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A contract for US FAs must be completed prior to any new merger deal.

good post #1.... I gave up sparing with the angry troll way back when... Thank you for stepping up and posting a very articulate rebuttal!
That is how 75 percent of us feel... we won! Hands down... So lets get back to the table and get this done! A contract for US first... !

AFA Council 66 eCommunication - Tuesday, June 5, 2012

MEC Appoints Seniority Exploratory Committee
With the announcement on April 20th that US Airways was interested in merging with American Airlines, the question of seniority integration continues to be a "hot topic" with PHX based Flight Attendants. In fact, the majority of questions posed during the webcast were related to seniority integration.

AFA Council 66 has a responsibility to our members to conduct due diligence in the area of seniority integration in the event US Airways places a bid and eventually merges with American Airlines.

There are many opinions within the PHX base regarding straight "date of hire" (DOH) vs "relative seniority" (slotting). What is the law and how is the law applied in our unique situation?

As we have witnessed since the merger with America West and US Airways, the topic of seniority integration invokes many strong opinions and emotions. Our Pilots have been battling this issue for years. Millions of dollars have been spent via USAPA dues monies and private contributions to address pilot integration. The issue was submitted to final and binding arbitration and yet, the issue is far from being finalized. While many of our own Flight Attendants have very strong opinions regarding the seniority issue with our Pilots, the goal of Council 66 is not to debate the outcome of seniority of our Pilots.

The MEC along with the elected LEC Council Representatives have appointed a "Seniority Exploratory Committee (SEC)" in order to conduct research on possible as well as reasonable options for our PHX based Flight Attendants. The SEC will be charged with seeking out legal opinions as well as doing a historical look back on previous mergers in the industry in order to compare those scenarios with what we face today as former America West Flight Attendants.

The following Flight Attendants have been appointed to the "Seniority Exploratory Committee (SEC):

Sara Baister C#0105

Denise Newman C#6864

Misty Quint C#6258

The SEC will meet with the MEC on Friday, June 8th in order to set the guidelines and as well as the goals we hope for them to achieve during their research. The SEC will then report back to the MEC their findings. The MEC will report the SEC's findings to the membership.

In Solidarity,

MEC President, Deborah Volpe mecpresident66@aol.com
MEC Secretary-Treasurer, Brian Clark brian@afa66.org
LEC Council Representative, Leslie Lara leslie.lara2@gmail.com
LEC Council Representative, Nicole Sartain nicole@afa66.org
This is a double edged sword! On one hand you applaud them for doing something for their members, on the other it destroys any notion of speaking with ONE VOICE.

I know people disagreed with me on AFA not following merger policy regarding the MEC's, but this is why I have brought it up time and again. I would have thought they would have figured out that this issue has been of concern for this group long before the AA thing came closer to being more than rumor. Where is your International office in this? While the communication is appreciated something like this should be taking place at the international level. At the very least should have been a joint announcement.

Just opinion only, but this was foolish and just hammers the point home that there are still communication problems within the union leadership.
Hey, guess what NO voters, your shortsighted thinking may come back to haunt you when your new and improved TA comes back up for a vote.

Wouldn't it be ironic if you lose more than just lost wages in a merger ?

Should have paid more attention when it counted.

This will be your fault and you will own it.

Did you see that coming ggby?
After this AA will smell blood in the water and you NO voters will be responsible.

This will be your fault and you will own it.

Our LEC presidents will also be held accountable and they will suffer the consequences .

Just like the rest of us.
The stupity of the perpetually uninformed is confounding.

It boogles the mind at times, well most of the time.

To have 75% vote NO but only 30 % say why they voted no leads one to wonder how committed the NO voters were and if they were that stupid or were they that ignorant and if there was a difference.

Time will tell.
For the West this may be a hollow victory with no scope protection they may be furlough fodder for the East.

Being furloughed but having greater recall seniority is a gamble.

Don't forget to negotiate the pilots on the J/S - or is that a company policy?
Also for our friends on the West - when you decide to stop funding the top 10% through substandard wages for their vacation and STD you to might enjoy a more realistic version of airline life with 5 hr days and furlough protection.

I hope you are smarter than the East.
Labor needs to focus on their agreements and not be swayed by management's threats. Management is on these boards posting, be assured, and will pit one group against the other. They are clever.

Keep the scope language, and the "me too" language. The company will try to throw in the kitchen sink for this language, and threaten all kinds of helter skelter events that will take place if you don't give them this and that and blah, blah, blah.

Been there, done that. JUST STICK TOGETHER JUST LIKE YOU DID WHEN YOU COLLECTIVELY VOTED THE BS T/A CRAP DOWN. Force the company to negotiate fair and "good faith" agreeements. You don't get many shots at this opportunity to discuss with managment what it will take to ratify an agreement.

And DON'T get side tracked with the takeover crap with AA labor groups.

Don't think I've ever heard or seen a potential take over-Corporation by pass the suitor company and go to their workers and make promises the company knows they just can't keep! That may just be another clever ruse by management to scare labor into signing contracts that management wants.
Something for the NO voters to ponder.

With you having decided to remain on a DOUBLE BANKRUPTCY contract you left the

West twisting in the wind as furlough fodder for the EAST.

Having formed the SEC the West came up with a creative but untested way of gaining leverage where there had been none before.

Guess what the only SURE way of shutting down the SEC would be.

Out voting the West on a new TA . If not then you run the risk of being slotted.

This is your fault.