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$291 million in net earnings for 2Q2006

Hopeful...are they really bargaining successes if in the long run they are what may have been hurting the company and therefore it's ability to grow and not have to lay people off.

You list a lot of things you think mgmt shouldn't get credit for. List a few things you consider "sucessess" that have hurt the company. Be at least a little balanced...or try to provide the appearance of being such.

This is not about labor wages and rules choking the airline. This is about ALL the legacy airlines finally breaking the unions. Some have used the bankruptcy courts to do it, but AMR just used the threat of bankruptcy to do it.
In the case of AMR, this was being done while CARTY and his top 40 thieves were securing their SERPS EVEN in the event of bankruptcy!

That was such a selfish greedy episode in corporate relations that cannot be easily erased just because CARTY resigned.. They still got their SERPS while we all took heavy concessions.

Don't you just love paying $3.29 for a gallon of Mobil/Exxon gas while former Lee Raymond sits on a $400 million dollar package?
Wow it only took 3 posts for HOPEFUL ( i really dont get the name) to be negative. I just read both your posts, and I truly believe you are a good worker. And I hope your friends and family keep the sharp objects away from you. With your constant negative attitude it is amazing you have not exploded and hurt yourself and or others. Do the people in your station know how mad and angry you are on a daily basis. I for one would have a Bullet Proof jacket on if I worked at your station. Who knows the company might want to do something nice for you and you might go on a shooting rampage.

Enough Sarcasm. Lets hear it for all AA employees Union..Non Union and Management alike. We all suffered a great deal to bring this company back to a profit. Lets just hope we continue to see more profits in the years to come and maybe just maybe see yearly raises and profit sharing checks. I for one could use it.


Just give me a second, and I'll ADDRESS you !!

But first,
I've got mixed feelings.
On one hand, I tend to agree with FWAAA, in that, if by 2008, AA "stays" healthy, and concessions are returned, well(reluctantly) the whole thing will have been worth it.

Time will tell !!!!!!!!!


"NOW" mr.operaations,

(NOT that Hopeful needs me to fight his battles,)

One thing you'll NEVER comprehend, is that Hopeful, and some others are from JFK(LIKE IN NYC). New Yorkers are'nt easily fooled, and have memories "like an ELEPHANT" !!!!!

Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT, about Carty, AND ARPEY, "attempting" to fill there pockets, while everyone else got CORNHOLE'D !!!!

Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT about the "Benedict Arnold" P O S TWU !!!

operaations, evidently where you come from, you folks are highly susceptible to the "Stockholm Syndrome", were as NYers are less susceptable !!

As my ol' Granny use to say, "If the shoe fits, WEAR IT" !!!!!!!!!


Just give me a second, and I'll ADDRESS you !!

But first,
I've got mixed feelings.
On one hand, I tend to agree with FWAAA, in that, if by 2008, AA "stays" healthy, and concessions are returned, well(reluctantly) the whole thing will have been worth it.

Time will tell !!!!!!!!!


"NOW" mr.operaations,

(NOT that Hopeful needs me to fight his battles,)

One thing you'll NEVER comprehend, is that Hopeful, and some others are from JFK(LIKE IN NYC). New Yorkers are'nt easily fooled, and have memories "like an ELEPHANT" !!!!!

Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT, about Carty, AND ARPEY, "attempting" to fill there pockets, while everyone else got CORNHOLE'D !!!!

Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT about the "Benedict Arnold" P O S TWU !!!

operaations, evidently where you come from, you folks are highly susceptible to the "Stockholm Syndrome", were as NYers are less susceptable !!

As my ol' Granny use to say, "If the shoe fits, WEAR IT" !!!!!!!!!


If all Arpey was concerned about was filling his pockets he would have left already. Arpey is a highly respected CEO and could command much more than he makes now.
But those "naysayers" never thought we would have gotten where we are today....in the black. Time will tell and it has told a lot just in the past year.

Like I said the "naysayers" can't stand the fact that what we are doing, what we have done is working. I don't credit just one particular entity, but it is a work together performance that has gotten us where we are. Does that mean I am in bed with the "company" or the TWU....no. I look around and see the other major carriers failing at the route they took, whether it be BK or not.....it ain' workin' for 'em folks. Those employees....union brothers and sisters took it up the butt and then out the door. Thousands more then AA.

So you naysayers keep bi*chin' and moanin' about things and giving piss poor performance and be sure to thank those of us who are willing and trying to make this work.

(SERIOUSLY), with out this being a "set up", are you saying that an employee like..Hopeful, who ACCURATELY points out AA FACTS, is "bitchin' and moanin', Is(by your definition) a "naysayer" ???

The very same person, who goes to work every day, and performs the work that he's paid to do, by AA. ???????

Curious minds would like to know !!

I do not mean to generalize....the bi*chers and moaners know who they are.....they just won't admit it!

Let me ask you NHBB.....3 yrs ago, would you have predicted what is happening right now at AA??? What is your opinion on the work together program??? Useless or productive? Is it worth it??????
The point is that passenger services revenue isn't covering costs...much less making a profit. This is not a long run winning formula. Eventually Capital will gravitate to investments which return at least a positive return.
Since when should cargo revenue be separated from pax revenue? The cargo is flown on AA planes by AA pilots, maintained by AA AMTs, loaded by AA FSCs etc. etc. Point is, its AA revenue - not cargo revenue! All I'm sayin is, without AA, you don't have AA cargo. Why do you think we have cargo compartments on the A/C? 😉

From the various places I've worked, cargo is usually profitable. However, this is mostly due to the nature of accounting. It's accounted for as an incremental. Only direct costs are typically associated with it. Since the plane is going that way and has extra weight availability (before reaching MTOW) tey can throw cargo in and only the bldgs, employees and paperwork associated with it are counted. If, however, they considered it an entirely separate business, I think they'd be drowning in red ink. Typically, crew & a/c costs are not included in the business unit's profit/loss. Additionally, neither is fuel. Here's a kicker...with a margin as small as was mentioned earlier, imagine not hauling cargo around. Drop the unecessary fuel on the flights carring cargo and you might see a different picture. Key word is might.

On the positive side...cargo never complains about the mean or lack of lavs...
This is not about labor wages and rules choking the airline. This is about ALL the legacy airlines finally breaking the unions. Some have used the bankruptcy courts to do it, but AMR just used the threat of bankruptcy to do it.
In the case of AMR, this was being done while CARTY and his top 40 thieves were securing their SERPS EVEN in the event of bankruptcy!

That was such a selfish greedy episode in corporate relations that cannot be easily erased just because CARTY resigned.. They still got their SERPS while we all took heavy concessions.
Don't you just love paying $3.29 for a gallon of Mobil/Exxon gas while former Lee Raymond sits on a $400 million dollar package?

If you didn't have high labor rate and unproductive work rules there wouldn't be any need to try to break the union.
If we didnt have a high labor rate and unproductive work rules then we might as well work for Walmart 😉
If you didn't have high labor rate and unproductive work rules there wouldn't be any need to try to break the union.
If we weren't tripping over the over abundance of overpaid management, there would be no need to break the unions. :mf_boff:
"NOW" mr.operaations,
(NOT that Hopeful needs me to fight his battles,)
One thing you'll NEVER comprehend, is that Hopeful, and some others are from JFK(LIKE IN NYC). New Yorkers are'nt easily fooled, and have memories "like an ELEPHANT" !!!!!
Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT, about Carty, AND ARPEY, "attempting" to fill there pockets, while everyone else got CORNHOLE'D !!!!
Hopeful was "dead on" CORRECT about the "Benedict Arnold" P O S TWU !!!
operaations, evidently where you come from, you folks are highly susceptible to the "Stockholm Syndrome", were as NYers are less susceptable !!
As my ol' Granny use to say, "If the shoe fits, WEAR IT" !!!!!!!!!

Wow I just got off the floor from laughing so hard.

First of all I am from New York and I have to admit I am ashamed to know that you and Hopeful are from the East Coast. If you and Hopeful had their way every one at AMR would be unemployed just to prove a point. (What point would that be)?

Look at what your Union Brothers got at NWA. And How about UA DL US they all got laid off and lost their pension. As far as I see it we had limited lay offs and still retain your pension.

Just because one is from NY does not make them intelligent. I know my fare share of New York People and trust me they aren’t much smarter than you aren’t. (And that is not saying much) Look at our President he went to yale and was born in CT. You all lost your village idiot and unfortunately he ended up in Texas. And now sits in the White House.

The point I was trying to make in my first post is (we made a profit enjoy it while it lasts and hopefully better things come)

Go back and re-read NH?BB's post. Where did he say that being from NY automatically made us Mensa material?

He just said that we aren't easily fooled. Are you easily fooled, operaations?

Where did I ever say I would prefer that AA would be better off out of business? My posting here points out the greedy overpaid management who are getting all the credit for a profit because THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOBS AND EARNING THEIR MBA PAY!!!!!

ONEFLYER states that high labor rates and unproductive workrules. What about inflated executive pay? what about unproductive executive positions?

Exec VP of Marketing?
Senior VP of Customer Relationship Marketing & Reservation?
President of AAdvantage Marketing?
Programs & a VP of Corp Communication & Advertising???
VP of Realtime & Analytical Systems?
VP,Customer Services?
VP Customer Technology?

The best one is a VP of ONBOARD SERVICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As oneflyer believes, it was okay to break and rape the unions, but nonsensical executives' ranks continue to flourish!

Go back and re-read NH?BB's post. Where did he say that being from NY automatically made us Mensa material?

He just said that we aren't easily fooled. Are you easily fooled, operaations?

Where did I ever say I would prefer that AA would be better off out of business? My posting here points out the greedy overpaid management who are getting all the credit for a profit because THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOBS AND EARNING THEIR MBA PAY!!!!!

ONEFLYER states that high labor rates and unproductive workrules. What about inflated executive pay? what about unproductive executive positions?

Exec VP of Marketing?
Senior VP of Customer Relationship Marketing & Reservation?
President of AAdvantage Marketing?
Programs & a VP of Corp Communication & Advertising???
VP of Realtime & Analytical Systems?
VP,Customer Services?
VP Customer Technology?

The best one is a VP of ONBOARD SERVICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As oneflyer believes, it was okay to break and rape the unions, but nonsensical executives' ranks continue to flourish!

I agree with you 100% that there are far too many Senior VP position. Many could be consolidated.

And the Upper management is not asking for or getting all the credit for the Airline making a one quarter profit.

My only point from the very beginning of this forum was why is it that every single topic good or bad has to end up in a management attack and anti AMR rant.

We made a profit for god sakes stand up and take the credit you deserve. I do not know where you work but if you are still employed by AMR you probably took a nice hit fionancially and still stood by and worked hard to help turn it around. We all deserve credit and the general flying public know that.

Just answer me this. Did you or did you not rain on the profit parade before at least celebrating a good quarter

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