Now let me see if I understood the individuals in this video that was obviously shot in a sign making shop and not on the Line or even Hangar floor.
One guy states that we do "all" our heavy maintenance in-house. And that United sends their heavy maintenance to China and that the teamsters represent the United AMTs. So he is insinuating that twu = good and teamsters = bad. But AA sends our 777s to China? Did I miss something here or is this individual confused?
Another individual states that a union isn't the name over the door but the members within the union. So this person is insinuating that the twu structure of appointed, unaccountable sell outs who never take pay cuts when the membership does is better than a craft union structured on all officers being elected by the membership and being held accountable by the membership and live under the contracts they help negotiate? Did I miss something here or is this individual confused too?
Thanks for the video as it did garner more signed AMFA cards after the comment about our doing "all" our heavy maintenance in house. I guess China is considered part of the AA house.
I will say that at least these individuals weren't reading from a telepromtor like that scientist in the earlier twu video.
TWU Constitution:
Page 6 Section 5. The International officers and the members
of the International Executive Board shall be
elected at each regular International Convention, shall
be obligated and installed at the Convention at which
they are elected, and their term of office shall run
until their successors are obligated and installed at
the next regular International Convention; except that
the number of International Executive Board members
may be increased, when between regular conventions,
the International Executive Council determines
that an increase is necessary to give representation
to any newly affiliated or organized group. Such
additional members shall be appointed by the International
Executive Council from such newly affiliated
or organized group.
The TWU Officers are elected locally and Internationally, Convention delegates are voted on by the respective membership in turn vote at the convention.
In Solidarity,