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3rd Quarter Profit

Your girl, donttouchtheugly, constantly points to AA's debt, as if UA has none.

This proves her wrong. Any way you cut it, any debt that starts with a "b" is a lot of

Sit and "spin" on THAT. 🙄

Seriously straaight, I never said that UAL has no debt, however UAL has much less debt than AA and is posting double the profits of AA, with much less aircraft, so go and sit and spin on that...
Seriously straaight, I never said that UAL has no debt, however UAL has much less debt than AA and is posting double the profits of AA, with much less aircraft, so go and sit and spin on that...

Nice try, sweetie, but no cigar. 🙄

You are just way to easy to expose for your hypocrisy. ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously straaight, I never said that UAL has no debt, however UAL has much less debt than AA and is posting double the profits of AA, with much less aircraft, so go and sit and spin on that...

Your statement was-

I checked AMR had 16.6 billion in debt, and if you are talkong about UALs exit facility (debt) was 3 billion, now under 2 billion..
Nice try, sweetie, but no cigar. 🙄

You are just way to easy to expose for your hypocrisy. ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:

Excellent i dont smoke - never have never will... FAMIKEY keywords are IF... READ PEOPLE READ.... face facts Straaight, dont hide behind ur nasty foul mouth.
Excellent i dont smoke - never have never will... FAMIKEY keywords are IF... READ PEOPLE READ.... face facts Straaight, dont hide behind ur nasty foul mouth.

I guess this is another case of "fuzzy math," like the three percent across the board increase equalling 9 percent. In "donttouchtheugly's World of Math," UA's over 12 billion in debt is equal to 2 billion, but AMR's 16 billion is equal to 160 billion.

I guess anything beyond counting fingers and toes is too much for donttouch.
AA is not in a better position. AA stock selling for 24.6 and UAUA for 48.38.
The 'spin' is in your head and missguided loyalties.

Whats you file number again...😛

You and DTTB must have attended math class together; stock price (without considering the number of outstanding shares) is meaningless. AMR has more than twice as many shares outstanding as does UA. AMR has about 249 million shares, there are about 116 million UAUA shares outstanding. Current market cap (stock price times number of shares) for AMR is about $6.0 billion and for UA, about $5.5 billion. At this moment, the market still values AMR slightly higher than UAUA.
A few decades ago this thread would have had some validity. Now, we have all been screwed in this industry and in this country. Just look how AF Cabin Crew took it straight to the streets this week. How is it, America, the world's oldest "Democracy", and richest nation, gets to a point where the courts, Presidential administrations strip away your "Democratic" right to fight for a decent wage.

The issue (employee pay, management thief, government slavery) of the current state of our airlines are far deeper than the great employees defending the balance sheet of a pack of thieves.

If anyone thinks that their airline gives a flying peacock about them they are delusional. This energy should be collectively spent on getting to where we ALL can live like First World employees again...i.e. Air France.

They need to see what we can do TOGETHER! (and clearly, the courts are not on our side)
A few decades ago this thread would have had some validity. Now, we have all been screwed in this industry and in this country. Just look how AF Cabin Crew took it straight to the streets this week. How is it, America, the world's oldest "Democracy", and richest nation, gets to a point where the courts, Presidential administrations strip away your "Democratic" right to fight for a decent wage.

The issue (employee pay, management thief, government slavery) of the current state of our airlines are far deeper than the great employees defending the balance sheet of a pack of thieves.

If anyone thinks that their airline gives a flying peacock about them they are delusional. This energy should be collectively spent on getting to where we ALL can live like First World employees again...i.e. Air France.

They need to see what we can do TOGETHER! (and clearly, the courts are not on our side)

I agree completely, North, but this issue with donttouchtheugly comes from her peculiar desire to see that AA employees fail in reversing the downward spiral of employee wages and benefits in our industry. She takes particular glee in obsessing over our efforts to once again raise industry standards, professing gloom-and-doom, and becoming angry when we do not simply admit defeat.

She is one sick individual, but entertaining, if for no other reason than her semi-coherent rants.
Well...I intend to be one of the FIRST to send a check to whom ever STRIKES first! I don't care what airline or Union it is. It may come down to the whole industry shutting down at once (whatcha gonna do about that Georgie) to turn this robbery around.

One can only DREAM...They can only steal and enrich themselves as long as we collectively allow them to. A united U.S. (employee) airline industry (across the board) would be their worst nightmare.
Well...I intend to be one of the FIRST to send a check to whom ever STRIKES first! I don't care what airline or Union it is. It may come down to the whole industry shutting down at once (whatcha gonna do about that Georgie) to turn this robbery around.

One can only DREAM...They can only steal and enrich themselves as long as we collectively allow them to. A united U.S. (employee) airline industry (across the board) would be their worst nightmare.

Which is why I have said numerous times, we should all be under one collective bargaining agent, and see everyone as a "co-worker".... One company strikes - we all strike... Unfortunately you have certain work groups that think their poo don't stink, and they have "avoided" the dark days... We most certaintly need to get unified and sock it to the goverment as unified workforce, Pilots, fa's, ground, mechanic.... UNITED

Which is why I have said numerous times, we should all be under one collective bargaining agent, and see everyone as a "co-worker".... One company strikes - we all strike... Unfortunately you have certain work groups that think their poo don't stink, and they have "avoided" the dark days... We most certaintly need to get unified and sock it to the goverment as unified workforce, Pilots, fa's, ground, mechanic.... UNITED

It will never work as long as you have misery-mongers such as yourself hoping that your colleagues at other airlines fail. A unified force is only as good as its weakest part, and with attitudes such as yours, any unified effort is doomed to failure from the beginning.

A SCAB mentality if I ever saw one...


Which is why I have said numerous times, we should all be under one collective bargaining agent, and see everyone as a "co-worker".... One company strikes - we all strike... Unfortunately you have certain work groups that think their poo don't stink, and they have "avoided" the dark days... We most certaintly need to get unified and sock it to the goverment as unified workforce, Pilots, fa's, ground, mechanic.... UNITED
What you posted in the past is no one has to strike. You all just call in sick and call it kaos.

But since you have so many airlines in the great and powerful afa-cwa, why dont you all show us how its done? But then again, we will all see how the afa operates. all bark and no bite. They left the NWA people out to dry. I wonder where you were when there was a threat of a strike at NWA? I didnt hear a peep from you or any afa people from other carriers about all standing together with the NWA people.
What you posted in the past is no one has to strike. You all just call in sick and call it kaos.

But since you have so many airlines in the great and powerful afa-cwa, why dont you all show us how its done? But then again, we will all see how the afa operates. all bark and no bite. They left the NWA people out to dry. I wonder where you were when there was a threat of a strike at NWA? I didnt hear a peep from you or any afa people from other carriers about all standing together with the NWA people.

They certainly didn't. Not one peep.

Just like the other AFL-CIO unions that left the Eastern people out in the cold.

Nothing's changed. They talk about unity as long as they don't have to do anything to demonstrate/achieve it.
They certainly didn't. Not one peep.

Just like the other AFL-CIO unions that left the Eastern people out in the cold.

Nothing's changed. They talk about unity as long as they don't have to do anything to demonstrate/achieve it.

That's a load of crap. Our LEC leadership in SFO as well as myself, showed up when NWA F/A's walked a picket line right after the NWA bankruptcy judge allowed the company to abrogate the F/A's collective bargaining agreement. I also walked the picket line, as did a number of UA colleagues when US F/A's were set to strike back in 2000. And we walked your picket line back in 1993...with food and coffee in tow.

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