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IORFA said:
Probably makes it easier and quicker to replace the next VEOP group. They are being super picky with these new hires, so ramping it up for some unknown quantity of F/A's isn't so easy. Not sure why they are so picky, I ran into a real peach last week at Airbus training. Her "awesome" attitude will go over well here. She hadn't even graduated yet! My opinion so far is that AA is treating these new hires with kid gloves for some reason. They hired adults, yet seem to feel the need to treat them as children. It is crazy and disgusting all at the same time!
I agree with you that they seem to be putting more effort into the hiring process rather than wait until they are on the line to determine if they are any good.  With only one exception, the new hires that I have flown with have been extraordinary--real naturals at the job.  But, with the other thread about staffing vs. our competitors, why are we replacing the VEOP folk until we get the operations combined and get a clear picture of the staffing situation?
silverbird007 said:
WT/jmntx I guess ill have to put both of your screen names on ignore since you are one and the same. let me guess ex TWA fa, very bitter about your life so you go on the AA forum and trash AA till the day you die. Dude like I said many times before Get a Life take care of your cats and enjoy your ignore!
Jimntx is a well respected contributor to this board. WT, judging by his reputation score, not so much-- that alone should tell you something
I'm going with the assumption that the VEOP will be long over before the operations are combined. So there really is no way to wait. I assume that the VEOP will happen fast and possibly finish by the end of December 2014. They could do things like combine the reserve lists and eventually the domestic and international operations faster. That would allow them to not replace so many. Just a suggestion.
jimntx said:
P.S.  With all these stats showing too many a/c and too many employees, I just read a Jetnet email that said we are now going to hire more than the additional 1500 flight attendants.  No max was given.  Have to ask...are these furlough fodder to make sure that the company can keep the furlough protection promise made to the rest of us that Ad Astra mentioned yesterday?
No question that AA is over-staffed, but not the extent that Andrea Ahles made it sound.    
As to the additional FA hiring, my WAG is that with six more 77Ws arriving next year, that's about 600-750 FAs right there.   And if the 738s all go back to 160 seats, as is rumoured, then that fourth FA will require a few hundred more.  The increased JFK-LAX/SFO frequencies require a few more FAs than the current schedule.    On top of that, if Doug Parker manages to make it a more miserable place to work, that alone may encourage more to retire (in addition to a generous early out, which would be a good idea).   
I was just going to mention the 737's going over 150. I would assume we could hear something on that anytime on or after December 9th. FWAAA, another VEOP/early out is happening. On both sides actually. Part of both contracts.
Thanks.   Hope it's at least as generous as the pre-merger AA VEOP.   
Flight attendants are one workgroup where over-staffing isn't as big a problem as in some others (lots of FAs actually want to fly part-time instead of high-time).    Not as many pilots or mechanics or fleet service want part-time work.    Pilots and mechanics require lengthy education and training, and both are in short supply these days, so hanging on to some extras even if they're underworked right now isn't the worst idea out there.      
With flight attendants, there's no real shortage of 19-22 year olds who want to work as FAs (although not all applicants will measure up and be worthy of hire).    And that's a workgroup where significant savings can be achieved quickly with early outs and new-hire replacements (at their very low starting pay).    If you're overstaffed with very cheap new-hire FAs, your overall costs can still be lower than an airline that isn't replacing expensive FAs.  
VEOP is exactly the same this time around, except you have to be "active". I.E. Not on any sort of sick list and such. Before, you could. I agree, about part time. One of the things I think that back fired on AA was getting rid of part time. The current bid leaves May or may not be offered and the duration is always suspect. They figure out the details after it closes. I.E. You could ask for 14 days and they might only end up going down to 15 days or more. Except you don't get the option to change your request to 15 days. It is a lame system AA chooses to use.

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