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A Day in the Life of Scheduling

I'm quite sure that this won't be the LAST time scheduling pulls such a stupid move. It sure isn't their first. Data Entry CAN be a bit confusing at times. They have been working with so few flight attendants that they are at their wits end. Poor things.....so overworked. Take a break to the snack machine then come back clear headed and solve the scheduling/staffing issues. :lol: AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
I'm quite sure that this won't be the LAST time scheduling pulls such a stupid move. It sure isn't their first. Data Entry CAN be a bit confusing at times. They have been working with so few flight attendants that they are at their wits end. Poor things.....so overworked. Take a break to the snack machine then come back clear headed and solve the scheduling/staffing issues. :lol: AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA.

No kidding there is a mini putt putt course somewhere in the Crystal Palace in Tempe 😉 for Managers to cool off after whipping the entry level folks over 😉
It NEVER ceases to amaze me the number of people in this country who haven't been outside its borders. Then of course those are also the ones who can't understand why some countries/people hate "The American way of Life".
I've been to "Old Europe" :lol: and "New Europe" :lol: numerous times. Both are over-rated. :down: People that hate the "American way of Life" are usually those that want it but are not able to achieve it. IMHO.
I was looking at the pairing this morning and it showed them going over on a 767 with 5 f/as and returning to PHL with 4 f/as on a 757 Etops.

So let me get this right - 5 FA's on a 767 to Europe? You have GOT to be kidding! Nothing against the FA's - but what kind of service can 5 people possibly hope to provide for a wide body 767? That is simply ridiculous and is just another reason to avoid flying US.
No you read right. 5 F/A understaffed to Europe. No room for error or anyone to get sick. Even with the normal 6 F/A the service is a mess. The back runs itself fairly well with our service levels but Envoy cabin is go go go. Every other airline has 3 F/A's in Business class on the 767. 2 on either isle and 1 in the galley. The CSD is just running around like a mad person. The galley F/A is trying to plate and run out food refilling drinks. The videos have to be changed and tended to. You have no time to stop and talk to the passengers and just run run run. It will only get worse by far with the new service upgrades. They need to put an extra person on the 767 and another on the 330 for the new service. We can't possibly be expected to be doing all this at ridiculous staffing levels.
Wasn't there at least one extra flight attendant somewhere in the region that they could have interline-deadheaded? Between CDG, FRA (2 flights), AMS, LGW (2 flights), and MUC all being within a 1-hour flight time, wouldn't it have been better (and cheaper) to have two flights go out min staffed, especially given the US-Euro exchange rate.

I agree that no European flight should go out min-staffed, and if any must, they should be FRA or LGW where someone from one crew can easily be pulled to work the other flight.
What about the crew that overnights in the City?
Terrible service of course.
Wow. USAir seems to be taking the same path CO did back in 87.We merged with FL,NYA,PEX and were still reeling from our 83 BK under Lorenzo. I had many friends jumps ship to go to US . It took us @ 10 yrs to finally get back on track. Best of luck to everyone.
The ones who are vocal don't seem to economically disadvantaged, but rather resentful of the US "pushing" our culture at the expense of theirs.

This ties directly into the situation at US Airways. Put to many seats on a the Airbii, subject it to weight & balance restrictions along with fuel stops and then begin hand wringing when the "Foreigners" from the East take you to task over it and become resentful.

Not alot of difference really.

They're the Mercedes Marxists / limo Liberals. :lol:
I'm not an American (I'm a rare legal alien) - but IMHO US is not pushing their culture on anybody. I would say that other countries (cultures) are trying their best to minimize/eliminate American culture. But that is a discussion for another time and place.

Now on the other hand, I'll agree that HP "imposed" themselves on US and the results, well they speak for themselves.
Your wish is Tempe's command. When the new "improved" 🙄 767 rolls out you'll have 18 Envoy seats instead of 24. Hey at least they'll be "almost" lie flat seats though. :lol:
OK, one more time...

They suck.

They are inept.

They put this airline in the craphole.

They don't care about employees.

They don't care about customers.

They don't have a clue.

... and as this year's "bowl" season concludes, one more bowl is being played:
The inaugural Toilet Bowl which features US Airways VS. Employees.
The score is currently tied at 0-0... there is no winner at this game because the company sucks and the employees suck for sticking around and supporting the efforts of this corporate greed.

I suck too, I'm still here, so before people go bashing me, realize that I am just as guilty for buying into the dream that someday the airline we all work for will learn how to do this right and take care of employees and pay us right and have an excellent business model to follow. There is SO much work to do and we are so far behind in the game....

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