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" A BIG F A T. . . . CON JOB " !

Yep...they destroyed the mold after he was cast.....LOL
He's the only Democrat I ever liked besides JFK.
Believe it or not...back in the early days of this site, Bears and I were on opposite sides of the fence on most issues. But I met him and his wife when they were in KC for a game between the Yankees and he Royals and we had lunch. A most enjoyable time. And as I got older, I also got wiser. They can bash him all they want...but the fact is - he's consistent. Doesn't cut and paste...writes what he feels, and gets under their skin better than me, dog, and all others combined.
Believe it or not...back in the early days of this site, Bears and I were on opposite sides of the fence on most issues. But I met him and his wife when they were in KC for a game between the Yankees and he Royals and we had lunch. A most enjoyable time. And as I got older, I also got wiser. They can bash him all they want...but the fact is - he's consistent. Doesn't cut and paste...writes what he feels, and gets under their skin better than me, dog, and all others combined.

I remember that, he mentioned it previously. He doesn't get under my skin.

How'd that 'HRC is in the bag' thing work out?
Believe it or not...back in the early days of this site, Bears and I were on opposite sides of the fence on most issues. But I met him and his wife when they were in KC for a game between the Yankees and he Royals and we had lunch. A most enjoyable time. And as I got older, I also got wiser. They can bash him all they want...but the fact is - he's consistent. Doesn't cut and paste...writes what he feels, and gets under their skin better than me, dog, and all others combined.
What, Bears is a Yankees fan?
What, Bears is a Yankees fan?

Yessirree..'Dog !!

Fathers side (Whole Family) from the BRONX, NY !
Mothers side (Whole Family) from Greater Boston !

My Ol' Man moved up and stayed in Bos, B U T he brought his lifetime Loyalty to the ' Bronx Bombers ', with him. I thank God everyday, he did.
I remember that, he mentioned it previously. He doesn't get under my skin.

How'd that 'HRC is in the bag' thing work out?

Who the HELLL would want to 'Get under your skin', given your affection for BEANS and SAUERKRAUT !!!!!!!!!

(And STOP procrastinating. MORE Black Bear Pic's) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who the HELLL would want to 'Get under your skin', given your affection for BEANS and SAUERKRAUT !!!!!!!!!

(And STOP procrastinating. MORE Black Bear Pic's) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You give yourself way too much credit Bears! Keep it up and we'll have to put you in the same category as Dog!
Believe it or not...back in the early days of this site, Bears and I were on opposite sides of the fence on most issues. But I met him and his wife when they were in KC for a game between the Yankees and he Royals and we had lunch. A most enjoyable time. And as I got older, I also got wiser. They can bash him all they want...but the fact is - he's consistent. Doesn't cut and paste...writes what he feels, and gets under their skin better than me, dog, and all others combined.

That was a DAM GOOD TIME J. GREAT Hotel, KC's best, the FAIRMONT. Stayed up on the concierge level, WHERE, one of NYC's best Actors was also staying. Paul Sorvino !! We're at the concierge level bar (PS, Me and My Ol' lady), Who puts her hand out, and says " I NEED $$$$$, for Shopping"
I look over at PS, put my hands up and shrug, as much as to say, W T F just happened ?? PS laughed and said " It only gets worse 'Pal(ly)', Not better !!! Jesus, I swear I'll NEVER forget that trip !!!!!!!!!! Kansas City. Dam good BBQ too. As for the 3 game series / NY-KC, I'm STILL in SHOCK that the then, lowly KC Royals, SWEPT NY, all three games. %&#@x(_+%$# !!
Who the HELLL would want to 'Get under your skin', given your affection for BEANS and SAUERKRAUT !!!!!!!!!

(And STOP procrastinating. MORE Black Bear Pic's) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You give yourself way too much credit Bears! Keep it up and we'll have to put you in the same category as Dog!


Linking me with (the) 'DOG, would be an Honor !

The 'Dog makes more sense in one-liners than YOU make in your 'Mini Book Reports ' !!
Believe it or not...back in the early days of this site, Bears and I were on opposite sides of the fence on most issues. But I met him and his wife when they were in KC for a game between the Yankees and he Royals and we had lunch. A most enjoyable time. And as I got older, I also got wiser. They can bash him all they want...but the fact is - he's consistent. Doesn't cut and paste...writes what he feels, and gets under their skin better than me, dog, and all others combined.
Hopefully Grampa Bears didn't stick you with the check at the game and dinner, he is quite the scammer. You got wiser as you got older? Huh, well that's your opinion, not mine. You still want single-payer government run health care, I guess you have never be to the VA, another government run disaster. No, not very wise are you.

Grampa Bears is amazing, in that he is still allowed to post here with all of his foul language and personal insults. He's a real keyboard warrior, and writes about like a 3 year old. He doesn't really get under my skin, he's just another libtarded fool with a big Easthole sewer mouth, typical. Gramps at least can write more than a base Wonder Mutt one-liner, but that's about it. The CAPS lock gets a work out every time he posts, as well as other keys like ?()!. Not really a writer to be taken seriously with constant ignorant threads he starts.
Grampa Bears should post memes and copy and paste, those would make more sense.
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