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$291 million in net earnings for 2Q2006

Profit Sharing Checks? Those are not divided up equally either. Even my own co-workers, who do just as much or actually more than me, get less in profit sharing.

I want my pay, benefits, and paid time off back. Screw the Profit Sharing Check. I will trade the Profit Sharing Formula for a return of my pay, benefits, and paid time off back right now.

Then get rid of the crappy attitude and put your 8 hours of work(productive work) in like the rest of us. If you would put in as much effort into your work as you do complaining about the TWU then things might just turn around for you sooner rather than later. I am so sick of hearing about what you DON'T have. There are many of us who have sacrficed just as much if not more than you Informer. Your song and dance about the TWU being bought and corrupt is not working. Get's your amfa buddies riled up and turned on from time to time but that's about it. Face it, this system is working and you can't stand that you were wrong to not support it. You wanted BK, remember that???? Tell us Informer, where would be had that happened?? Did you read the latest on NWA about to scrap their unions pensions??? Ole Delle and his cronies sure handed it to 'em didn't they???? Vigilantes is all they are and look what has become of them. And you're running close behind.
Then get rid of the crappy attitude and put your 8 hours of work(productive work) in like the rest of us. If you would put in as much effort into your work as you do complaining about the TWU then things might just turn around for you sooner rather than later. I am so sick of hearing about what you DON'T have. There are many of us who have sacrficed just as much if not more than you Informer. Your song and dance about the TWU being bought and corrupt is not working. Get's your amfa buddies riled up and turned on from time to time but that's about it. Face it, this system is working and you can't stand that you were wrong to not support it. You wanted BK, remember that???? Tell us Informer, where would be had that happened?? Did you read the latest on NWA about to scrap their unions pensions??? Ole Delle and his cronies sure handed it to 'em didn't they???? Vigilantes is all they are and look what has become of them. And you're running close behind.

Go shave your head.

To have a debate, both sides have to have at least three brain cells. Maybe without hair, you can grow one more to qualify.

Your own TWU Local 514 President admitted being in bed with the company. If you call that dancing and singing, then I am afraid your mother and father are likely also brother and sister.

I tried doing some work, and your union came and told me Crew Chiefs don't do that.

There is no need to get my "AMFA Buddies" riled up, they are the only workers left ready to fight anytime, anywhere. Problem is, they are out numbered by you and the other bootlicking cowards.

You surely don't blame "Ole Delle and his cronies" for 1000 industrial union AMT scabs crossing a legal union picket line? On second thought, I'll bet you do. Figures. It is acutally really the TWU Spokesperson Jerry Sowells and the other 1000+ Union Scabs that really showed everybody. You must be diehard yellow dog democrat too, you know where there is always someone else to blame, and accountability is never applied. Truth is, there is no politician that is the working man's friend, just as there is no industrial unionist that I will trust my back too or that has anything more than a life of fear and cowardice.

Those Mechanics voted to strike Northwest, not Ole Dell, and it damn sure wasn't the strong Craft Unionist AMFA Advocate that crossed any picket lines. To claim otherwise, would be dancing and singing as you like to say.
So do you think the concessions were a loan to prevent Bankruptcy? Or do you think it is a permanent fixture that allows bonuses and capital investments?
Neither. I think they were a contribution (not a loan) to prevent Ch 11. But no way will AA ever have enough money to repay them. They ain't a loan. B)

In 2008, we'll find out whether AA is dedicated to maintaining its own airplanes (and is amenable to restoring some/all of your wage cuts) or whether it plans to send airplanes to China for overhaul, like UAL now does (in which case it will tell you guys to pound sand at the mention of concession restoration and will furlough all of you).

I think executives did a good job! But without every employee that makes it happen, they would fall flat on their face in their plush offices.

I agree. I think everyone did a great job. Pilots, mechanics, FAs, ground agents, management - everyone. Too bad your totally worthless union didn't even provide you a decent profit-sharing potential. I'd fire them if I were you.

Lots of whining recently about the lack of profits and that the variable comp payouts should not happen. Well, one quarter later and the profits are here (which is why the stock nearly hit $30 this spring in the first place - investors saw profits on the horizon). So I don't begrudge management their contractual pay.

Besides, the AA variable comp payouts pale in comparison to what the UAL management got this spring. AA's executives did far more outside bankruptcy to right the ship than UAL's leaders did in three long years of Ch 11.
Go shave your head.

To have a debate, both sides have to have at least three brain cells. Maybe without hair, you can grow one more to qualify.

Your own TWU Local 514 President admitted being in bed with the company. If you call that dancing and singing, then I am afraid your mother and father are likely also brother and sister.

I tried doing some work, and your union came and told me Crew Chiefs don't do that.

There is no need to get my "AMFA Buddies" riled up, they are the only workers left ready to fight anytime, anywhere. Problem is, they are out numbered by you and the other bootlicking cowards.

You surely don't blame "Ole Delle and his cronies" for 1000 industrial union AMT scabs crossing a legal union picket line? On second thought, I'll bet you do. Figures. It is acutally really the TWU Spokesperson Jerry Sowells and the other 1000+ Union Scabs that really showed everybody. You must be diehard yellow dog democrat too, you know where there is always someone else to blame, and accountability is never applied. Truth is, there is no politician that is the working man's friend, just as there is no industrial unionist that I will trust my back too or that has anything more than a life of fear and cowardice.

Those Mechanics voted to strike Northwest, not Ole Dell, and it damn sure wasn't the strong Craft Unionist AMFA Advocate that crossed any picket lines. To claim otherwise, would be dancing and singing as you like to say.

Man, you're all over the place with that post. That just tells me you are on the defensive. We weren't talking about scabs, or beddin' down with the company. I merely stated that if you would do less complaining and be more productive maybe even you Informer could get back what WE ALL sacrificed.

I wasn't blaming anyone for anything. That was you!!
I merely stated that if you would do less complaining and be more productive maybe even you Informer could get back what WE ALL sacrificed

Keep dreaming slappy nuts

Oh yea and keep giving it your all :lol:
Man, you're all over the place with that post. That just tells me you are on the defensive. We weren't talking about scabs, or beddin' down with the company. I merely stated that if you would do less complaining and be more productive maybe even you Informer could get back what WE ALL sacrificed.

I wasn't blaming anyone for anything. That was you!!

Like I said, grow another brain cell or two and then you will be able to keep up.
It appears to me taking a quick look at the financial summary, that if you strip out Cargo Revenue and other revenues, the mainline carrier lost money on an operating basis. Mainline CASM reported at 10.88 cents; Mainline RASM reported at 10.58 cents.

Sounds to me like each seat lost .3 cents for every mile flown.


How about this, take away mainline and you have no cargo. Anybody got the number for Fed Ex? 😉
Anybody seen the movie 'Pulp Fiction'? There is a line in the movie that I believe is appropriate here.

It goes "Let's not start sucking each others :shock: quite yet"

It's nice to see a profit, but how much DEBT is AA still in? I don't have a figure. Anybody know?
I am impressed about the financial turnaround taking place at our company and I hope this continues although I am a bit worried about this quater and the 4th quater. AMR has come a long way from being on the verge of bankruptcy to being profitable. I remember eagerly following the finacial turmoil taking place on April 2003 even though I was not an employee at the time and I was hoping that everything works out. AA has always held a special place in my aviation interest since it was the first airline I have ever travelled with and I will always remeber that first trip I made back in August of 1992.

We all have sacrificied to make this company what is it today. My non rev travel privalages were increased in May and although that was a bit of a shocker to me it was still way cheaper than buying the cheapest ticket and I understood the reason behind it especially in light of current fuel prices. This did not stop me from enjoying my travel, actually it made me enjoyed it even more.

I only hope that AA will order the 787 aircraft so that we remain competitive. It will be interesting to see what the other airlines escpecially UAL and CAL have done.
I want my pay, benefits, and paid time off back. Screw the Profit Sharing Check. I will trade the Profit Sharing Formula for a return of my pay, benefits, and paid time off back right now.

And I want a freaking pony. Good lord, grow up already will you. Sounds like you are the one who needs a brain cell or two if you actually believe you are going to get back what you lost. I am hoping that is just what you want to happen (hint : we all want that). The economy has changed. We are in 2006, not the early 1990's. You will not get your pay back. You will not get your benefits back. You will not get your vacation back. You will not get your paid time off back. You will work harder for less pay (well, you probably won't but most of us will). One of these days, when and if the economy ever picks up and fuel prices drop (yea that will happen) you may see bigger raises and a small portion of what you lost, returned. It is not nor will it ever be the 1990's again. While I am dispelling this myth for you I feel obligated to break some more sad news to you. Your parents were the tooth fairy. Your parents were also the Easter Bunny (the only thing that comes out of a the a$$ of a bunny sure as hell is not wrapped in foil, trust me on this). And here is the big one. Your parents are Santa Clause as well. I know, I know... allot to take in but I am certain you can handle the info.

The way I see it, you have a few options. Stay and #### (I'm betting on this one), win the lottery (not likely) or check out the want ads and see what else strikes your fancy. Just realize that bitching here like a child throwing a tantrum in a store will not get you jack. All it does is give folks like my self, Opps and a few other a really good laugh.
I am sick and tired of these nay sayers and labor quipping about management and everything should be passed along to them. Look what the AA leadership has done despite record high fuel. Sure you had to take some consessions but look at the balance sheet. Your leadership has done a remarkable job and should be commended. They not only have kept you out of bankruptcy, but your pensions are still in tact, Wall Street thinks highly of your company, and you have a lot of money in the bank. Meanwhile, just look at your competitors at UAL, they spent 3 years in Bankruptcy and shed their employees pensions and brought their wages down to bare bones (you can at least acknowledge you have a pension). They just decided to move their top 350 or so highest paid executives to a hoity toity building in downtown Chicago excluding themselves from the rest of their employess only because their CEO lives downtown and has breakfast at the Four Seasons with his cronies. If I were a shareholder of U-Haul I would wonder why my top executives would need to spend MORE rent just to be downtown. I have to question the ethics and longgivity of their company.

You think your company has "raped" you, just look at UAL, they don't know what the heck they are doing. Their first quarter post bankruptcy was less than stellar and I would guess that their next earnings call will make Wall Street skeptical on their future.

So instead of bitc#$g about AA and what their management has done, you need to look at your competition and realize you are the lucky ones to punch the clock every day.
Anybody seen the movie 'Pulp Fiction'? There is a line in the movie that I believe is appropriate here.

It goes "Let's not start sucking each others :shock: quite yet"

It's nice to see a profit, but how much DEBT is AA still in? I don't have a figure. Anybody know?

The last figure I heard was $20 Billion.

How about this, take away mainline and you have no cargo. Anybody got the number for Fed Ex? 😉

The point is that passenger services revenue isn't covering costs...much less making a profit. This is not a long run winning formula. Eventually Capital will gravitate to investments which return at least a positive return.
The point is that passenger services revenue isn't covering costs...much less making a profit. This is not a long run winning formula. Eventually Capital will gravitate to investments which return at least a positive return.

Some of the operating costs in your CASM figure are attributable to cargo, are they not? For all we know, AA's Cargo-related expenses might actually exceed the Cargo revenue, right?

Of course, if that were true, AA would quickly exit the cargo business.

Like I posted earlier - even in good times, without cargo, the passenger revenue wouldn't cover expenses. Been that way for a long, long time.

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