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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
Yes, I understand but the TWU people will take the money, at least here at TULE. Perhaps if the Line can get some solidarity and just out vote Tulsa.
I think it will be the exact opposite
unless people in Tulsa want to be laid off or move.  
The TWU is supposed to be provided with the percentage using the formula in Jan and July but none of us have ever seen the numbers. I have no idea if the locals are monitoring the company which concerns me.
Overspeed said:
The TWU is supposed to be provided with the percentage using the formula in Jan and July but none of us have ever seen the numbers. I have no idea if the locals are monitoring the company which concerns me.
All i can say is see my comment about your leadership sucking. 
That should be something done monthly not 2 times a year. (honestly that is something I have been pushing for at Delta. Some kind of company update of what/when/why something is outsourced. Right now with all the mods some of our in-house checks are getting done as part of the mod packages, which i get/understand, but I want a report on it. I feel like they are worried if they post the data they will get more people pushing for a union though) 
but hey, maybe its because they are so busy with those once a month meetings to get the contract worked out  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
(but for real, it *shouldn't* be to far off from total outsourcing budget reported to the SEC/DOT, I would be shocked if it was more than a percent or 2 +/-) 
Of course the TAESL thing will cause the outsourcing % to jump a little bit when they report for 2016 (so we will get the data in 2017) 
A lot of people see layoffs as a foregone conclusion if there is any type of substantial raise.  I can't tell you how many times I hear in the breakroom everyday "show me the money" or "Delta plus 3 (or 7)" .  People primarily want the money however short-sighted that is.
Roadking5560 said:
A lot of people see layoffs as a foregone conclusion if there is any type of substantial raise.  I can't tell you how many times I hear in the breakroom everyday "show me the money" or "Delta plus 3 (or 7)" .  People primarily want the money however short-sighted that is.
If and when the two unions come to some agreement on what will be given up and what will be the WE WANTS, I hope that the membership reads very carefully this time since we got pumped last time. The local union reps who say they read the contracts and look for all the down falls, kept that to themselves since at NO time did any of them say this was good deal or bad. "YES" the Local leaders of 591, made a video but the station reps never insured all were informed.
Most feel money will pass this no matter, contract language means nothing these days.
The IGM here at AA is and always will be the rule of thumb. 
The problem is the money is automatic with a price in scope and reduction in heads. So if we don't like the scope and loss of jobs do we still vote no thinking the money will still be there next time? Many won't risk it. A second proposal may not come so quick. The way the association is pacing itself we can't afford to wait. Time is money and we already have lost unrecoverable money. So what do you think is going to happen if and when a proposal comes to light? First thing the guys will ask is how much money are we getting. That pretty much answers the question. The only thing that has a good chance on a no vote is if the association forces the iam pension on us with no choice to stay with the 401K match.
Overspeed said:
The TWU is supposed to be provided with the percentage using the formula in Jan and July but none of us have ever seen the numbers. I have no idea if the locals are monitoring the company which concerns me.
I don't think they are minding the store in this respect. The Local 591 leadership as far as I can see has not done anything to monitor outsourcing levels.  If they have, where are the numbers?  NONE.
How do the levels of outsourcing change given the changes with TAESEL? Are our representatives even watching?
Also, everyone keeps talking about money vs scope and that AMTs are going to lose jobs in return for $$.  Right now, it seems the company is running as much overtime as possible to keep the thing moving, I ask.
Where exactly do we think they going to cut headcount out on the line or overhaul? 
DallasConehead said:
I don't think they are minding the store in this respect. The Local 591 leadership as far as I can see has not done anything to monitor outsourcing levels.  If they have, where are the numbers?  NONE.
How do the levels of outsourcing change given the changes with TAESEL? Are our representatives even watching?
Also, everyone keeps talking about money vs scope and that AMTs are going to lose jobs in return for $$.  Right now, it seems the company is running as much overtime as possible to keep the thing moving, I ask.
Where exactly do we think they going to cut headcount out on the line or overhaul?
Overtime is cheaper than maintaining guys on payroll especially during low level times. Overtime is flexible. You use it when needed instead of having guys sitting around when the work load is reduced. The airline business is flexible when it comes to seasonal operations. I'm not one to advocate letting guys go but I have seen overtime cover manpower shortages. This also gives the company flexibility to pick and choose where the work goes and stays. They can bring an additional maars crew to DFW and cover it with overtime knowing it might be around for 6 months. They may schedule some mod work in ORD or MIA that may last 4 months and cover it with day off overtime. Just a few examples. We know guys will jump on the overtime. No one consistently turns down the money.
1AA said:
Overtime is cheaper than maintaining guys on payroll especially during low level times. Overtime is flexible. You use it when needed instead of having guys sitting around when the work load is reduced. The airline business is flexible when it comes to seasonal operations. I'm not one to advocate letting guys go but I have seen overtime cover manpower shortages. This also gives the company flexibility to pick and choose where the work goes and stays. They can bring an additional maars crew to DFW and cover it with overtime knowing it might be around for 6 months. They may schedule some mod work in ORD or MIA that may last 4 months and cover it with day off overtime. Just a few examples. We know guys will jump on the overtime. No one consistently turns down the money.
Agreed, but where could headcount cuts come from?
Also, who is watching outsourcing?
Roadking5560 said:
A lot of people see layoffs as a foregone conclusion if there is any type of substantial raise.  I can't tell you how many times I hear in the breakroom everyday "show me the money" or "Delta plus 3 (or 7)" .  People primarily want the money however short-sighted that is.
 I would much rather get laid off and return in 5 years to a job that makes good money than to continue on this track making sh&# money. 
Buck said:
Yes, I understand but the TWU people will take the money, at least here at TULE. Perhaps if the Line can get some solidarity and just out vote Tulsa.
I haven't heard one guy say, I'm not going for the money, I say we go for scope because that has worked so well before.

We Voted against 2008 extension because no protection for mci, mci closed twa guys bumped all over. 2010 raise voted down TA because we would give up retiree health for guys under 50. And OH working weekends. Only for everyone to lose retiree health plus pension and afw closes and a lot of TUL work outsourced.

Yeah I'm going for the money.
bigjets said:
I haven't heard one guy say, I'm not going for the money, I say we go for scope because that has worked so well before.

We Voted against 2008 extension because no protection for mci, mci closed twa guys bumped all over. 2010 raise voted down TA because we would give up retiree health for guys under 50. And OH working weekends. Only for everyone to lose retiree health plus pension and afw closes and a lot of TUL work outsourced.

Yeah I'm going for the money.
Same here...
I see these choices.............Take the money.......lose jobs
                                            Save the jobs..........no money
                                            Don't just go for the money..........lose the jobs anyway.
Haven't we been duped long enough?
 i for one am not been fooled into saving jobs. Take the money now because the longer we prolong this the better the chance for the economy to take a down turn affecting historical profits..
I am sorry if this offends people.
MetalMover said:
Same here...
I see these choices.............Take the money.......lose jobs
                                            Save the jobs..........no money
                                            Don't just go for the money..........lose the jobs anyway.
Haven't we been duped long enough?
 i for one am not been fooled into saving jobs. Take the money now because the longer we prolong this the better the chance for the economy to take a down turn affecting historical profits..
I am sorry if this offends people.
Absolutely NO MORE MONEY FOR JOBS! It's time to call their bluff. But that would mean the Association would have to put there precious cash cow in jeopardy. And Duke did ya have to bring religion into this.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance

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