You would be surprised by the diverse backgrounds of today's f/as. Multiple degrees, social workers, nurses, lawyers, teachers, former police officers, moms, dads, ministers, realtors, you name it, the f/a has tried it. My guess is that you would be the first one to cry like a baby in an emergency. You're the type that grabs onto the f/a and has a "come to Jesus" moment about the real value of the crew. In flight service is just to keep you from getting too bored since it is well known that people lose all sense of reality in that long thin tube. Besides, those of us who have enjoyed the career were smart enough to apply and and when I was hired (back in the dark ages) enjoyed the mystique associated with the position. Sounds like you might be a tad bit jealous. I know my family has enjoyed the "spoils" of my being a working mom 8 to 10 days (actually nights as I flew all night turn around flights) a month with the rest of the time to devote to being a full time stay at home parent. Add trips to Europe and any place being studied and it was a win win. But the best part of the career was the incredible co-workers who shared all of the milestones of my life. That is something you will never experience.