Hopeful...are they really bargaining successes if in the long run they are what may have been hurting the company and therefore it's ability to grow and not have to lay people off.
You list a lot of things you think mgmt shouldn't get credit for. List a few things you consider "sucessess" that have hurt the company. Be at least a little balanced...or try to provide the appearance of being such.
I am of the opinion that if AA had not taken away so much from their workers that their bottom line would have rebouded much sooner.
How much does the poor morale that is so prevalent hurt the company?
When you lay someone off the person most affected is off the property, the impact on workfoce morale is minimized, sure everyone feels bad for the guy who was laid off but thats why we voted for politicians who supported unemployment benifits, when they get the years in they will no longer get hurt, we all went through it at one time or another, but when you cut everyones pay everyone on the property has been hurt, hurt in ways they were not expecting or prepared for.
How much does it cost the company when a gear swing takes 8 hours instead of less than 2, an engine change takes 24 hours instead of less than 8 and planes sit broken for days or weeks because nobody cares enough to take an interest in fixing it, they simply put in their eight hours and pass it on? How much does it cost to lease extra aircraft, how much does aircraft underutilization cost? How much do they pay out for lost bags, damaged equipement, delays and cancellations each and every day, most of which can be attributed to poor morale? How does AAs numbers on these things compare to SWA?
If AA had kept the pay rates up they could have elimiated even more jobs than they have and seen real savings in labor costs through increased productivity. We all know that for years AA was overstaffed. AA was still hiring even after it was obvious the industry was in a slowdown, even after they took on TWA and even after 9-11. I was dumbfounded how as Treasurer of Local 562 I saw our membership increase by around 20% from 1999 to 2002. The industry was in an obvious slowdown from 2000 on but our membership was increasing!
Now they are trying to force increased productivity by not replacing anyone who leaves, but its simply not working like they planned, after all the spare aircraft are used they have to hold OT in order to get whats left fixed. And thats with the majority of pilots clearly "on board".What AA fails to see is that its the "can do" attitude that has allowed SWA to not only survive, but prosper. SWA charges low fares yet pays well. Everyone talks about SWAs productivity but they no longer want to discuss pay, sure the way a workforce is managed is important but so is how they are paid. If you want to pay like UAL and USAIR then dont expect SWA productivity. You are not going to get a can do attitude when the paycheck says F-U everytime you see it and if they cut your pay thats exactly what management is saying to you.
So, you have a family, debt and obligations, all set with the expectation that you were getting a certain amount of money then out of the blue they take away 25% of that, you cant just bolt, but you also realize that life will never be the same, it will be worse and it will be because of them. The company that you relied upon and were willing to make sacrifices and go above and beyond for has decided to no longer live up to their end but expects the same, if not more, from you. So what do you do? You show up and do what you must, you do what you are told, no more, no less and that is the difference between the productive worker at SWA and the worker at airlines that cut their employees pay.
If all Arpey was concerned about was filling his pockets he would have left already. Arpey is a highly respected CEO and could command much more than he makes now.
Then why does he stay?
If you didn't have high labor rate and unproductive work rules there wouldn't be any need to try to break the union.
Could you please give us an example of the "unproductive work rules " that you speak of, in the M&R contract if you could please?
There is no need for AA to break the TWU since they already own it, they simply want to break the idea of unionism within the rank and file worker and Jim Little is more than happy to help.