It's easy to blame SHARES, it's easy to blame PHL, and it's easy to blame DP and SK. It's easy. I get that. I see from all of your groaning that you think the Cluster**** this weekend is the ruination of LCC.
Take a deep breath...
It's not.
Dropping the ball this weekend DID happen. However there is a more fundamental issue here that is much worse. And it's not just with LCC or Jetblue. Media attention has been rampant with the problems all the airlines have been having this winter. They focus on passenger problems and complaints instead of the true problem: "To much regulation in a de-regulated airline industry".
Here's how I see it. Since 1979 when deregulation occured certain airlines where able to EXPAND, PROFIT, and PROSPER in and industry basically run by the DOT. When the restrictions disappeared, the airline industry ran there operations at a feverish pace. The all mighty dollar to this day drives who flies what airline. Brand loyalty is gone with the $39 dollar fare. Now you have an industry of Legacy carriers who try to run their airline as a low cost carrier to compete with the Jetblues, Southwests, and Frontiers. The media is more concerned with poor Johnny who spent $39 for his roundtrip ticket to east gabip and sat on the runway for 8 hours, instead of the poor airline that now has to spend hundereds of thousands of dollars to get poor Johnny to his destination. And yet... Are you with me...The poor Bast*** will complain if he has to spend a dollar more for his ticket next time.
All of this with the added costs of Security, Fuel Costs, Labor, Airport Landing Fees, Aircraft Leasing, Communication, Terminal Rental Fees, Obscure Reservation Systems, Building Rentals, Etc. Etc. Etc. It's amazing that poor Johnny and his $39 fare was able to pay for all of this.
Bottom line: The Airline industry needs to be "Regulated" once again. Poor Johnny will then have to shell out $3939.39 to go to east gabip and the airlines will make the money to focus on what an airline does: Take someone from point A to point B. Period...
Regulation means less frequency (Full Flights)
Regulation means stable airfares (More Money)
Regulation means stable airlines (Less Bankruptcy)
Not to say Ice storms won't happen, and not to say NY blizzards won't happen. But being in a position to recover from it will.
Government will step in. Soon. And when it does hopefully you will see the changes you want.
Parker didn't cause the icestorm. Poor Johnny did...