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Zone Boarding

That is the problem of having a non proactive flight crew (or them just being so busy that they arent keeping up with things). If you are boarding the back and the rear FA can see that happening, they should make an announcement that you need to bring your things back with you. I've seen some crews stationed at the exit row mid cabin to assist with this and others just hang out at the front. What is the procedure when boarding? I know A at the front and one in the back, but what about the 3rd?
You can usually tell the ones that aren't proactive about the overheads pretty quickly -- their bags are in the F overheads.
First I can't believe we are even discussing zone boarding with all of the other problems going on with this company.

It just goes to show that people with B$%^& about anything. Not to mention B$%^& about something they know nothing about.

I worked this morning and started boarding by zones. You’re not going to believe this but it went very smoothly. So for those of you that said it wouldn't work, you obviously don't board flights.
Part of the problem is that there is "roll-aboard" sized space for only 1/3 of the passengers, not even counting space for smaller carry-on items (talking about the narrowbodys here, don't ride the widebodys enough to know).

Add to that the problem mentioned above - people sitting in the back using overhead space toward the front - and the problem compounds quickly.

The Airbus are far superior for roll-aboards--you can get the reasonable sized ones in wheels-first--which allows for many more bags. I can't tell you how many times I've stashed my roller back over the coach bulkhead seats because I was the 5th or 6th F pax to board a 733/734.

The only problem I see with the zone boarding is if everyone with a DM number boards in zone 3.

For VFFs, this whole zone thing is irrelevent (I'm still in Zone 1), but it should make the on-time pushes a whole lot easier to come by (based on my ancillary experiences with UA and AA).
So far the only glitch here is the customers whom printed their online BP's at home dont have the Zone printed on the printout ..... Maybe it will get loaded after 24hrs
ClueByFour said:
The only problem I see with the zone boarding is if everyone with a DM number boards in zone 3.


This isnt the way it ended it. Either some thought about it again and changed it or it wasnt stated right in the original Manager Briefing. The US4s boarded with everyone else.
Well, even if it's not clear that the company will survive a likely bankruptcy, it also makes no sense to stop attempts at innovation and operational improvements like what happened when the UAL merger was announced. I'm sure that management looked at the experiences of other airlines who implemented zone/group-based boarding (like AA, DL, UA) and decided that US could benefit from using zones to board as well.

As far as I'm aware at Delta, the zones don't correspond directly with the old way of boarding from the rear forward. They board First and Medallion in the first couple of zones, and the subsequent zones are staggered through the aircraft. I believe Zone 3 is at the back, Zone 4 is in the middle, Zone 5 is toward the front, Zone 6 is again towards the back, etc. I guess the idea is that you can board 3, 4, and 5 in quick succession and thus have 3 disparate congested areas. Then you board 6, 7, and 8 again in rapid succession. Hopefully, the different zones are staggered enough so that the congestion is minimized. I haven't yet figured out exactly how AA's zones work but they seem to be different from Delta's. The whole "zone" idea at Delta was tried out at Song; like food-for-sale, that's an idea that made it from Song to mainline pretty quickly.

The zones hopefully make things simpler for gate agents as well, since it's easier to look at a zone number on a boarding pass than a range of row numbers. Hopefully the passengers "get it" as well.
BoeingBoy said:
Part of the problem is that there is "roll-aboard" sized space for only 1/3 of the passengers, not even counting space for smaller carry-on items (talking about the narrowbodys here, don't ride the widebodys enough to know).

Add to that the problem mentioned above - people sitting in the back using overhead space toward the front - and the problem compounds quickly.


True... But not a problem of zone boarding. This is more a problem of the size/amount of carry-ons allowed, load factors, and bin-space dimensions. No matter which "1/3" you allow on first, presumably they will use all of the overhead bin space (Assuming "1/3" is the right number).
You're right, funguy. I didn't mean to imply it was a zone boarding issue specifically.

As for the 1/3, it obviously depends on the size of the roll-a-board. Mine is a little smaller than the usual (but the biggest that fits in the ckpt space provided). It goes in the 737 overhead wheels first, so the 1/3 wouldn't apply if everyone used that size. However, the size most F/A's use is about 2" taller (longer, whatever) so must go in lengthwise and that takes up 1 row's overhead space on that side. Add in the video equipment in the overhead of the 737's that have it and the emergency equipment in the overheads, and I came up with the "guess" of about 1/3.

One thing seems pretty consistant (but not absolute) - once the LF gets to around 85-90%, it's a good bet there'll be gate checked bags because there'll be no more storage room in the cabin.

Oh man, you usairways types are like dinosaurs. AA, LUV, UAL do it so get with the program. it is a piece of cake especially on AA.
i've had it.............AA is now my choice of carrier.
BoeingBoy said:
As for the 1/3, it obviously depends on the size of the roll-a-board. Mine is a little smaller than the usual (but the biggest that fits in the ckpt space provided). It goes in the 737 overhead wheels first, so the 1/3 wouldn't apply if everyone used that size. However, the size most F/A's use is about 2" taller (longer, whatever) so must go in lengthwise and that takes up 1 row's overhead space on that side.

I have a roll-a-board that won't quite fit weels first in some overheads, but wheels LAST or upside down it works fine. If some people were a little creative the space could be much better utilized.
skyflyr69 said:
Oh man, you usairways types are like dinosaurs. AA, LUV, UAL do it so get with the program. it is a piece of cake especially on AA.
i've had it.............AA is now my choice of carrier.

I can see you sticking your tongue out at the whole airline!

That really does hurt, to have a FF from AA kick sand in our faces.

I'm telling mom.
And what about this scenerio.....
Two passengers show up at the gate to board a B1900.....One is a CHPR the other a Silver Preferred.....
Does the boarding agent ask the Silver Preferred to "wait" for the only other pax on the aircraft to board first?
This Zone boarding is a bunch of crap, and it DOES NOT work at AA either.
You guys at CCY....get a life, and start looking at the BIG picture instead of these assinine ways to waste money.
B1900 or A330. Just like every other airline. You board by zones. There is no preference with in a zone. Its first come first serve, next in line kind of deal.

Cannot understand how this costs money. It save aggravation and speeds boarding to help avoid late departures due to boarding.

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