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3rd Quarter Profit

Donttouchtheugly tries to sound like an airline analyst, but sounds more like Ms. Cleo.

She moonlights enticing unsuspecting employees from other airlines home from the bars to show them her inane sputterings on the Internet. They only stay because they can't chew through the restraints.
Interesting, I never thought of taking cuts and then sharing in those good times.
So as you continually point that out. As if there was a chance no cuts would be needed at AMR. Isn't it interesting that your idea of the "Great Fight" is UAL, and other bankrupt airline employees taking it in the shorts in court being somehow honorable. Yet taking a lesser hit out side of bankruptcy is not.
Not so much a debate, its one UAL employee who continually brings up the subject and how it went down, with other's pointing out how Wrong you are.
In your world yes, but there are other was to lower costs and/or raise their CASM. Options AMR will have, having gone the easy BK route UAL and other chose.
My advise to you is stay away from numbers. You have proven and inability to comprehend even the simplest math equations.

A question, are the profits of a company the sole judge of its financial stability? Does posting a lower dollar amount mean, that one company over another less fiscally responsible? When you post "have some of the highest, if not the highest debt among young your peers," mean you have no idea what the numbers for this or any other company really is?
You assume to much and bank the entire argument of future and survivability on a few quarters of profits. That is the most idiotic way to judge the finances of a corporation. But show us you are right and everyone else is wrong. Give us the numbers breakdown for AMR and U. Show us the compare the ASM's, and CASM the Yields, and debt to equity ratio's. Show us cash on hand and unencumbered asset's VS long and short term debt obligations, ETC.
You have a lot of feelings, comments, numbers and postings, all of which turnout to be wrong or false. Why should this one be any different.
Yea, they have a easier time getting and maintaining credit. They have shown investors they have a competent management team who can run a company successfully VS what all other airlines have done.

FAMikey, whats wrong? You can't look it up for yourself??? The last time I checked AMR had 16.6 billion in debt, and if you are talkong about UALs exit facility (debt) was 3 billion, now under 2 billion.. I am so glad your management team is so competent, and I hope they reward you handsomely for all the competent work they have done.. LOL, I, quite frankly dont care what your casm is, if its lower than others then - well --- that sucks for you, to have a lower casm and still post less than your peers.... I know what UALs casm is and thats all i care about.. You just don't like the fact that you are not in the best position now, its ok, hopefully you pull through, without being used and abused toooooo much...
I see you have had no time to work on your math or your facts. Try doing that and then get back to us.
I see you have had no time to work on your math or your facts. Try doing that and then get back to us.

Actually, I just use my time like I want,,, Do me a favor, why dont you post those facts you are talking about Mikey... You know why you dont??? B/c you will prove yourself wrong... and look like even more of a fool... You don't like to face facts... Get over it, you are inferior now........
Your posts are factually incorrect. As for fool, your math and your continued posts make you the undisputed leader in that.
Your posts are factually incorrect. As for fool, your math and your continued posts make you the undisputed leader in that.

I won't continue with the tit for tat game with you, you are too predictable, and takes zero thought process to combat you.. You should learn from at least 3 of your co-workers who have gotten kicked off this board in the last two weeks... Your posts are full of name calling, questioning other people, and hating... Yet when other posters ask you to post facts, you can't seem to do it... So i challenge you, to pull up the total debt of AMR and UAL and USAIRWAYS and DAL and CAL and NWA as of the 3Q 2007 and compare... Then pull up their CASM and PRASM and RASM.. Compare.. and then pull up all Earnings that have been reported for the 3rdQ 2007 and compare.... It is very easy just go to each selective website and look at each financial report, I have done this.. and evidently you my friend have not.. When you find it get back to me... We will see if you try to fudge this and answer a question with a question, to try and deter the conversation.. Have a good day... LOL
I won't continue with the tit for tat game with you, you are too predictable, and takes zero thought process to combat you.. You should learn from at least 3 of your co-workers who have gotten kicked off this board in the last two weeks...
Hello pot,meet kettle. I think the fact that someone runs screaming to the moderators when they get caught in a lie they cannot escape, after having spent numerous posts baiting them says it all.

Your posts are full of name calling, questioning other people, and hating... Yet when other posters ask you to post facts, you can't seem to do it...
Hello pot meet kettle. You have never back anything you have said with truth or facts. Spare us all sanctimonious hot air.

So i challenge you, to pull up the total debt of AMR and UAL and USAIRWAYS and DAL and CAL and NWA as of the 3Q 2007 and compare... Then pull up their CASM and PRASM and RASM.. Compare.. and then pull up all Earnings that have been reported for the 3rdQ 2007 and compare.... It is very easy just go to each selective website and look at each financial report, I have done this.. and evidently you my friend have not..
You have not, you cannot even get the numbers right. Dont lie.
When you find it get back to me... We will see if you try to fudge this and answer a question with a question, to try and deter the conversation.. Have a good day... LOL
hello pot meet kettle.
Hello pot,meet kettle. I think the fact that someone runs screaming to the moderators when they get caught in a lie they cannot escape, after having spent numerous posts baiting them says it all.

Hello pot meet kettle. You have never back anything you have said with truth or facts. Spare us all sanctimonious hot air.

You have not, you cannot even get the numbers right. Dont lie.
hello pot meet kettle.

Thanks for proving me right once again, lol, you just can't help yourself... Facts are facts, check yourself Wanna - be diva, you have 16.6 billion in debt and you want a raise with the lowest profits in the industry, it is laughable, truly laughable.. I am sure you will be meeting the pot and the kettle when they (management) smacks you in the head with it for your pay cut.. LOL... You are too tooooo tooooooo funny, when you don't play by the rules FAMikey, you get hurt... Unfortunately, the brain cells from flying around in that outdated fleet of super80s must not be plentiful anymore... BTW, did you see that article the other day about AA, and how they have the most outdated fleet of any airline?? And How G Arpey said that they only have a HANDFUL of 737s to be delivered in the next five years... Gotta love your spirit FAMikey, never met anyone who praises the people that beat them like you do... :lol: ... ... ...
You know(beauty) your were "singing that song", back when AA debt was (about) $21B, and as It goes Slowly, but steadily downward, you KEEP wearing out that tune.

It's things like this, that makes you an "easy target" for some people.(THINK ABOUT IT) !!!!!!!!!
BTW, did you see that article the other day about AA, and how they have the most outdated fleet of any airline?? And How G Arpey said that they only have a HANDFUL of 737s to be delivered in the next five years...

How many planes does UA have on order?

I think yes the answer is zero!

How would you explain that strategy?
How many planes does UA have on order?

I think yes the answer is zero!

How would you explain that strategy?

Its not a strategy, re- read the post and then respond. UAL has ZERO planes on order, but we dont have 365 super80s on our property, AA has a fleet of gas guzzling super80s, over half the fleet, therefore, it cant be replaced overnight, therefore with fuel costs, costing much more money to operate... Airlines arent looking to increase capacity with buying more planes, they have been trimming it for years, any aircraft orders are simply replacememnts, so your last statement doesnt make sense.. or should i say the whole post.
Its not a strategy, re- read the post and then respond. UAL has ZERO planes on order, but we dont have 365 super80s on our property, AA has a fleet of gas guzzling super80s, over half the fleet, therefore, it cant be replaced overnight, therefore with fuel costs, costing much more money to operate... Airlines arent looking to increase capacity with buying more planes, they have been trimming it for years, any aircraft orders are simply replacememnts, so your last statement doesnt make sense.. or should i say the whole post.

Just using your own measuring stick of new airplane orders lady.

Neither AA nor UA has new planes on order. This will be fun to watch!

Jake Brace will sell your arse down the river and pocket his millions.

Good luck to you!
You know(beauty) your were "singing that song", back when AA debt was (about) $21B, and as It goes Slowly, but steadily downward, you KEEP wearing out that tune.

It's things like this, that makes you an "easy target" for some people.(THINK ABOUT IT) !!!!!!!!!

The best part, is that you are stillllll billions in debt, and I dont see that changing too much considering the cost of fuel and those big lucrative raises your getting. We have all payed down our debt over the years NHBB, unfortunately aa still has a ton of it, and it will take YEARS to pay it down... Especially with those large profits.
Its not a strategy, re- read the post and then respond. UAL has ZERO planes on order, but we dont have 365 super80s on our property, AA has a fleet of gas guzzling super80s, over half the fleet, therefore, it cant be replaced overnight, therefore with fuel costs, costing much more money to operate... Airlines arent looking to increase capacity with buying more planes, they have been trimming it for years, any aircraft orders are simply replacememnts, so your last statement doesnt make sense.. or should i say the whole post.


Want to bet a Double Latte, that a lot of those "gas guzzlers" get replaced by A/E ??

Remember, our friends with the RED TAILS made a fortune on their old DC-9s.

I'm betting that AA "may" own a few of their S-80's also.

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