I respectfully disagree. Companies shoot from the hip, and rely on accountants to make decisions. These numbers are not always in the best interest of the companies long term viability. Just ask any aircraft mechanic how often a bone head company decision to save money actually costs more in the long run. I believe for many years American and the leadership did it right. Unfortunately times have changed for AA, and they are turning towards the outsourcing direction of other airlines to "cut costs". Truly unfortunate, because vendors can not compete in reliability with in house workers. But with so many MRO's in this country, over 4000 at last count, and the chance to buy maintenance on the "cheap" it is a struggle for any of us in the airlines to keep our jobs. Our combined voices and strong experienced Union leadership do lend some help towards that fight.
Why do I feel an IBT commercial coming to this site soon?

B) xUT