Reply to statement 1: FWIW the f/a who handed me a form to sign a card for AFA was not a former TW f/a. She is a "native" AA who is several years senior to me. The APFA board did not cover themselves in glory when they recommended that we vote for that LBFO as "the best we can do under the circumstances" and then promptly voted themselves a raise to make up for all that was lost in the LBFO--incentive pay, International differential, etc.AdAstraPerAspera said:
1. and I don't appreciate many of the former TW flight attendants who are trying for an AFA card campaign or a representational election that is going to accomplish jack all other than kick the can down the road and further delay the negotiation of a contract for us all.
2. Edit: I was not aware that Boeing put in a bid for TWA though; thanks for that. Although what interest they would have in owning a nearly bankrupt airline is something unknown?
Reply to statement 2: It's hard to kill an airline. Look at how long Eastern, and Braniff, and Pan Am limped along before going to glory. There is always someone with more money than sense (Trump, Icahn, etc.) who thinks "I can succeed where others have failed." And, there's a certain cachet to owning an airline, don't you think?