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6 Muslin Imams remove from US Airways Flight

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Screening works, profiling doesnt. That seems to be the key. SCREENING every person. Not profiling one type of person, faith look or gender.

God help us if many thinks as you!
Screening everyone exactly the same is an absolute waste of a finite resource that should be obvious to all!
Only true liberals think the way Mikey, Clue, LCC and others do. They refuse to accept reality and continue to live in a socialistic fog of everyone loving everyone else and blaming their own country when that doesn't happen. The only evil in the world, in their minds, resides in the USA and the "lemmings" who live here. They project an air of moral and intellectual superiority and, in the true liberal way, tell you what is right and wrong. Of course, if you disagree with their premise, you are homophobic, judgemental, irrational, intolerant, hateful, ignorant, racist, etc.........

Liberalism is outstanding as a theory. It is a failure in reality. That fact has been and continues to be proven around the world on a daily basis.

As a pilot I have the responsibility for making certain my jet and passengers are safe. According to the FAR's and company policy, I have the final say who flys and who doesn't. Helping me are a series of steps that are taken to reach that decision. But all those steps can be over-ridden if it is my judgement a particular passenger or group of passengers threaten the safety of my flight.

That is the way it will remain. And I will use my 30 years of experience, including "profiling" if that is what I deem appropriate in keeping my passengers and crew safe.

And if Clue, LCC, Mikey or anyone else has a problem with that:

Frankly, I truly could care less.

What maddens me is the moral outrage against the very folks who were there and made the decisions and the lambasting they took before the facts were known. The benefit of the doubt was given to the so-called immans instead of the folks who were there to protect the traveling public.

I talked with the security dude who interviewed the Captain.

In reality, IMHO, the Captain was forced to make a decision not based on the behavior of the Imans, but on the panic set off by one or two pax and a crewmember or two.

A well-spoken person could have handled it differently, but, assuming a competant average, the dude did OK.

The problem is the US whack-jobs who have no idea of logic that want to point a finger regardless, thinking this world is only black or white. Your posts kinda fall into that area.

The deal is: anyone wanting to do bad is likely to do their best to be inconspicuous. By focusing on this overt and obvious incident, you are, likely inadvertantly, allowing those with evil intentions to finish the mission.

My deal is to ignore the noise and focus on the others. Of course, that line of behavior does not seem to be popular these days because we have idiots flying with us who are incapable of thinking beyond one level. and that be you, pilot, among others. Jeez.
PJ is a website looking for a sponser.

The cretins there have a real problem justifying their extremist behavoir. Whackjob hackers trying to raise money.

Extremist pigs.


I don't have any personal knowledge of PJ media, hence, no opinion. I was more interested in "Pauline" and what she observed. This jibes with numerous other accounts from pax and crew. I cannot know the ultimate goal of these "Imams"; but I do feel that this was a preplanned event amongst them. They deserve zero sympathy and zero explanations re: their behavior, from anyone else! It would seem that they knew exactly what they were doing and provoking!
They knew ‘exactly’ what they were doing and doing so in concert. To make everyone fear a ‘lawsuit’ and use the ‘law’ to make everyone fear the actions of anyone ‘acting’ Muslim. The freedoms we enjoy in this society and this ‘Political Correctness’ will be used by our enemies over and over as we are too stupid to make a stand. Had we stuck to our policy of scrutinizing (borescoping) anyone that buys a one way ticket with no luggage or carryon then we might have avoided the first catastrophe, but still we try to be PC and not offend anyone.

As for myself, if 6 dudes stood up on a flight saying the Lords Prayer over and over, I would not be comfortable as well. If they started chanting Psalm 23, then I would probably bolt…. 😛

I talked with the security dude who interviewed the Captain.

In reality, IMHO, the Captain was forced to make a decision not based on the behavior of the Imans, but on the panic set off by one or two pax and a crewmember or two.

A well-spoken person could have handled it differently, but, assuming a competant average, the dude did OK.

The problem is the US whack-jobs who have no idea of logic that want to point a finger regardless, thinking this world is only black or white. Your posts kinda fall into that area.

The deal is: anyone wanting to do bad is likely to do their best to be inconspicuous. By focusing on this overt and obvious incident, you are, likely inadvertantly, allowing those with evil intentions to finish the mission.

My deal is to ignore the noise and focus on the others. Of course, that line of behavior does not seem to be popular these days because we have idiots flying with us who are incapable of thinking beyond one level. and that be you, pilot, among others. Jeez.

Once again the intelectual superiority and name calling come into play. "idiot", "thinking beyond one level", "competant average", and on. Jeez is right! You are so much smarter than the guy who was in charge.

I doubt ANY pilot thinks at one level. Either you aren't a pilot or aren't paying attention. Of course, aimen are acutely aware of more than one "threat" whether it is out in the open or attempting to be concealed. Your assumption that a threat is not a threat if it is overt is unreasonable. Has is occured to you that just maybe removing the overt threat also obliterated the clandestine one?

Or are you only capable of thinking on one level?

Safety IS black and white my liberal friend. And 30 years of flying with no incidents or accidents has been and will continue to be based on my "black and white" flying world.

I'm guessing you were one of the 57% too.

Clue, LCC, Mikey and the rest are quick to jump on the ACLU bandwagon yet fail to acknowledge or take back their rantings when proven wrong.

Pilot, you are a piece of work. When all this information came out, it seemed to hit USAviation before most of the press and the world stage. We didn't HAVE all the information. All most of us heard was the basics of praying, for which I defended their right to pray as I would defend YOUR tight to pray...which, by the way, the ACLU WOULD do for you as well. That SAME ACLU that defended the right of KKK to rally in various marches.

My concern was that the pilots would be quick to judge and throw the guys off because of their method of praying.When ALL the info came out, I commented that I agreed with the decisions of the flight crews as there WAS alot of suspicious behavior. Hell, I even agree with Ann Coulter on another thread. Jeez, agreeing with that whacky right winger is enough pride and praise for the flight crew.

You chose to read what supported your distain for us liberals (for which I proudly am) and do as King George in the White House and his merry republican men would like everyone to believe...that we hate our country, are unAmerican, and have no morality.

I do love my country. I love all things about America and that includes ALL races and although I don't practice religion, I love that in our country one can be free to practice what religion they choose. Had I been on that airplane with the information that we all NOW know, I would had done the same thing, but it wouldn't had been on the ...at that time...limited info concerning where, when, or how one prays.

And YES, I am outraged and over the victim mentality of the Arab and Muslim community. There HASN'T been an outrage from the Muslim community. The silence IS deafening. But I DO try to keep dialogue open with the everyday Arab. Wow, if we changed the date to 1968, we would be arguing some of the same things about african-Americans being clumped as all Black Panthers, which was basically a terrorist group. The DIFFERENCE being that the african-American community protested in PEACE for egual rights and for the violence in our country from ALL Americans to stop. Arab Americans and ALL muslims around the world would gain more respect and credibility if they would protest against the practice of fundlementalist islam. Their silence leads to the suspicion and thought that they actually agree with the actions tearing the world apart.

I don't have to defend myself to you, but you decided to attack. I REFUSE to hunt all my statements. USAviation is constantly tripping off my mac...too many bugs, and everytime I get to anything to quote, the browser seems to shut down.

Pilot, I do not agree with you on many things, but I do agree with your right to say what you do and worship whatever God you choose to worship. Please respect mine. Sometimes I get angry and want to clump all pilots and/or conservatives in the same boat, as you do about liberals. I will try to do better on that. One thing we both want is to never be attacked on our soil again. To be honest, I don't know how we can do that. The 9/11 attackers assimilated to American culture and then turned it on us. Who can we trust? What if these radical islamist team up with many of the hate groups in America? How much fear and distrust must we endure before we fear and distrust everyone around us?
We can agree to disagree and I love to do that. As I mentioned, liberalism is an outstanding theory. IMHO, however, it is unworkable. Simply because evil people take advantage of good people like yourself and most TRUE liberals.

None of us has all the answers on how to be safe but when pilots are criticized for attempting to do precisely what they are entrusted to do I seriously have a problem with it. Especially when not all the facts are in. And if a pilot makes an error it had better be on the side of caution. And if that interferes with someone's percieved rights or feelings then that is a shame. But that is when the judicial system will take over.

You don't need to apologize to anyone for your beliefs or posts. Nor do I.

But I will always give the benefit of the doubt to the folks whose job it is to keep us safe. Whether it be pilots, TSA, FBI, CIA or whoever. Until they have been proven wrong. Because if you give the benefit of the doubt to the percieved threat, whether it is obvious or not, you only need to be wrong once and another 9/11 us may be upon us. That is not irrational fear, that is plain old black and white common sense.


What you fail to acknowledge is that they weren't just praying. They were ACTING SUSPICIOUSLY. They took seats to which they were not assigned. They asked for seat belt extenders when none of them needed them. They were boisterous and uncooperative. They refused to get off the plane when asked to--which is a crime unto itself.

You are right--the silence of the Muslim community in refusing to condemn the animals who would destroy us is deafening. But then so is the refusal of "mainstream" Islam to make any effort to educate non-Muslims as to their customs and habits.

To me this was a staged event, designed to get publicity, a lawsuit, and perhaps to get US authorities to let up on security. I don't know for sure, but something about this whole thing stinks.

Also, the leader of this group has ties to KNOWN terrorist organizations.

What part of all this don't you bleeding heart liberals get?

What would you do if they had caused another tragedy? Blame the US saying it's OUR fault???

I think it's time to let this one go. The more attention we give this the more THEY win.

Nuff said.

What you fail to acknowledge is that they weren't just praying. They were ACTING SUSPICIOUSLY. They took seats to which they were not assigned. They asked for seat belt extenders when none of them needed them. They were boisterous and uncooperative. They refused to get off the plane when asked to--which is a crime unto itself.
No it's NOT nuff said. You FAILED to read the first AND second paragraph!!!!!
Put on your glasses, Art. :disguise:

I see paragraph 3 has your name written on it too. :lol:
If the "praying" Imams are upset at the civilian population of the United States then perhaps they should counsel their flock not to try to kill us on a regular basis. Look at the bright side LCC#1 at least we haven't rounded up all of Arabic origin and placed them in interment camps like we did the japanese. Who knows maybe we should????

I just wish we'd go to war with the real enemy, the Saudi's and dry up the oil money that funds a great deal of this. Another way to dry up terrorist funding is to legalize and tax Prostitution, currently illegal drugs as well. Take away the money and all they throw are rocks.

Too funny!

I read the whole thing. THEY WERE ACTING SUSPICIOUSLY, and they were NOT praying on board the aircraft.

The leader has KNOWN ties to terrorists.

If I have a choice of pissing off 6 Muslims or allowing an incident to occur, I am going to piss off the Muslims EVERY TIME.

Next thing, you will say you understand why they kill us....

And it IS enough said. We are letting them win by going round and round.


I read the whole thing. THEY WERE ACTING SUSPICIOUSLY, and they were NOT praying on board the aircraft.

The leader has KNOWN ties to terrorists.

If I have a choice of pissing off 6 Muslims or allowing an incident to occur, I am going to piss off the Muslims EVERY TIME.

Next thing, you will say you understand why they kill us....

And it IS enough said. We are letting them win by going round and round.



Jesus, Art, this is about me AGREEING with you after all the info was given. I'm on your side on this. Unlike you and many others, I wanted all the FACTS before mouthing off. When I saw all the facts, I 100% sided with the crew!

I'm not letting it go because your post is TWISTING the entire point. I will NOT let someone write something that is a LIE!!! In my post I am DEFENDING myself to PILOT because HE called me out on NOT somehow supporting the crew after all the info was out and that was not true.
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