others.

My own personal opinion is that UA's method of rewarding their 1MM BIS flyers with lifteime Premiere Executive (i.e. Star Alliance Gold) status is far more equitable than AA's method of awarding lifetime Gold/Platinum for 1MM/2MM earned.

But I think the prevailing complaint and topic of this thread is that US does nothing for either method of mileage earning. A worthless certificate does not count, since it is not worth the paper on which it is printed. In fact, sending a certificate for 1MM BIS miles is far more of an insult to the customer than doing nothing at all.

If anybody in Tempe is reading this, here is some free advice: Please think about how the recipient is going to react to receiving a certificate for flying 1MM miles. Either implement a true, meaningful 1MM program, or don't do anything at all. Please save a tree and do not send any certificates, unless they are accompanied by a lifetime Gold card.
Last year, I reached the lifetime million miles mark on USAirways. My reward - a computer generated certificate! Gee - thanks so much.

Now had I been flying on United all those years - my reward would have been lifetime Premier Executive status - along with several system wide upgrades every year for the rest of my life. And - on top of that - United has just added rewards for the two and three million lifetime miles levels.

Just another example of how Tempe just doesn't get the value of the frequent high yeild customer. It would cost them nothing to give lifetime status to a person who flew a million miles - yet would do so much to build loyalty and incent people to continue to fly on US for the rest of their life. Go figure!

Even hotel companies are getting in on the act - I was just awarded lifetime Silver Elite status from Marriott. Not really a huge deal, but certainly will make me think about staying at a Marriott hotel for the rest of my life when I travel.

But I digress - this is US - and it is just a pipe dream that the folks in Tempe would be this creative.
why in the world would any airline give lif time status. why don't we just give you free trip for the rest of your life.
Now I remember we are in busniess to make money not give it away
It must be the heat in AZ baking brains.
I think you're right, Piney......

Last year around this time they were giving Gold away to people that hardly flew at all (gotta keep those elite numbers pumped up so they can say they aren't losing any), but Heaven forbid that they'd do something like give Gold to someone who's flown 1,000,000 miles, either earned or BIS.

why in the world would any airline give lif time status. why don't we just give you free trip for the rest of your life.
Now I remember we are in busniess to make money not give it away

Gee - let's see - give lifetime status to someone who has spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years on airfare - to possibly keep them flying on the airline in the future for the rest of their life - and which I might add costs the airline zip, nadda, nothing to do. Oh yeah - but that would just be stupid - why in the world would they "give away" something that costs them nothing in the hopes of generating future business?

So based upon your post - I guess you think that US is smarter than United, Marriott, and all of the other companies that have figured out that giving lifetime status equates to committed customers. Yes - US is always on the cutting of edge of how to run a business and treat their best customers! (laughing outloud)

You are right - the company is in business to make money - but you certainly wouldn't know that by the way they treat their best customers. Give me lifetime Gold status - which costs the company nothing - and I might fly two or three times a year after I retire on US.
I might add folks..it is a proven fact that these people (million miler..EXTREMELY RARE!) are the bread and butter of ANY airline.

That is a financial FACT! This man clearly supports your airline beyond what is required by any pax.

I would CLEAR First Class for a MILLION MILER....that is called "common sense" anyone who thinks this man or woman is not entitled to "special" treatment needs to return to middle school.

Come to Northwest...we will spread the RED carpet for ya!
Come to Northwest...we will spread the RED carpet for ya!

I've gone to Northwest for most of my travel lately. For a long time I heard people bash Northwest. It's been a nice surprise for me. I am much happier with the service from Northwest than what I experienced on US over the last couple years.
I've gone to Northwest for most of my travel lately. For a long time I heard people bash Northwest. It's been a nice surprise for me. I am much happier with the service from Northwest than what I experienced on US over the last couple years.
I don't get a chance to fly Northwest very often, but I did a few months ago, and I flew a 1.5 hour flight, in First Class, and I was shocked when we were served a hot meal on such a short flight (delicious too). It was a nice experience.
I have to agree about the comments about NW. As CO plat, I have flown and have found their people to be friendly, planes clean, and service lightyears beyond US. Their clubs are nice, too. I was a little nervous the first time I flew them recently, and was pleasantly surprised. Then again, after flying the New and Crappy US, how can you not be surprised--it is plane rediculus.
I have to agree about the comments about NW. As CO plat, I have flown and have found their people to be friendly, planes clean, and service lightyears beyond US. Their clubs are nice, too. I was a little nervous the first time I flew them recently, and was pleasantly surprised. Then again, after flying the New and Crappy US, how can you not be surprised--it is plane rediculus.

I say..

stop flying USAirways...


just find another airine that will do you justice...
and good luck
its just a bus now...
is u dont likd trailways... walk or buy gas it will cost u more than the bus...

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