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28 m-80s 14 767s

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Something tells me that the 20 domestic trips vs. 3 intl trips is probably not too far from being equal on a pay/credit basis. Anyone want to confirm or deny that?

After almost two years, I have to admit I'm getting tired of seeing this same argument over and over and over and over again...
Its a whopping 3.36 and hour. in pay and .25 in perdiem. The difference is mute because international tends to have trip pairings that require more days on than domestic.

Although it amounts to over two hundred dollars. That difference is made up easly, in time built through the month. On avaerage we tend to get 3 to 4 hours. Sometimes just taxi in and wait, weather on the ground or in the air. If that wasnt enough. A single minimum time turn would make up that two hundred plus.

My buddy dropped international here and turned it in to a pay raise. The lines are built working 3 or more days less on domestic. So he flys the same number of days as he used to. Making more than he was before on international.
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