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328JETs as RJ''s?

I guess it had to be comfortable since its Mmo was .66. Compare that to the Mmo of a CRJ of .85 (usually filed for .77-.79). That's a classic! Arriving 20 minutes early in an airplane that's 60 kts or more slower. Do you think they had some cushion in that block time? I guess perception is everything.

I'd take a CRJ anyday (on the 1-1.5 hour flights). I can definitely understand the resistance to the long CRJ segments. It's not quite wide enough when it's full.
On 8/22/2002 10:30:17 AM

On 8/21/2002 5:53:11 PM

If Fairchild is still around maybe the 428JET program makes sense?

Fairchild-Dornier is going the way of the dodo bird, it seems. And long before they went into bankruptcy, they canned the 428 program, which, I think, led to legal action by YX, as Skyway had ordered a bunch of them.


I've read that this year's rollout of the 728Jet, which occurred shortly before the wheels finally came off the FairDor wagon, was pretty much a big show. Apparently the aircraft was nowhere near complete under the skin, and far from being flyable. Remember the rollout scene in the movie "Tucker"? Quite similar.