KCFlyer said:
And hey, the seat would have gone out empty anyway, so
some revenue is better than no revenue, right?
Nice try but wrong. I'm glad to see that you're starting to grasp a glimmer of the concept though.
These weren't award seats -- so the "would have gone out empty anyway" argument probably doesn't apply to most of them. Although it would to some.
We can reasonably guess that a few hundred or a few thousand of these were sold. Of those seats some number were sold to people who would have flown those routes anyway and who just got lucky and got a good price. That's money "left on the table" but its probably small change -- I doubt there were 20 of those. And those people now have lots of very nice things to tell their friends about US Airways.
The rest of the tickets were bought by people that would not have purchased
any ticket without this price. Some of those would indeed have been empty seats and they're a small loss -- the difference between the marginal cost of, IMHO, around $20 and the $2 paid. It isn't unheard of for fares like that to be offered, under properly controlled circumstances, as a "loss leader". So those don't bug me.
Total loss so far is maybe as high as $25k.
Of the rest some might be preventing sales of higher value tickets by depleting inventory improperly. But that's easily fixed -- bump people. Hand out RT vouchers. Real cost? Probably $25 each.
Ok, maybe we're up to $30k. Or call it $50k if you want to be crazy...
The big money losers are likely the UA code shares if there were any. But even that is unknown -- UA "gets the revenue" if the flight is on UA metal. But what revenue do they get? What US charged? Or some pre-set amount? If it's a pre-set amount and there are any significant number of these things fitting the bill (especially the F fares) then we could be looking at big bucks. But it takes a lot of time and effort to arrange that sort of routing. I don't think there could have been too many of them.
I doubt that it is hundreds of millions of dollars worth. It's probably actually not all that much. It would have been a lot more if it had run all weekend and the buzz had spread.