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1 year anniversary at LGB

Well jetBlue is now approaching its two-year anniversary at LGB and it's interesting to see how things have developed (or not) based on the many prognostications by several posters to usaviation. On a local level the latest news has been dealing with the attempts by the LGB NIMBY crowd to try and prevent the airport from building new terminal facilities to support the planned 4 million annual passengers that will use LGB. The link below provides the latest update on that battle and once again it looks like jetBlue will wind up on top of this debate:

Just from a nostalgia standpoint, I would hate to see the current terminal building replaced. It's certainly more human-sized and homey than most.
Well, as long as the current "noise slot limit" does not get raised, then I really cannot see the NIMBY's having much say in the matter, but then again, I am sure they will win, vocal minority and all that
As a Long Beach resident who live under the flight path of runway 30 at Long Beach, I hope that they do not do too much expanding. Everyday at about 4-5pm LB time, 7-8 jetBlue, American, UPS, and Fedex aircraft fly over. Many of the American pilots do not know how to fly their planes and come blasting out of there at 100% power when they are only half full. If they expand the terminal, this invites the 41 flight cap to be raised. Besides, the City of Long Beach has major debt problems and we dont need to spend what is left of our money on the airport. They dont realize that its not LAX, its a city airport.
But I do have to commend jetBlue for making such a great start at lgb. We have had so many airlines that have not been able to get close to the one year mark before collapsing. Good job guys.
"If they expand the terminal, this invites the 41 flight cap to be raised."

I do not think it is a push to get the limit raised, more to make LGB an even more desirable airport to fly into.

"Besides, the City of Long Beach has major debt problems and we dont need to spend what is left of our money on the airport."

I am sure, that the airport brings both work and money into the LGB community, improving the airport might just further help out.
Speedbird said:
Well jetBlue is now approaching its two-year anniversary at LGB

Actually, August 29, 2004 marks jetBlue's three-year anniversary at LGB.

Time flies when you're having fun, huh?
Hey cobb ill be there on Wed 6/30. Iwill make sure to give you a wing wag as i come over the roof tops about 4:15pm.-at full power. :lol: :lol: B) B)
Maybe when the regionals start in the fleet, there will be some additional flying out of LGB. Good Luck to B6.
If you are referring to the EMB-190, it does not fit the LGB weight class for a regional. (not that it is less of a regional than a 717 or a F-100🙂 )