Interesting, I never thought of taking cuts and then sharing in those good times.
So as you continually point that out. As if there was a chance no cuts would be needed at AMR. Isn't it interesting that your idea of the "Great Fight" is UAL, and other bankrupt airline employees taking it in the shorts in court being somehow honorable. Yet taking a lesser hit out side of bankruptcy is not.
Not so much a debate, its one UAL employee who continually brings up the subject and how it went down, with other's pointing out how Wrong you are.
In your world yes, but there are other was to lower costs and/or raise their CASM. Options AMR will have, having gone the easy BK route UAL and other chose.
My advise to you is stay away from numbers. You have proven and inability to comprehend even the simplest math equations.
A question, are the profits of a company the sole judge of its financial stability? Does posting a lower dollar amount mean, that one company over another less fiscally responsible? When you post "have some of the highest, if not the highest debt among young your peers," mean you have no idea what the numbers for this or any other company really is?
You assume to much and bank the entire argument of future and survivability on a few quarters of profits. That is the most idiotic way to judge the finances of a corporation. But show us you are right and everyone else is wrong. Give us the numbers breakdown for AMR and U. Show us the compare the ASM's, and CASM the Yields, and debt to equity ratio's. Show us cash on hand and unencumbered asset's VS long and short term debt obligations, ETC.
You have a lot of feelings, comments, numbers and postings, all of which turnout to be wrong or false. Why should this one be any different.
Yea, they have a easier time getting and maintaining credit. They have shown investors they have a competent management team who can run a company successfully VS what all other airlines have done.